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If you’d just indulge me for a bit for a non-bimbo concept that’s been on my mind for years, finally had the drive to illustarte it. Had this concept in mind of a deaf person on a vacation in a usually lonesome place for fishing.

Usually Sirens call their victims to devour them if old lore doesn’t fail me. Aria here wondering how come her victim isn’t approaching closer taking them by surprise in this image.

it‘s just a concept though, a morbid one perhaps at that. As cute as this romance could be, It doesn’t take from the fact Aria is an actual man-eater in this setting.




I think that's a cute concept, kinda adorable, morbid undertoes but a fluffy surface.


Love the fact that she's colorful and kinda looks like she could be from a kids show and then you're like wait, those teeth look kinda sharp...


That's very interesting, if you have more concept you want to illustrate I don't thing we would mind.


If she's turned into a bimbo would she be able to dive after that?


She is technically from a kids show. Also You might notice the teeth too late considering what's below her teeth.


You have a really good artstyle. I could easily see this image and the story blurb as a fanfic on Fanfiction.


Meanwhile another fisherman is trading tacos for fishes with another siren