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Hey, thanks for your donation!  It really helps fuel the blood and sweat poured in to do all of this and it really means a lot to me that you decided to donate to me.

You may access the Patreon Gold Tier exclusive models under the Download tag and can receive access to the Quintessential downloads under things tagged Quintessential.
You may also access the Patreon exclusive MEGA for animations and whatever else I may decide to throw in there in the links of each post.

If you require assistance, just give me a shout!

Thanks again and enjoy! <3
Added: 2024-02
Hey, thanks for your donation!  It really helps fuel the blood and sweat poured in to do all of this and it really means a lot to me that you decided to donate to me.

You may access the Patreon exclusive MEGA for animations and whatever else I may decide to throw in there in the links of each post. Most things are tagged accordingly, but if you require assistance, just give me a shout.

Thanks again and enjoy! <3
Added: 2023-03