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Well then, it was time to continue.

Brackett 3

Link Vs. Young Link - Young Link is a bit worried but knows he can get ahead in this tournament. Link thinks Young Link is just using his older self as a crutch even though they're essentially their own person, technically. The idea of a younger version of himself beating an older version of himself is ridiculous anyway. Right?


The final destination stage was alive again, this time with two new combatants. It was Young Link and his future counterpart… Link.

“Are you absolutely SURE about this?” Link asked his younger self with a sigh, standing with his arms crossed.

“Y-Yes! Absolutely. Look at me! I’m a warrior!” Young Link stood proudly before holding up a small bottle. “I’ve also got MILK!”

Link raised a brow.

Young Link slowly began to comprehend his words and felt a blush creep onto his face.

With a shake of the head, he brandished his sword and kept it out in front of him. “W-Whatever. Let us engage in combat! I will prove my worth by defeating you.”

Link sighed but tried his best to respect the wishes of this younger version of himself. He brandished his sword as well and stood at the ready. He truly didn’t wish to harm him as it was the same as harming himself, certainly, but more importantly, he didn’t like the idea of trampling on the ideals of this young one. It would literally hit too close to home for him.

“I suppose it's a given that he would remind me of myself but it doesn’t make it any less strange.” Link muttered.

“READY--!” The announcer’s voice came in. “GO!”

That was their cue to fight!

The two of them charged at one another, the box containing the items that would seal the other’s fate shaking as they moved with a thunderous charge. Link’s charge was noticeably more thunderous than that of his younger self though.

When they clashed, it made for quite the shockwave… however, the might of Young Link was truly being tested as the little boy felt his face begin to sweat and his face grunt as he was pushed back. He could only push as hard as he could with gritted teeth as Link leered down at him with a focused glare.

“You wanted this.” Link reminded the kid. 

Young Link kept his grip and his wits about him, feeling the breeze waft by his tunic. He blushed at the mere thought of it flowing up and revealing his undies to the viewing audience. Why oh why did he delight in wearing his garments this way?

“HA!” Link finally followed through with his attack, increasing the pressure of their clash in a manner that Young Link simply was not able to properly overpower!

“EEP!” Young Link sweated and shrieked as Link’s attack smacked his sword aside and made the poor boy go spinning in mid air. Link was further ahead of Young Link now while Young Link spun like a top for a bit before slamming onto the ground with his face in the dirt and one leg crossed over the other. 

“Oww…” He moaned, struggling to properly stand up. He was blushing because he knew for a fact that the audience got a nice eye-full of his fairy themed underoos. He tried to ignore the sound of giggles ringing in his brain, the ones he couldn’t hear but knew were happening, and bounced back up.

He immediately reached behind him and tossed his boomerang right over at Link.

Link’s ear twitched and he spun around to take a slash at it. “I warned you. This is your punishment!”

Young Link grinned as Link said this. Link’s overarching sword slash completely missed the boomerang!

Link gasped, surprised by that. He didn’t have enough time to get over the surprise before the boomerang soared over and smashed him across the face!

Link stumbled back, keeping a tight grip on his sword before flopping onto his back. He grunted, feeling himself sear with a bit of pain as he saw a flash of underwear in his line of sight. The shadow above him with Young Link swinging down at him from above, flashing his undies at him with an upskirt shot.

“HYAAAAAAAH~!” Young Link screamed, ready to do a majestic follow-through attack.

Link grunted and spun to the side, watching as Young Link’s sword sank into the dirt. Link didn’t waste any time raising his foot and booting Young Link to the side to separate them again.

Once they had enough distance, Link examined his body a bit. There was a bruise on his face and the back of his outfit was a bit torn from the landing. Other than that he was fine.

Young Link tumbled and groaned, landing at the edge of the stage…

When Young Link opened his eyes he shrieked and scooted back. “AH! Oh… darn it…!”

He still had an ace up his sleeve. He leered over, watching as Link had gathered his spirit and was charging with his sword drawn!

Young Link had to do something!

“HYAH!” Link took a swing, attempting to hit Young Link yet again, this time with a bigger arch that would send him flying all the way off the stage this time.

Young Link panicked and decided to execute his hastily hatched plan immediately. He took out a small bomb and tossed it right at Link’s face as he drew in super close!

Link had already committed to the slash by the time he did this and ended up cutting into the bomb!


Young Link tucked and rolled with his hands on his head before coming to a stop a bit further back from the edge. With a shaky wince, he looked up and looked over at Link.

When the smoke cleared, Link was standing there flabbergasted with his eyes crossed and his top in complete tatters. His undershirt was still stable enough but he was in a huge haze. Link attempted to take a step forward but his scatterbrained head didn’t register that he was on the edge of the platform… until he was almost about to fall!

“GAH!” Link yelped, feet replanting themselves onto the ground as he wobbled with his arms making swimming motions. He eventually steadied himself and flopped onto his butt, hand clasped to his chest.

“Y-You!” Link turned, grunting with a bit of rage. The nerve to actually toss a bomb at him. It’s a good thing his bombs were pretty sad compared to the Smash Bros. Bomb-Ombs but still!

“YAH!” Young Link had made a battle cry of justice as he charged yet again, this time with his boomerang overhead. Link winced and reached over, grasping Young Link by the throat for a split second and then tossing him to the ground. “GAGH!”

Link panted a bit. He hated doing that but this kid was starting to push him and he wasn’t fond of what that meant. “Sorry but I’ll have to end this sooner than I thought.”

Link then kicked Young Link in the butt and sent him tumbling. “OWWWIEEEE!” Young Link screeched, rolling before grabbing at his bottom.

Link jumped and landed right before him with his fists by his sides. “Now then, it's time I ended you with your dignity still properly intact…!” 

Link raised his leg… and then his other leg was bashed to the side with Young Link’s boomerang!

“YEEEEP!” Link screeched, teeth clenching as he was caught off-guard once more. Now he was about to fall onto his butt. However, as he was falling, Young Link was getting up and drawing his sword as he did so.

When Link slammed to the ground, Young Link stood up with an unsheathing that doubled as a sword strike across Link’s body!


Young Link panted as he stood over regular Link… he then leered down at Link’s body as it laid there flat with a vertical line slashed through his clothes.

Young Link smirked… then gasped and backed away when Link stumbled to his feet.

“That was… an impressive move…” Link said, trying to remain calm… but he still looked angry. He got even more angry when the tatters of his clothes fluttered more and more off of him. His pants in particular were ruined. They might as well have been shredded rags. Link’s tunic was still fairly functional though so thankfully his underwear wasn’t showing like Young Link’s was… however, every jump he made would now see to it that he risked flashing his undies like Young Link did. His pants were basically destroyed. It made him upset.

“How’s this for a follow-through though!” Link snapped, charging with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Young Link gulped and backed up, keeping his sword drawn and ready… before he was too late!


Young Link was sent spiraling into the air and then made a harsh crash onto the ground, spread-eagle and wide-eyed.

Link sighed as he stopped and stood on one knee, sword pressed against the dirt. “There… that’s what we call a finishing… blow?”

Link was confused suddenly. He turned around and overlooked Young Link’s body to catch quite the surprise. 

The boy had blocked the attack at the last second by holding out his boomerang in front of his sword for a double block!

Link grunted but stood up and went to charge in again. “Impressive maneuver!”

Young Link panted, struggling to get back onto his feet. “I-I thought so…” That was a last minute move he did. He knew Link’s sword was going to overpower his own so he used two weapons at once… and now he wasn’t going to be able to do it again unless…!

Young Link quickly turned around and tossed his boomerang at Link.

Link, ever the fast swordsman, ducked his head back. He fixed himself and attempted to keep charging but… wasn’t able to.


Link’s eyes crossed and he felt a trickle of pee travel down his legs.

Young Link had just punted him in the crotch!

“AAAIEEEEP!” Link shrieked, blushing and grabbing his front before hopping in place. “Y-You…!”

“S-Sorry! I know you’re a better swordsman than me. You’re bigger and stronger too… but…” Young Link grabbed his sword and got into a battle stance. “The imagination of a child isn’t to be underestimated!”

Link snarled, gripping his sword tightly now, hating that he got some of his urine on the hilt. He was blushing madly, trying not to press his legs together so that he could have a good overarching swing. 

“Well too bad!” Link snapped, raising his sword again. “Because this final clash will see my sword knocking you asunder!”

Young Link grinned. “Stupid older me. You forget… a sword may strike fast and true but a boomerang does so too… eventually.”

“Eventua-?” Link was in the middle of questioning that when suddenly the tossed boomerang from before beamed him in the back of the head! It had flown back to him, only this time since Link was standing, he was in the way.

Link wobbled and fell forward. His brain had now derped due to the intensely harsh blow to the back of the head. He began drooling too, seeing several Young Links grinning at him. His attempt to hold his bladder failed as more pee traveled down his legs…

“Now then. Let’s try that sword strike clash again!” Young Link shouted, pulling back his sword and going for a harsh and intense swing.

“NO…. NOOOOOOO~! BLEGUH!” Link screamed, unable to do anything as an intense blow was blasted against his body that sent him spiraling in mid-air.

The shreds of his clothes that remained on him dissipated, leaving him fumbling in the air with his just soaked, colorful, kitten themed briefs on.

Link’s eyes were rolling and drool poured out his mouth as he felt his consciousness leave him.


Link flopped onto his back, wetting his briefs, spread-eagle, eyes fluttering shut, out-cold and defeated.

Young Link pressed his sword against the ground before giggling and then raising it high with his foot against Link’s belly in a show of assertive dominance. “YEAH! Now to show YOU who’s the little boy!”

With that, he sauntered over to the box and broke it open. Out rolled a poofy Hello Kitty diaper and a nice pair of baby shortalls with striped socks and a pair of cute baby booties.

Young Link giggled as he sat down and happily stripped Link naked for the viewing audience. He didn’t clean him off, because why would he? Instead, he just set about diapering him up. He patted his front and then shuffled a bit to get the shortalls, socks, baby t-shirt that had “Little Diapered Loser of Hyrule” on it, and the booties on his feet.

Young Link then held the limp, older Link up by his armpits and played with his mouth to make him “say” things.

“Thank you for diapering me Young Link. I was so wrong about you. I feel like an idiot.” Young Link mimicked Link’s voice in a mocking tone. “Aww. You’re welcome, older Link. Now it's off the stage for you!”

With that, he kicked Link in the diapered butt and watched him soar through the air before going splat against the screen. The impact momentarily made his eyes open but they were crossed into each other. He slid down the screen, leaving a thick trail of drool behind, before falling into the abyss below.


“The winner is… YOUNG LINK!”

“YAAAAAAAY!” Young Link shouted and cheered, jumping up and down in excitement while flashing his briefs with each junction. He didn’t even care that he was. At least not right now. When he saw the playback of this he’d probably faint from the embarrassment.


Upon exiting the arena, Young Link found the unconscious Link and dragged him by his arms over to a wheelbarrow. He tossed Link inside of it and then slapped at his face.

“Hnnngh…? Huh…?” Link groaned, eyes opening.

“Heya!” Young Link looked down at him.

Link blinked, momentarily confused, before his eyes got big and he panicked with a blush on his face. “HUH?! HOW DID…? DID I…? DID YOU--?!”

“Yup. I won.” Young Link said. “Despite you being stronger and more skilled… I still beat you. How’s that for a wake up call eh?”

Link was shaking, blushing, and sweating as he looked at Young Link, frozen in terror at this new reality he saw himself in.

“Don’t worry though.” Young Link said, patting Link on the head. “You tried to be a mature adult but you weren’t quite ready to be one. I’LL be re-teaching you though. That way, when you grow up, you’ll be just like ME!”

Link’s eyes twitched and he felt his diaper getting warmer. A loud hissing sound could be heard between them as his diaper sagged a bit in the shortalls. Link just peed himself from the humiliation.

Link’s brain seemed to snap at that last line from Young Link. He sighed and fainted, flopping back into the wheelbarrow with his tongue out and planets with stars circling over his head.

Young Link merely hummed a happy tune as he wheeled him off. “Man. I gotta get me a nursery set up. This is gonna be a blast!”

Sonic and Tails watched Link get carted off with looks of surprise on their faces.

“Wow… that did NOT go the way I thought it would.” Tails said.

Sonic was a bit aghast. “Yeah… yeah I agree. That was… unexpected.” He said this with his arms crossed. Perhaps Smash warfare was more unpredictable than he gave it credit.

He’d have to remember that, witnessing this next match.

The two combatants were Mega Man and Roy. 

One was a serious contender.

The other one wanted to be one but… had a bit of a leakage issue that prevented him from looking that way.


Brackett 4

Mega Man Vs. Roy - Roy is a bit more serious than the others but is also rather straightforward and careful about how he treats everyone. Mega Man is just generally nice, although, his insecurity about his armor may lead him to acting out a bit more than usual if pushed the wrong way.


Mega Man stood on the platform, grumbling and looking down at himself. He was seriously concerned and trying his best to make sure he wasn’t leaking. 

“Hey. Stay focused.” Roy said with his sword already drawn. “This isn’t going to be a walk in the park. I assure you.”

Mega Man gulped but nodded, finally looking up and paying attention now.


Instantly, Mega Man summoned several saws in the palm of his hand and tossed them all as frisbees at Roy.

Roy rushed in and started to bat them away with his sword. Each hard metal clang that happened reverberated throughout the air roughly as he approached Mega Man as fast as he could.

Mega Man jumped back several times to avoid being closed in while summoning more saws and leering ahead before firing them forward some more.

Roy saw this and skidded to a stop, recognizing that he was suddenly surrounded…!

Mega Man smiled brightly when he saw the saws start to close in… then gasped when Roy spun in a circle while delivering continuous harsh slashes across them all!

He batted them all back and watched as Mega Man fell onto his butt from sheer surprise.

Roy immediately charged at him in the confusion and landed a diagonal strike that saw Mega Man spinning in mid-air!

“EEEEEEEEEP~!” Mega Man grunted with his eyes crossed.

He landed face down in the dirt with his legs sticking up and hunching over his back.

Roy skidded to a stop again and pulled back his sword ready to make another powerful thrust.

Mega Man’s eyes were rolling as he slowly began lifting his head up. He took a sideways glance at the box that would house the items that would punish the loser and grumble with despair. 

He could feel the attack coming and tried to be properly prepared for it by attempting to close his legs around the sword when the thrust came forward… but it didn’t work!


“AAAGH!” Mega Man screeched when Roy jabbed and hit the metal plating around his crotch area. The poor robot boy rolled and slid to a stop at the edge of the platform.

“Whoops. I guess I shouldn’t have aimed there.” Roy said, wincing a bit. It was the clear target though. He just took the opportunity. It was no hard feelings on his end.

Mega Man might not see it that way. His face was scrunched up in extreme pain and he was blushing quite a bit before…

“EEEEYOOOWWIEEEEE~!” Mega Man shot up, grabbing his crotch and landing hard onto his feet. He jumped up and down in pain, eyes tearing up. “GAAAAAH! Why do I feel so much pain!?”

Roy raised a brow. A sword to the crotch would hurt anyone, even a robot.

“MMMNNNNGH!” Mega Man’s eyes twitched before he leered forward some more in anger… then blushed a deeper shade of red when he realized it was happening.

“Uh… y-you… uhm…” Roy stammered, feeling himself blush a bit from second-hand embarrassment.

Mega Man looked down and saw the oil leaking out of his metal casing and pooling a bit around his legs. 

“...AAAAUGH! People always call my armor metal diapers and it’s not true!” Mega Man shouted, cocking his laser and charging forward with the oil coming out in a miniature waterfall.

Roy prepared himself as Mega Man charged and fired off angry blasts at him. Roy batted them all away and watched as he drew closer before gasping a bit when Mega Man tripped and slipped on his own liquid before face-planting the ground.

Luckily this meant Roy’s sword strike missed and soared over his head.

Unluckily, Mega Man was groaning with little E-Tanks with wings floating around his head. “Ahmanguh…? Huh?”

Roy spun his sword and went to stab down at him… which made a jab go into his so-called metal diaper, right on the butt area.

Mega Man scrunched up his face and screamed again, shooting up and grabbing his booty again.

He cried and ran around in a circle, whining a loud and cursing up a storm. Despite being a good boy the pain from both the front and back of his private areas was nothing to sneeze at.


Roy sweatdropped.

He really wasn’t trying to hurt this boy in those areas. He just… looked so odd. He couldn’t tell if he was a robot or a boy wearing super thick armor or what…?

“Sorry… I guess I’ll just make this a quick finish then.” Roy said, rushing forward… and slipping on the oil that had leaked everywhere!

Roy didn’t even notice it with Mega Man running everywhere but… the entire field was an oil slick now!

Roy was off his feet and the sword flung out of his hands, blinking in surprise.

Mega Man had his eyes closed and was really pissed off, trying to keep the tears from flowing. “I can’t… I can’t…!” He snapped and pointed his gun out before charging it as hard as he could. “I’m just gonna fire my strongest blast! Maybe it’ll destroy the platform and give me hope for a surprise win…?”

He wasn’t properly looking so he didn’t know his cannon was pointed at Roy as he was floating in mid-fall.


“AGH!” Roy yelped, trying to cover his face with his arms before he got bombarded with a final smash attack! It had built up from the constant pain and it was all coming to fruition in one focused attack!

When the atack finished firing off, the smoke that was left behind was palpable. Mega Man finally opened his eyes and looked ahead with surprise at the loud thump he heard after his blast ended.

Roy was laying spread-out on his back, clothes blown away, stripped down to his tighty whities. His eyes were anime swirls and a dazed, opened mouth, drooling smile was plastered on his dizzy face.

Mega Man blinked. “Eh…?”

There was also a large bump on Roy’s head. Apparently after he took the full blast, he finally hit the floor and banged his head against the ground.

“Oh hey…! I WON!” Mega Man shouted, eyes shimmering with delight. He fired at the prize box and watched as the items he wanted poured out.

It was one really huge, poofy diaper with a bib and pacifier in there.

Mega Man, giggling like a school child, went over to Roy and lifted his butt. The poor boy didn’t move. He was unconscious. The robot boy didn’t really seem to comprehend just how lucky he got there. With his little robot hand, he stripped Roy of his loser underwear and pressed his butt down onto the poofy diaper he rolled out before powdering him and taping it up.

Mega Man then placed the bib on his neck as well as the pacifier on a string and rolled him over so that he could admire the special print on Roy’s diaper bottom.

It was a picture of him, Mega Man, smiling brightly and raising a thumbs up while saying. “Enjoy Your Mega Pamps, Loser!”

Mega Man smiled and pushed Roy off the side of the stage, letting him fall and explode into the Smash fireworks that signified a loss.




“Ahaha! No hard feelings mister.” Mega Man held out his hand to Roy in the lobby.

The red haired fighter was blushing with a frowny face and his hands on the front of his diaper. He was ashamed to admit that he didn’t exactly know to take it off so he was a little desperate for the potty right now. He opened his mouth to ask but by that time Mega Man was saunting off, giggling in happiness.

Roy lowered his finger before grabbing himself and racing off. He’d deal with the humiliation of his loss later.

“That was unexpected too.” Tails said looking ahead, kicking his feet while sitting on the bench. “Mega Man looked like he was gonna lose.”

“That happens sometimes I guess.” Sonic shrugged. “He was so worried about leaking oil but it ended up granting him the win in the end. Heh. Oh well. It’s time to move on.”


Brackett 5

Pit Vs. Dark Pit - Despite the fact that Dark Pit is supposed to be the cooler, dark reflection of normal Pit, he isn't treated that way at all by his counterpart. Pit literally teases and makes fun of him all the time. He even refers to him as Pitoo, which is just an embarrassing, emasculating name that lets it be known that there's very little real respect there. What can Dark Pit do about that, if anything? Maybe nothing. Maybe he is just a little wimpy loser that looks all cool and edgy.


Brackett 6

Inkling Boy Vs. Lucario - Lucario tries to remain as disciplined as he can which is why Inkling Boy utterly baffles him. Inkling Boy is the exact opposite of Lucario in almost every way. He humiliates himself on the regular and does everything in a sloppy manner. The only way someone like that could beat Lucario would be through fanciful, cartoon accidents. As if.

It was time to see who would win the next round…!



No! How could Roy lose? He was our boy! Still made for an entertaining match, though. Can’t wait for the next chapter!


Ouch! Speaking of embarrassment. How humiliating must it be to lose to a younger version ... even though does that mean young link will go through that in a few years? Speaking of turning weakness into strength, in the end Megaman's accidents gave him victory and without the need to set the oil on fire. Voting is easy for me, Lucario winning, he is in the Top of cool Pokémon. And among angels I actually prefer Dark Pit, the original Pit is pretty cheesy and goofy for my taste.