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I've decided to do polls on Mondays to reconfigure something with my schedule. Audio releases will still be Wednesdays!

This week once more we have MAX, whose previous scripts include:
An Incubus Fucks You to Sleep
Teach You a Lesson (Mafia Non-con)
Stolen Sweater (Fucking While Wearing His Clothes)

Read through these options and vote on which one you'd like for them to write next. Whichever one has the most votes will be turned into an actual audio two weeks from now.

Again, higher tiers get more weighted votes. I export the overall data and tabulate the final result individually by cross-checking tiers and stuff since Patreon doesn't have a function for granting more votes based on tiers.

Also, you can submit any ideas and scenarios you'd like for me to perform on this doc!

I hope you're all doing well!!!


Script 1: Phone Sex, Friends to Lovers

[M4A] [Mild D/S & BDSM Fantasies] [Verse (Not Strictly Top or Bottom)] [Phone Sex] [Voice Kink] [Mutual Masturbation] [Technically Starts Dubcon But Actually Consensual] [Friends to Lovers] [A Little Silly/Playful] [Aftercare]

After moving to a new city, you've been spending more time in vc with a long time friend—one of those odd circumstances where distance brings you closer. You've even fallen asleep on calls together by accident, and while things have always been platonic before, you're starting to wonder if maybe this is leading to something more. The tension that's slowly been building up comes to a head one night when he compliments your voice twice in the span of five minutes. He's done it plenty of times before, but this time you find out just how much he *really* likes it.
(Tl;dr speaker slips up and accidentally reveals your voice turns him on, leading to some spicy phone sex.)

Script 2: Shower Sex & Foot Stuff

[M4M] [MSub] [Mild D/S] [Comforting] [Shower Sex] [Massage] [Feet Kink] [FEET KINK I SAY] [Footjob] [Masturbation] [New-ish Relationship] [Kink Discovery/Reassurance] [Yes, Sir]

You and your boyfriend haven’t been together very long yet, but you decide it’s been long enough to invite him over to your place for the first time. He’s been stressed from work, and you want to help him relax with a massage. Both of you make an unexpected discovery when you touch his feet, and that leads to the most fun shower you’ve ever had.
(IT’S FEET TIME, enrifoot in chat if you’re a true believer)

Script 3: Kidnapped Speaker

[M4A] [MSub] [Bottom Speaker] [CNC (Consensual Non-Consent)] [RACK (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink)] [Roleplay] [Kidnapping] [Bondage] [Threats] [Gunplay] [Knifeplay] [Fearplay] [Gags] [Face Slapping] [Maybe Degradation] [Maybe Some Toys] [Aftercare] [I love you’s]

Your boyfriend has had a dark fantasy for years that he’s never felt safe enough to act out before, but he trusts you completely. So after talking through the scene extensively, you roleplay kidnapping, threatening, and non-conning him.
PLS READ THE TAGS: This one is CNC roleplay with safewords, but it’ll still be pretty intense with the speaker begging to stop/not to hurt him, etc. Possibly some crying, we’ll see. (But the point is, huge trigger warning for fantasy noncon, kidnapping, and weapons).



I really wanted to do the third one but the first one won ;_; I'm gonna guide the next poll so that it's in the same realm as those last two