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"Are you leaving for the Smash Bros. Tournament today?" Tails asked, a solemn look on his face as he stood there in his wife beater and navy blue short shorts. He was still rubbing away the sleep sand from his eyes as it had been very early in the morning for him when Sonic just bolted up from the couch and started whizzing about the room to prepare. The blue hedgehog was so taken by surprise that when Tails came downstairs, he caught him in his briefs a bit as he was hiking his pants up. 

Sonic, ever the modest type and the one in desperate need to remain the coolest, hoisted his pants up as fast as he could when he heard Tails heading down the steps, only that time he wasn't fast enough. Tails caught sight of the smiling face of Elmo on his undies. The fox decided not to say anything though.

"Yup, yup." Sonic said quickly, putting his jacket on. "I'm heading out right now. It's the Smash Ultimate Emasculation Tourney and I REALLY don't wanna miss it. It's gonna be super juicy!"

"Oh really? That sounds kind of scandalous." Tails said, raising a brow. "Didn't they announce this thing like a month in advance? You'd think more info about it would have reached the general public by now..."

"It has. You're the only one in the dark about it buddy. You spend so much time tinkering in your garage, you probably didn't catch wind of the conditions of this thing. It's going to be a match-up of sixteen participants and the special surprise for the audience is that the losers get to face a really, really humiliating punishment brought upon by the whims of the winner. The pool of items for Smash are already pretty huge but it got ten times huger because of all the implements we get to use when we beat our opponents today."

"Implements... you mean you can do whatever you want to the loser?" Tails asked, astonished.

"Why so surprised? It's already so violent. The next natural step is humiliation by emasculating punishment." Sonic laughed. 

"And you're EXCITED for this?" Tails raised another confused brow. "What if they make you do something REALLY embarrassing. Like, the R-rated kind of embarrassing?"

"Ah but Tails, you forget one very important thing. I'm super over-powered in Smash Ultimate. Twitter won't shut up about how awesome I am. They practically want me out. It feels great." Sonic's teeth sparkled as he had himself a nice giggle.

"Hmmgh..." Tails muttered. "Weird. They say that and yet every match you've had against Mario seems to end with your face smashed against the screen in that embarrassing pose." He said this with a playful smirk.

Sonic blushed and cleared his throat. "ANYWAY... I don't know who signed up for this tournament but whoever they are, they don't stand a chance. You should come see me mop the floor with everyone. It'd do you some good to get out of this place for a bit."

Tails sighed. Then he scratched his head and pondered this for a second. 

"Well... it could be fun to cheer you on." Tails smiled at his buddy who gave him a friendly grin back. "Yeah. Sounds fun. I've been trapped in my house for a real long time actually. I'm mostly just bored but my inventions serve as a nice enough distraction."

"Well, this'll be just the thing to spice your life up a bit. Heck, so far they only have 15 people who agreed to show. You could maybe help us find a 16th if you want to put yourself out there." Sonic shrugged.

"Yeah. I guess they'd let me work a little behind the scenes if you put in a good word." Tails smiled, liking the idea more and more.

"Good. I'm glad you're admitting this because I gotta say, you look like a bit of a recloose. Get some air. I mean, seriously, you don't even remember to read your mail. Look at all these letters." Sonic said, reaching over to the end table and handing Tails a stack of envelopes.

"Bah. Most of these are probably just bills and... and... uh...!" Tails gasped as he shifted through them, his eyes widening and sweat pouring down his face.

"Hmm? What's up bud...dy... ...?!" Sonic stopped and his jaw dropped when he saw Tails shakingly hold up the letter in front of him.

In Tails' hands was a white envelope and smack dab in the center with a red stamp... was the Smash Logo.


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! TAKE YOUR SEATS! THE EMASCULATION SMASH TOURNEY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN IN... 15 MINUTES!" The booming voice of the announcer came overhead as Sonic and Tails walked side by side down the large corridor of the Smash Arena.

"I still can't believe it... that invitation to Smash was in my mailbox this WHOLE time and I didn't even see it! I'm so happy I found it right as this tourney needed a final member! Oh man! My heart is thumping! How do I look Sonic? I figured in order to stand out, I should go in an alternate costume? Does it make my butt look big?" Tails was frantic and nervous. He wouldn't stop going on and on about how big of an impression he wanted to make on the crowd.

Sonic chuckled a bit. It was really cute how nervous his little bro was. Still, he thought that Tails might have done himself in on his alternate costume here.

"You know... I just change the shading of my body and wear different cuffs for my alternate costumes." Sonic said. "My clothes, whatever I happen to be wearing that day at least, don't change much... but you seem to be going for the outfit change route."

"Yeah. What do you think? Is it too much?" Tails asked, turning around to show off his cute little round bottom to Sonic, unaware of how embarrassing the position was.

"I mean... too little may be more like it." Sonic said.

Tails took the idea of being a fighter a little too much to heart here. His alternate costume was a pair of blue speedos and wrestling boots. 

That was it.

"If I look like a wrestler, maybe I can set in the intimidation factor." Tails said.

"Tails... you're standing in the hall wearing the equivalent to wrestler panties, shaking your rump out at me..." Sonic just decided to spill the beans as best he could.

Tails blinked... then thought it over for a bit... then he blushed and stood up straight before covering himself with his hands. "EEP! OH GOD! You're right! What was I THINKING?!"

Sonic laughed. "Buddy... you were nervous. I'm not so sure you WERE thinking. But hey, it's alright. If you embarrass yourself, it'll be harder for the other contestants to do it right?"

Tails' lip quivered. "Dammit... I think this was my moment too..."

"It can still be your moment." Sonic said, putting his arm around his buddy. "Come on. Let's see what the others have going for them..." He smiled and led his buddy over to the large screen that was showcasing the roster. It was pretty huge. It was a roster that stretched into the 70s but highlighted for them were just the ones that had decided to show up and participate properly.

There was Sonic and Tails of course. The two of them came in together with Tails sheepishly showing off his invitation to the reception desk, apologizing for accepting it so late.

Sonic pointed to the next one over. "Ah. There's the other overpowered bro of the tourney. It's Pichu!"

"Pichu?" Tails raised a brow.

"Yup. And right next to him is his evolved form bro, Pikachu." Sonic said. "The two of them have a... relationship."

"What kind...?" Tails asked.

As Sonic explained, an example of said relationship was unfolding just outside the food court.

"You and your cocky attitude are REALLY grating on my nerves!" Pikachu snapped, tapping his foot with his arms crossed. It was wearing a pair of jeans and a nice green shirt with a pocket on the front. He seemed to be dressing rather casually for this.

Pichu, on the other hand, was making an annoyed, disgruntled look and staring in the opposite direction of Pikachu. He was like a child that was deliberately not taking the school principal seriously because he was a delinquent that hated playing by the rules.

Pichu, back in Melee, used to be considered a pretty useless character, only lauded for his cuteness. Pikachu used to talk about how he would only get better with time and then didn't do much to help when Brawl and Smash 4 didn't utilize him again.

However, that time away had lit a fire in Pichu's belly. He trained his butt off without evolving and managed to make a come back for Ultimate. The novelty of "EVERYONE IS HERE!" granted him an instant slot but that didn't mean people would take him seriously. 

That is, until he showed up and started kicking everyone's ass.

Now he was finally recognized and all of a sudden, Pikachu decided it wanted to dress him down and talk to him as though his newfound respect was making him cocky. All the whining Pikachu was doing to him was going in one ear and out the other. It simply wasn't fair.

"Are you listening to me?" Pikachu asked, leaning forward now, hands on his hips.

"UGH! Yes, I hear you. What are you? My mom!?" Pichu snapped, clearly fed up with this. 

"I'm a guy." Pikachu said.

"You wouldn't know it from how tiny the bulge between your legs is." Pichu grunted.

"THE HELL?!" Pikachu blushed, snarling with his fists clenched. "You've got a LOT of nerve!"

"You're just upset that I'm SO much better now and people are recognizing my power over yours!" Pichu said, screaming in his face.

"You're being a total jerk to everyone! These fights are for fun! You and your cocky attitude are ruining things here!" Pikachu said, pounding his hand into his palm for emphasis.

"Blegh! You're just angry and bitter because you know that if we fight, I'd kick your ass up and down this place." Pichu said.

"Haha. What? Seriously? THAT'S what you think? You're a Pichu; a baby pokemon. You can't beat me." Pikachu rolled his eyes.

"Oh? Wanna bet? I'm totally the favorite to win and you know it! Stop being a pansy and let me show you just how much better I am. I'll show you who the real baby Pokemon is!" Pichu challenged, getting all up in Pikachu's face with a growl.

Cutting back to Sonic and Tails as they finished their talk, Tails felt he had a clearer understanding of those two now. 

"Ah. So Pichu really is hopping to prove his worth eh?" Tails asked.

"Yup. There's tons of rivalries that people use Smash Ultimate tourney's for. Case in point, there's one as old as time unfolding with Fox and Wolf." Sonic said, pointing to two others on the roster.

"Fox and... Wolf?" Tails raised a brow. "Are those their names?"

"Yup." Sonic nodded.

Cut to Fox and Wolf in the locker room. They were both properly dressed with their backs to each other.

Wolf cut through the silence when he finally closed his locker and spoke up. "So. I think I've finally found it."

Fox smiled. "Found what?" He asked, not turning to face him.

Wolf smirked and walked off. "The perfect way to use the special rules of this tourney to make you grovel at my feet."

"Oh?" Fox turned his head. "So, for once, you're planning on winning? You're welcome to try but I think we all know where this is gonna end for you. It doesn't end any other way after all."

Wolf grunted and tried to remain calm and collected. "We'll see."

Fox chuckled. Boy did the mental image of that hardened "cool" guy looking all embarrassed and begging for domination by his master make him feel all excited. He was gonna show Wolf who the master was. It was gonna change Wolf's personality so hard, people would see him as the submissive bottom he knew he was in an instant. 

Tails kept looking at the screen. "Wow. Impressive. So what about the others here. Those two angels?"

"That's Pit and Dark Pit." Sonic said. "One is an angel that works for a Goddess named Palutena, whose also in Smash but hasn't shown up here today, and the other is an angel that was created when Pit smashed through some kind of mirror. I guess you can say he's literally a dark reflection of himself."

Cut to the locker room where Pit is fully dressed and Dark Pit is still in his underwear, trying to hurry and get his shorts on before Pit annoys him.

"Nice tighty whities Pitoo!" Pit called out to him, making Dark Pit flinch and blush. 

"D-Dammit! I told you to stop calling me that! I'll wrender you asunder if you-AACK!" Dark Pit jumped when Pit snapped a towel against his undie clad butt and then began giggling.

An anger vein on his head, Dark Pit turned to chase after regular Pit who immediately took off. Dark Pit, unfortunately couldn't go after him too far because he didn't want to leave the locker room while still in his briefs... though, he'd been tricked into getting so mad he'd done it before. Let's just say the way he covered himself and hurried back into the locker room blushing made for a great polaroid to put on the fridge for those walking by with their phones out.

"What about the two elvish looking guys?" Tails asked, pointing at the glowing roster squares for two people, both called 'Link'. 

"Yeah. They're kinda of special. That's Link and Young Link." Sonic said. "They're both the older and younger versions of themselves. It's very interesting seeing them interact."

Cut to the two of them in the hallway where Young Link is tugging on regular Link's tunic.

"Hey, so uh... what do you think about this whole thing? Do you have any plans for making us look good?" Young Link asked.

Link sighed and shook his head before resting a palm on the head of his younger self. "Look... I know you're worried about being made a fool of out there but you really need to stop relying on me for advice. You need to grow in your own way and to properly do that, you can't treat me as though I'm literally just you. You're your own person technically. Have confidence in that."

Young Link pouted and brushed Link's arm off him. "You're just saying that because you don't know..."

"I'm saying that because I have confidence in myself and I didn't have an older version of myself to look up to in order to find it. You should give it a go." Link said, turning to walk away.

"Hmph. You sound a bit scared. Hey, is the reason you wear pants under your tunic because you don't like the draft or something?" Young Link asked.

Link blushed a bit. "Uh... no. It just feels better. I mean, look at you. Wearing that makes it easy for you to flash your underwear at people. Hell, people flip your tunic up all the time for fun."

Young Link blushed. "A-A-A true w-warrior can roll with punches like that! Y-Yeah!" Young Link said, sweating a bit. He took the occasional glance down, feeling the wind blow at his tunic a bit and hoping his undies weren't flashing right now. Maybe if he and Link fought, he could get Link to flash HIS undies for change...

Tails examined the roster some more. "So this octopus looking boy..."

"That's the Inkling Boy." Sonic said. "He's really eccentric and weird."

"Eccentric and weird how?" Tails asked.

Sonic scratched his head. "Uh... well... he uh... wears tight bicycle shorts and yet for some reason, has a huge issue with uh... getting excited when in them."

"Getting... excited?" Tails raised a brow.

"He's uh... well, let's say the way they rub up against him gets him all heated and he sometimes loses fights when he uh... ahem... well, he... let's say that instead of ink, he produces a lot of milk..." Sonic said.

Tails winced. "Ew. Okay. I got what you mean... but wait, if wearing bike shorts excites him like that then why not wear something else?"

"He's a bit of an idiot." Sonic says.

Cut to the Inkling Boy whistling happily as he walks out of the locker room. "Man, oh, man! I'm feeling GREAT! I can't wait to make the people in this place eat my roller. Nothing's gonna get me down today."

Then, of course, he heard laughter ring out all around him.

He stopped and blinked. "Hmm? Why is everyone laughing? Was a funny joke said?"

He then felt a draft.

Then he looked down and blushed. "EEEEEEEEK!" 

He was pantsless! He was walking around in just his Splatoon briefs! "NOOOOO! NOT AGAAAAAIN!" he screamed and ran back in, people laughing and pointing at him.

Tails stood in confusion as he heard Sonic explain this stuff to him. "So... he has a habit of forgetting his clothes?"

"Yeah. It's really strange. Sometimes we think clothes are just allergic to him or something. I swear, I saw him walk through the door fully clothed one day and when he got on the other side of it he was suddenly butt naked with all his clothes strung out outside." Sonic said.

"... I've... got nothing." Tails said before eyeing something else on the roster. "Hey! Is that a robot?!"

"Oh?! You noticed him! That guy's good. I'm the Blur Blur but HE... he's known as the Blue Bomber!" Sonic smirked. "He's the super fighting robot, Mega Man!"

"Mega Man?" Tails looked on astonished. "Wow... but... he looks like a kid."

"He is." Sonic said.

"But... why?" Tails raised a brow.

"Well, Mega Boy doesn't sound as cool does it?" Sonic shrugged.

"... Yeah... guess it doesn't." Tails said.

Cut to Mega Man, sitting on a bench with a towel around his neck and drinking down an E-Tank. "Ah. Nice day. I think I may have this in the bag if I play my cards right. I just hope my armor does start leaking again." He muttered, blushing a little bit. "Talk about embarrassing. People already call my armor "underwear" or "metal diapers" and I can't have it leak or else the insults will just get worse. Yeesh."

Tails observed the screen. "These last two look kind of serious."

"Yeah. One of them is a red haired guy, named Roy. I don't know too much about him but he takes things pretty seriously so watch out." Sonic said. "The other is Lucario. He's another Pokemon. He wears pumpkin pants because those are the only kinds of pants that fit his massive thighs."

"Is... is that all you know about him?" Tails asked.

"Yup." Sonic said. 

Lucario and Roy were in the Training Room, training together. Neither of them had much to say to one another but when they stopped, they simply bowed in respect before heading out. By now, the fifteen minutes had been whittled down to about eight minutes. Things were heating up.

"So is the guy with the turtle shell like Mario's Eggman or something?" Tails asked with a raised brow. "Also, he looks way younger than I thought he would... like a kid."

Sonic laughed. "That's Bowser Jr. He's the son of the guy who fights Mario all the time."

"Ah. I assume the dad's name is just plain old Bowser then." Tails said. "Still, he looks weird. He's wearing weird raggity clothes and a bib with a mouth drawn on it..."

"Yeah. He's a bit rough. His rival is the same though." Sonic said, pointing to the Yoshi on the roster.

The Yoshi in question was walking down the hall with a smile on his face, a bit of a pink spiky mohawk on his head and his hands in the pockets of his shorts. His shirt was white with a nice golden trim and a golden necklace on. He was rocking this look.

"Hey!" A voice called from a distance.

Yoshi stopped and turned to look, smiling as he saw Bowser Jr standing with his arms crossed and his back to the wall. Bowser Jr. began to chide him. "It's great seeing you again. How do you think this'll turn out? I'm willing to bet a good amount of money it'll be over with your face in the mat and my boot either on your head or in your ass. Haven't decided which yet."

Yoshi kept smiling at him before smoothly responding. "You know that whenever we fight, that's always you right?"

Bowser Jr. twitched and blushed lightly. His calm demeanor had been shaken with such a minor line of dialogue.

"I-I may let you win a few times to give the illusion of a good match from time to time." Bowser Jr. chuckled and tried to play it off. Yoshi rolled his eyes.

"I always beat you. I strip you naked and slam your face against the screen so that your tiny dick flashes the audience before you slide down and pass out. I've got at least 50 pairs of your underoos in a box as trophies. Some of them wet. You acting like that isn't the case is why I love fighting you so much though." Yoshi narrowed his eyes and winked. "It's cute."

He then left, leaving the wannabe cool villain type to wallow in anger with his fists clenched.

"O-Oh yeah...?! W-Well... I'm ... gonna shove a broom up your butt!" Bowser Jr. snapped.

"Cool. Put it in the item list." Yoshi called back.

Bowser Jr. just whined and stomped on the floor some more out of frustration.

Tails snickered as Sonic finished telling the story about those two. "Wow. That's embarrassing. The idea of having that kind of delusion is something that would keep me up at night."

"With all the potential rivalries going on here, I'd say we're in for a wild ride!" Sonic snickered.

"You know... if we're doing a regular bracket style tournament... that means we'll have to fight each other." Tails said.

Sonic leaned in and gave Tails a wink. "Do your worst." 

Tails smiled. "Heh. You asked for it."

Sonic didn't seem to entertain the thought of Tails beating him but... he'd definitely like to see him try.

"CONTESTANTS! GET IN THE MAIN LOBBY NOW! IT'S ALMOST TIME!" The announcer shouted. The contestants gathered on the spot, signaling the start of the explanation for how this was to work.

It was a fairly simple run through of the rules.

This was a 16 brackett tournament. 

After each fight, the winner would get to humiliate the loser with whatever items have been stashed into the item table today as a special treat to entertain the audience.

The winner will then advance to the next round until a winner is officially declared. That was it.

"NOW THEN! IT'S TIME TO REVEAL THE MATCH UPS!" The announcer shouted.

Everyone, when they saw the graphic, wasn't surprised. The tourney was well aware of who was rivals with who and to ensure those happened no matter what, each rivalry was pitted against each other right away so as not to spare anyone wondering if it'll happen. 

Some were more surprised than others. Link didn't consider himself rivals with the person he was matched with. Inkling Boy had no rivals. Lucario and Roy didn't care. However, the one person who did care and was the most shocked due to being the most new was Tails.

"M-M-Me and SONIC?! Right off the bat?!" Tails exclaimed!

THIS whole thing was about to get SMASHED!


Brackett 1

Pikachu Vs. Pichu - Pikachu is the older and more mature of the two while Pichu is the baby Pokemon that has found itself catching a whiff of stardom and respect that he's never had before. Pikachu claims it's made Pichu cocky and turned him into a bully but Pichu thinks Pikachu is just afraid and scared that he'll be overtaken and humiliated by a de-evolution of himself. Now's his chance to prove that his newfound respect isn't a fluke.


Brackett 2

Fox Vs. Wolf - Wolf finds Fox annoying and in need of a beating so that he can wipe that confident smirk off his face. Fox, however, only smirks this way because he can see through Wolf. Underneath that tough exterior is a guy whose just waiting to beg and grovel like a dommed little puppy. The image in his mind of seeing Wolf act like the bottom bitch he knows he is keeps him going. But will it happen?


Brackett 3

Link Vs. Young Link - Young Link is a bit worried but knows he can get ahead in this tournament. Link thinks Young Link is just using his older self as a crutch even though they're essentially their own person, technically. The idea of a younger version of himself beating an older version of himself is ridiculous anyway. Right?


Brackett 4

Mega Man Vs. Roy - Roy is a bit more serious than the others but is also rather straight forward and careful about how he treats everyone. Mega Man is just generally nice, although, his insecurity about his armor may lead him to acting out a bit more than usual if pushed the wrong way.


Brackett 5

Pit Vs. Dark Pit - Despite the fact that Dark Pit is supposed to be the cooler, dark reflection of normal Pit, he isn't treated that way at all by his counter part. Pit literally teases and makes fun of him all the time. He even referrs to him as Pitoo, which is just an embarrassing, emasculating name that lets it be known that there's very little real respect there. What can Dark Pit do about that, if anything? Maybe nothing. Maybe he is just a little wimpy loser that looks all cool and edgy.


Brackett 6

Inkling Boy Vs. Lucario - Lucario tries to remain as disciplined as he can which is why Inkling Boy utterly baffles him. Inkling Boy is the exact opposite of Lucario in almost every way. He humiliates himself on the regular and does everything in a sloppy manner. The only way someone like that could beat Lucario would be through fanciful, cartoon accidents. As if.


Brackett 7

Bowser Jr. Vs. Yoshi - Bowser Jr. fancies himself a cool villain that follows in the footsteps of his dad and has made a rivalry with a punk Yoshi. Problem is, its not much of a rivalry as this Yoshi keeps beating him in every single fight. Bowser Jr. is in complete denial that this is the case though. All the times he's been beaten, stripped naked, and had his undies taken as a trophy are all things he doesn't like to acknowledge.


Brackett 8

Sonic Vs. Tails - Tails is a newcomer to Smash Bros. and is understandably nervous. Now his first ever match is against his older brother and best friend Sonic the Hedgehog. Even though Sonic keeps losing to Mario, Sonic has no intentions of letting Tails usurp him here. He's been around since Brawl and that's gotta count for something.


Now I definitely have my own ideas of who I really want to win and who I'd prefer to have go to the next round... but this is a story for the people so it's gonna be up to you guys. I'll reveal what I would have done at the end of the story because statistically there's no way it's going to go the way I want entirely.

So let's do the voting! Who in the upcoming fights do you want to see win?  Let me know!

Next time, Brackett's 1 and 2! 

Pikachu Vs. Pichu 

Fox Vs. Wolf

Vote for who wins down below!



Time for pikachu and fox to get diaper changes


Now I'm getting interested in Smash Brosh. Shadow doesn't even make it into the game in the stories ... although he must still be the baby of the villains. It seems that there will be very interesting battles, I will wait anxiously.


I've gotta say I'm super excited for this one! It looks like you put a lot of thought into it.