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This one has been really difficult. Starting from the camera following them keeping a good angle, to over a dozen of custom morphs done on her garments. To give the sense of scale I also added Ralph, I think nobody will mind the addition, right? Anyway the whole scene was quite a challenge and took me a lot of time. I'm not totally happy with the results, I added as much details as possible but improving the small details even more would have required to double this amount of time. I hope you can enjoy, she got quite big in the end!



Danny Castle

2 small remarks: 1) It would have been more "realistic" (I know it sounds weird but you know what I mean) if the distance between them increased as Kayce got bigger. 2) I hope you will add archive for easier download. ;)


Hi thanks! I answer to your remarks: 1) he is falling behind during the run, sure it's not a big distance but if I'd done that the comparison thing wouldn't have worked. So I just used a compromise. 2) Done ;)

Jaap de Hoop

Is this what they mean by "runner's high?"