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"Mark and Rebecca meet Jessica and Michael at the beach! Jessica is stunned by how much bigger Rebecca is!" was the winning poll option for Spring 2022. I just changed the beach with Rebecca's pool place because it looks cooler.

A crossover is always fun, I remember what I created a couple of years ago  Jessica x Rebecca . Now the difference between these two incredible tall girl is even bigger but they are both amazing! Did you notice, Mark is a bit jealous? Why is Rebecca topless do you ask? Well her breasts don't fit anymore in this old swimsuit!
I hope you like

[Edit: Added a comparison picture and a little archive to save these pictures on your device]



bold zaphod

Some Conversation between Mark and Michael Mark: Good to see you Mike,Its looking like two school kids are out with two adult women Mike: you took words out of my mouth and its particularly enhanced when we with your Rebecca, she is so so tall, i tried looking up being close and all i could manage was see was those huge breasts Mark: Its no different for me too, I always carry an old photo on my phone and by the way its not too long back, just about seven years, when i was kissing her forehead when we both were standing and today i can hardly cross her thigh Mike: Its no different for me, we used to have friendly physical fights with Jessica in the past and i used to pin her down easily but now i have to beg her not to be tough on me. Recently, when she was on phone i tried disturbing her, she with her long hand pushed me to wall while talking and i was found flapping my hands to reach her but in vain Mark: Rebecca is not only the tallest human on the earth but also the strongest. You wouldn't believe, when we went for a hike midway going up my ankle sprained, she simply carried me up the hill and back without a sweat. i try to be careful around her as she can hurt me unknowingly Mike: By the way how long are strides and how do you keep up when you walk with her. It will be good to see how many normal steps will take to cover her one stride Mark: We can ask Rebecca and she will willingly show. I am told she will continue to grow taller and it will not be too long before i can stand between her legs. Mike: i will possibly be able to stand straight under Rebecca's long legs. By the way we are two luckiest men on the planet to have such sexy, beautiful, super tall giantesses girl friends.