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The large amount of people viewing this special tournament was palpable and ready for an intense round of humiliations ahead. It was finally time for the first bout.


Brackett 1

Pikachu Vs. Pichu - Pikachu is the older and more mature of the two while Pichu is the baby Pokemon that has found itself catching a whiff of stardom and respect that he's never had before. Pikachu claims it's made Pichu cocky and turned him into a bully but Pichu thinks Pikachu is just afraid and scared that he'll be overtaken and humiliated by a de-evolution of himself. Now's his chance to prove that his newfound respect isn't a fluke.


Pikachu stood across from Pichu with his arms crossed on the flat and uninterruptible platform of Final Destination. Pichu did the same. The two of them were leering at each other. However, the look on Pikachu’s face was significantly less amused than the smug grin on Pichu’s face. Eventually, it became too much and Pikachu grunted with a sigh of frustration.

“It’s sad that I even have to do this. You can’t seriously be this conceited.” Pikachu said, hands now resting in his pockets as he looked Pichu over with significantly decreasing respect. 

Pichu’s grin faded a bit as he started to internally feel the disappointment oozing off of Pikachu’s body. He wasn’t even entertaining the idea of taking him seriously and it was quite upsetting. Even after all he’s done, Pikachu just refused to see things the way he wanted him to.

“This is a tournament match.” Pichu finally spoke up. “You’re gonna fight me to the best of your ability or you’ll get demolished.”

“Oh not to worry. I definitely will.” Pikachu said, taking his hands out and sparking a bit with electrical power. “It won’t be because of the nature of this tournament though. You just need to be taught a lesson. Words fail me so we’re just going to have to do this the disciplinary way.”

“Oh there you go again, talking like you’re my dad or something!” Pichu stomped his foot, really upset.

“Throwing a tantrum now? Try not to pee your pants when I turn you over my knee and spank you for acting like such a brat.” Pikachu snapped.

Pichu was red in the face with anger. However, he calmed down and eventually began giggling. Pikachu was confused by that action until Pichu spoke up.

“Man. I’m actually really glad that you said that.” Pichu mused. “Because it’ll make it real ironic when both of those things happen to you.”

They were fighting on a large platform with their fellow fighters and an entire international viewing audience watching. The only crate beside them was the new item added for the humiliation tourney; the Punishment Crate. What was inside would be whatever the winner wished to have when it came time to humiliate the loser.

Pikachu was astonished by Pichu’s change in demeanor. The upset nature of his tantrum had just melted away at the mere thought of dominating him.

It made Pikachu really upset.


The announcer’s voice was a godsend to Pikachu. He got on all fours and then charged right at Pichu, ready to completely demolish and punish this little brat for being so demonstrably cocky. 

Pichu was still grinning and at the very last second, he took his hands out and started exchanging blows with his evolved form in a battle that looked like a super-charged electric slapfight.

Eventually, the two of them grappled with each other, hands clenched against one another and teeth clenched. Pikachu looked more upset while Pichu looked like he was having the time of his life.

“Is this joke that funny to you?” Pikachu asked, grunting with disdain.

“Who’s joking? You? If so it would explain why you’re sucking so much!” Pichu said.

Before Pikachu could spit back a response, Pichu rolled backwards and landed on his back. Then, with a smile, he pulled back his feet and then slammed them both into Pikachu’s gut to suspend him up. 

“OOF!” Pikachu grunted, embarrassingly letting out a tiny fart when his gut got pushed in like that. He blushed but kept himself concentrated on Pichu and charged up his electricity. “Is that all you got?”

“Nope. It’s probably all you can take though.” Pichu smiled wider. “Because you won’t be able to handle what’s about to happen!”

As Pikachu was attempting to shock Pichu, he suddenly felt the strands of his fur stand on end. His eyes widened when he realized what was about to happen and felt a jolt of sudden panic hit him. He jolted to try and move away but it was too late. Lightning was pretty fast.

A volt of electricity bolted down from the sky and instead of striking Pichu, it struck Pikachu!

“NO WAAAAJZZZZZZZZRRRRKKKK!” Pikachu screeched, eyes crossing as he was struck hard with that powerful bolt. He was fried rather hard, to the point where holes were burned into the knees of his jeans as well as his backside. Embarrassingly, this showed off Pikachu’s jigglypuff underoos to the large viewing audience.

Pikachu was jittering and making weird, humorous gurgling sounds as he was finally let go by Pichu. He flopped over onto his back, humping at the air and spasming about on the ground. Pichu was laughing like a mad lad, pointing at Pikachu’s crotch as he saw it start to get a little wet in the front.

“Oh man. See? I knew it’d be great. YOU peed your pants!” Pichu teased.

Pikachu grunted and struggled to sit up. Eventually, he did so and angrily leered at Pichu… only to blush and cover his butt when he realized his undies were on display. 

“Y-You… I-I didn’t… that… that was sweat!” Pikachu snapped.

Pichu laughed harder. “That was sweat! WAAAAH!” He wailed in a babyish voice, clearly mocking the older Pokemon. Pikachu’s face flared up in an intense red glow.

Pichu kept teasing though. “Did you wet yourself from the electric shocks? Did you wet yourself from the fear you have of me? Or… maybe you did neither and you wet yourself because getting beaten up makes you EXCITED!”

“SHUT UP!” Pikachu charged at Pichu and went to try and punch at Pichu rapidly now. He was uncoordinated and sloppy now due to being so upset. Pichu was practically dancing out of the way of Pikachu’s strikes, all while keeping that smug smile on his face. The more Pikachu saw that smile, the angrier he got that it wasn’t caved in by his fist and ironically, the sloppier he got.

“Okay. I think that’s enough.” Pichu eventually said, charging up his fist with electricity before zooming it forward and blasting a powerful punch into Pikachu’s gut! “OOOOOOOFUGH!”

Pikachu’s face was hilarious. His eyes were rolling, his mouth was in a pained “O” shape, and the electricity was tattering the rest of his clothes. His pants were atoms at this point and his shirt was basically a torn rag now. Pikachu was still standing but the way his body was jittering and bucking made him look like a malfunctioning vibrator.

He could deny he was wet all he wanted but Pichu and the audience could see something soaking the front of his briefs. There was no way he was going to be able to hide it, whether it was pee or something else now.

“Aren’t you an evolved form of me? Why does the electric shocks of a Pichu work so well on you?” Pichu asked.

“N-Nooouuuu… t-they d-d-don’t… hurk…!” Pikachu stumbled, trying to assert whatever dominance he thought he still had left.

“HAH!” Pichu smashed his fist into Pikachu’s face once, twice, three times, and then over and over again, battering his face about like he was a JoJo character. He laughed as he watched Pikachu’s body flop about from the hits too. 

Eventually, he stopped and watched as Pikachu’s eyes rolling body started to teeter over with stars and planets circling over his head. Pichu had to grab the rag of his so-called shirt to keep him suspended.

“How are you feeling now, Baby Pokemon?” Pichu asked.

“MoMma…? M-My fAvOrItE cOloR iS sEvEN!” Pikachu said, opening his maw and letting drool cake his mouth. He was seeing seven Pichu’s laughing at him in his field of hazy vision. Literally the only reason he was still standing was because Pichu was holding the remains of his shirt.

“Now then. Time for your spanking. You’ve been a BAD BABY after all!” Pichu said, yanking Pikachu onto the ground. He rested on his chin while Pichu propped his huge butt up like he was molding clay. Then with a spark of electricity in the palm of his hand… he got to administering his punishment!


“AAAIEEEEEEEEEEK!” Pikachu came alive for a second there, screaming and tears flying everywhere when the spanks rained down on his hiney. His butt glowed a bit red as he felt the sparks zap into him. “AAAUGH! ST-STAAAAHP! PWEASE! AAUGH!”

“Would you have stopped had I begged you to if it were me?” Pichu asked.

Pikachu only jittered and panted, eyes glazing over again as he took in the momentary lapse in spanks.

“No? Well then let’s continue!” Pichu smirked, charging his palm again and letting the electric, taser-like spanks rain down!




Pikachu was jittering and spasming all over Pichu’s lap. He was barely conscious now as the electricity shot through his butt and his body.

Pichu smiled and pushed Pikachu up onto his feet. He knew that his limbs were basically noodles now though. The lights were barely on and no one was home.

“TIMBER!” Pichu shouted.

Then Pikachu fell backwards and went splat onto his back, spasming and humping the air again. The wet spot only grew with a noticeable nub on the front of his briefs sticking straight up like a tiny little flag of surrender.

Pichu planted his foot onto Pikachu’s gut and raised his fist. That said it all.

Pikachu had just been humiliated in front of all the other fighters and an entire international audience by a Pichu. The results of this would no doubt see an increase in demand for Pichu over him. His Smash days had been damaged unquestionably by this monumental loss!

Still, there was one last thing to do.

Pichu smirked as he punched the Punishment crate and out tumbled the items he wanted. “For your punishment, I’m gonna put you into a big poofy diaper with prints of ME on them.” He said holding up a diaper with prints of his smiling face all over them. Pikachu couldn’t protest even if he wanted to, which he assuredly would. Unfortunately, he was busy laying on the ground, spread out and spread-eagle for the viewers.

Pichu shimmied off Pikachu’s wet briefs and let them flop to the ground beside him with a wet SPLAT. He then cleaned his crotch off and laid a diaper under his bum. He sprinkled the powder onto his front and then taped it up before patting his front down. Pikachu was snoring now with drool coming out of his mouth.

“Nope. No nappy poos!” Pichu said, lifting Pikachu up by his armpits. “You’re being rude to our guests who want to see you up close! SHOW EVERYONE YOUR NEW PAMPS, YOU BABY POKEMON!” He shouted as he tossed Pikachu clear off the stage and watched him go SPLAT against the screen!

Pikachu was awakened by the impact, eyes still crossed but aware enough to recognize his position. He looked through the screen and saw all the laughing and judgmental eyes of the people that witnessed him lose in a fight against a baby Pokemon!

He groaned as he slid down the screen and then fell into the chasm below before exploding into sparkles. 

“GAME!” The announcer’s voice boomed. “THE WINNER IS… PICHU!”

Pichu did another fist pump on the results screen, signaling his victory.


“Wow… he got demolished.” Tails said with his arms crossed. 

“Yeah.” Fox stood next to Tails, putting a hand on his shoulder with a smile. “That’s what happens when you lose your grip. Stay strong fellow fox. I’ve got a wolf to spank.” He said with a kind wink before walking over to the character select room.

Sonic stood with his arms crossed and smiled. “Hmm. This’ll be interesting.”

Meanwhile, Pikachu had just been spat back into the lobby area with everyone, wearing his new diaper and wobbling about, drool on his face and fighting to stay awake.

“P-Pichu… Pichu is… g-gonna spank me mommy… g-gotta run away…” Pikachu said this, muttering to himself as he was barely conscious.

“Run away? From ME?” Pichu’s voice echoed from behind Pikachu, making the older Pokemon freeze in place.

Pikachu slowly turned to see the grinning face of the one who just demolished him. Instantly he froze and a shiver went down his spine. His newly acquired diaper started to sag from a wetting spell as his eyes rolled up and he fell back, having fainted from the intense fear.

Luckily, the medical team had come out in search of Pikachu and caught him onto their stretcher when he fell over. He was spasming and drooling again despite being unconscious once more.

Pichu smirked and waved as he saw Pikachu being taken away. “Bye bye. Remember, losing to a de-evolution makes YOU the Baby Pokemon. I look forward to diapering you again.”

Fox stood in the Character Select Room and waited for a bit before Wolf stomped his way in. “So… looking forward to your padding too?”

Wolf snarled at him. “Be quiet.”

It was time for Brackett 2.


Brackett 2

Fox Vs. Wolf - Wolf finds Fox annoying and in need of a beating so that he can wipe that confident smirk off his face. Fox, however, only smirks this way because he can see through Wolf. Underneath that tough exterior is a guy whose just waiting to beg and grovel like a dommed little puppy. The image in his mind of seeing Wolf act like the bottom bitch he knows he is keeps him going. But will it happen?


Fox and Wolf stood across from each other with the Punishment crate in the center of the platform. Fox was smiling as usual. Wolf wasn’t.

“What’s up? You seem more upset than usual. Afraid you’re about to discover another side of yourself… again?” Fox asked, raising a brow.

Wolf just stared at him before reaching into his pocket and whipping out a laser.

“BEGIN!” The announcer shouted.

“Hey. Ever wonder what’ll happen if we open the punishment crate before we see who the winner is?” Wolf asked.

“...?” Fox was a bit confused by that.

“What’s inside might be what the winner wants still.” Wolf smirked. “As in… it may know who the winner is.”

“... W-Wait… you’re suggesting that it… huh?” Fox blinks, feeling his heart beat a bit faster.

“Scared?” Wolf asked, pointing his laser at the box. “If your stuff spills out, you won’t have anything to worry about though so it’s fine. Let’s find out!” Wolf grinned and blasted at the box.

Fox felt sweat go down the side of his face before he jumped and landed in front of the crate to reflect the laser. Wolf smirked and reflected the laser back! 

Fox was about to do it again but saw Wolf attempting to jump over him and stopped to jump too. When he did though, Wolf fired again and blasted Fox’s pants away!

“GAH!” Fox blushed, now suddenly hovering in mid air with tighty whities that were covered in cute prints centered on PBS Kids’ Arthur. It was adorable. “What are you--?” Fox scrambled to cover himself, forgetting his was in mid air for a second.

Wolf shot down and slammed his fist hard against Fox’s gut, making him sputter and wheeze before smashing against the ground. He gasped and choked with his legs up and tried to squirm away.

Wolf smirked and grabbed Fox by his arms, hoisting him up and keeping his arms pinned behind his back. “AAAAAUGH!”

“Now then… who were you saying was a little pup?” Wolf whispered into Fox’s ear. “You seem to be the one who’s losing right now.”

“N-NOOO!” Fox winced, struggling to move away. Wolf pressed his knee against Fox’s crotch to keep his legs apart, which made Fox start to blush. “AUGH! Y-You jerk! Y-You’re the one who can’t ever beat… me…!”

“You’ve been talking a lot about dominating me. But I wonder… is the reason you talk so much about it because you want it done to you, yourself?” Wolf asked, pressing his knee against Fox’s crotch even harder while keeping his arms restrained. 

“What? N-No! It was you! I could see it in your eyes whenever I beat you! Y-You’re just a little pup! Just aaAAAAAUGH!” Fox squealed when he tightened his grip and pressed his knee against his crotch some more. Fox winced and felt tears well up in his eyes. He fought as hard as he could but then… the inevitable happened.

The front of his briefs got wet.

“AUGH!” Fox yelped and looked down with a blush on his face. 

“Hah! So you were the little pup after all. This is barely anything and it’s gotten you all excited.” Wolf licked his lips before finally taking action and slamming Fox onto the ground, headfirst against it!

Fox gasped, eyes crossing and his butt raised. He jittered about before flopping to the ground and spasmed. 

“Look at you humping the ground like a doggy in heat. Don’t worry though, you’ll have plenty of time to let whatever’s in your system out. No one will see it because it’ll match the whiteness of the diaper that’s going on you.” Wolf said, reaching down and grabbing Fox by the back of his head.

Fox grunted and attempted to grab his weapon. He was shaky and sweaty, hating how his confidence and assuredness of Wolf’s disposition had so easily been turned on him. Because he was so shaky though, Wolf was able to knock the weapon out of his head and then crammed his elbow at the back of Fox’s head.

“WAAAAGH!” Fox screamed as he began falling forward… that was until Wolf gave a large slash across Fox’s back that demolished the top he had on, leaving him to flump to the ground in just his briefs.

“Give up.” Wolf said, pressing his foot onto Fox’s butt. Fox groaned and was drooling a bit. His eyes were rolling too. He needed to hurry and put an end to this rare dominant streak Wolf was on.

Fox spun over to knock Wolf’s foot off of him. He succeeded.

He then reached up to try and grab at his neck. Wolf realized what he was attempting to do and zipped to the side before slamming his knee into Fox’s gut! 

“HOOOOOGUH!” Fox’s mouth hung open and he slumped over, draped over Wolf’s knee like a shag carpet. 

Wolf then used his knee to bump Fox up before he spun around and landed a flurry of punches across his face, chest, and yes, even his excited little crotch.

When he pulled back, he smiled brightly, having fun for the first time in a long time since joining the Smash roster. It was the image of seeing Fox drooling and wobbling in place, wearing nothing but a pair of kiddy underoos that were getting increasingly more soaked.

Who’d have thought that Fox’s constant wins would be his undoing? He was sure that Wolf was the one who wanted dominance and to be treated like a pup but… that being put into his head led to his downfall here.

Wolf rushed forward and went behind Fox, grappling him into a choke hold.

“GAAGH!” Fox grunted and pulled as Wolf’s arm, tongue out and eyes fluttering as he tried to not pass out. It was no use though. It got even worse when Wolf continued taunting him.

“Shhh… go to sleep baby pup. You’ll be nice and diapered when you wake up…!” Wolf sneered.

Fox’s jittered and let out a tiny gasp before slumping over. His eyes were half open despite being out cold. He laid them down and slumped to the ground, flopping and jittering like a fish. 

Wolf wasn’t delicate so neither was Fox’s diaper change. He got the soaked briefs off and slipped the diaper onto Fox’s butt, taping it up and then winding up his foot to boot him in the butt…!


Fox slammed into the screen and watched with his eyes barely open as the people pointed and laughed at him. Tails didn’t though. He just stood in astonishment as Fox slid off the screen with his diaper starting to sag and tint yellow as he soaked himself…




Fox was carried off on a stretcher while Tails watched. Wolf came out and stomped his way past Tails with a snarl. 

“All that ever matters is who wins in the very end.” Wolf said slyly. “I’m going to go deliver that Baby Fox a pacifier now.”

Tails sighed. “Welp… guess there went my fellow fox in arms.”

“Don’t sweat it, you’ll still have me… up until we have to fight I guess.” Sonic tried to be reassuring.

Up next, the fate of two links followed by the fate of the leaky robot and the serious Roy.

Stay tuned for the next two matches.

Young Link Vs. Link and Mega Man Vs. Roy.

Who will win?


Sorry this one was so late. It was actually halfway finished yesterday but my laptop conked out on me and I lost all I had saved up so I had to rewrite it. I think what I have here is slightly better though so it's cool. Time to vote on the next two matches though. Who will have their reputation ruined for life next?



Wow! The fight between Pichu and Pikachu was quite one-sided, speaking of being demolished. It seems that the same thing happened for Wolf and Fox, all the blows are taken by the loser and he is unable to strike the enemy.