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Himawari stared at Sarada up and down. It could have been mistaken for a mere look of equisical interest but anyone with a more keen eye would pick up on the fact that it was actually an intense look that radiated a sense of being unimpressed.

Sarada was actually growing rather impatient by how much this kid was leering into his face. She was about to speak up when Himawari interrupted her, which made her feel incredibly upset.

However, what she heard almost made her brain do backflips in confusion.

“I bet you’re a big baby too. I’m gonna beat you up and put you in a diaper as well.” 

Silence hung in the air for a bit before Sarada picked her head up a bit, an anger vein popping at the side. “What?”

“Oh it’s nothing!” Boruto was quick to jump in front of her. “She’s just on a weird power trip. She’s saying weird stuff now because of it.”

Sarada brushed Boruto aside, making the diapered dork yelp and fumble onto the floor, his diapered rump shaking about like jello. Sarada then walked up to Himawari and leered down at her with her eyes crossed. “Alright. So what are you going to do?”

Himawari pouted, not liking the attitude that Sarada was taking with her. She was acting like a baby that needed intense punishment alright. It was going to be her duty to make sure she got it.

Himawari shot a palm thrust forward in the hopes that it would properly land and take her out like it did her dad and Boruto. However, Sarada saw the move coming and shifted to the side. 

Himawari blinked in surprise and confusion. Sarada chuckled.

“Yeah, you can’t be super obvious with your movements and expect them to just work out like that.” Sarada said.

“Hmph.” Himarwari struck again. She missed when Sarada went to the right.

“HAH!” Himawari struck once more. She missed when Sarada went to the left.

The anger veins were popping on Himawari’s head now. It made Sarada giggle a bit.

“Look, you’re cute but I need your diaper brother to come with me now. He’s a very annoying little tart but he’s also in need of some personal tra-WAAANNNGUUUUHHOOooooo~!” Sarada’s voice shifted from being very mature and matter of fact to very cartoonish and clownish when a loud THURMP was heard.

Boruto shuffled to his feet and gasped when he looked over at the scene.

Himwari had struck Sarada right in between her legs while she was in the middle of talking her ear off about boring grown person stuff.

Sarada’s eyes were crossed and her mouth was in the form of a pained “O” shape. She reached down and grabbed herself, wondering why she was feeling such intense pain. She was even starting to feel a bit of a strange warm wetness emanating from down below. 

“Hehehe. I was right. You pee peed yourself! You’re a baaaaaaaby!” Himawari teased and pointed at Sarada’s legs. 

Indeed, two trails of pee were traveling down her legs. 

She winced and looked up at Himawari, blushing with embarrassment and anger. 

“Y-You… You little…! AGUH!” Sarada snapped. She couldn’t believe this! How did that brat not only manage to hit her but do it hard enough to make her… make her bladder…!

Himawari pulled on her eyelid and giggled while sticking her tongue out at her. “You both are big babies!”

Sarada tried her best to remain mature and calm. She slowly removed her hands from her front, revealing the large wet spot that had appeared there. Boruto’s eyes got big when he saw it, astonished that someone who carried themselves so well just… wet themselves.

“You need to calm down and stop acting so brash! Otherwise you’ll find yourself-!” Sarada began, adjusting her glasses right before the next interruption.

“BORING!” Himawari shouted, pantsing Sarada right then and there. 

“AAAAEEEP!” Sarada yelped, her Care Bears panties on open display. They were soaking wet too. How humiliating!

“It’s time I put you in your diaper.” Himawari said, shaking her finger at her.

“AGH! THAT’S IT!” Sarada lurched at her and Himawari dove to the side. Sarada yelped and tumbled forward, landing on her stomach with her butt sticking out. 

Himawari smiled and closed the door, grinning from ear to ear. “Ah. Such rowdy babies. This’ll be tough. It’s a good thing I know a place to get you guys some good fitting footed jammies. Just need to get you guys asleep first.”

Sarada shot to her feet and snarled. “Boruto! Can you not control your sister?!”

“You’re seriously going to blame this on me, Pee Butt?!” Boruto shouted, angry that she was still looking for a reason to bitch at him.

“WHAT did you just call me?!” Sarada snapped, clenching her fists in anger.


“HURRRRRRRRGH?” Sarada made a confused scrunched up face of abject pain when Himawari nailed her right in between the legs yet again.

“Ooooh! I think that was like a MILLION years of death or something. Right?” Hima asked, giggling all playfully as she took her leg away. Her foot was acting like a bit of a plug that was stopping a drain because the instant she did, Sarada’s bladder exploded a bit as a waterfall of pee trended down her legs, making a puddle around her feet. She grabbed herself again and fell over, wincing and eyes rolling as the stars in her eyes made everything hazy. 

“S-Sarada!” Boruto gasped before turning to his laughing sister. “Alright, that’s enough! You can’t just play with people like that.” 

“But it was funny. Look, she’s wiggling her fanny about. It’s cute.”  Himawari pointed at Sarada’s swishing butt. Boruto blushed a bit. He had to admit that it was kind of amusing… but not in any way justifiable.

“NOPE! Sorry, you’re done.” Boruto said, making his decision and stomping his diapered butt over to her.

Of course, Himawari wasn’t going to just let him do whatever so she turned to run off as soon as he went to nab her. Boruto growled, giving chase and following her into the kitchen. When he did he gasped in shock when he saw her with an open egg carton.

“Himawari! What in the world do you think you’re do-BLURGH!” Boruto began before egg smashed into his face. His sister laughed, tossing one up and down before throwing again, this time at his feet.

“Y-You’re aim is off! That’ll be your downfaaaaaAAAAUGH!” Boruto shouted, slipping on the egg as soon as he took a step forward while trying to wipe the other one from his eyes. He saw it miss but not where it landed and was now skiing towards Hima like a slimy frog on ice. Himawari grinned and grabbed a frying pan.

“Time to cook the egg on your face.” She smiled.

Boruto could barely process what that met before he slid face first right into the frying pan!


He flopped over and his butt hit the cabinet by the sink before he slumped down. His eyes were swirling, his teeth seemed to be a bit crooked, and snot and drool were all over his face as well as the rest of the egg residue.

Himawari smiled and grabbed the nozzle by the sink. She then plunged it into Boruto’s mouth and turned the water on.

“Wakey wakey. It’s time for your drink.” The little girl did a happy little sing-song warble with her voice as she looked over and watched Boruto’s eyes shoot open as his body ballooned out slightly.

By that time, Sarada had stumbled into the entryway of the kitchen, eyes rolling and panties soaking wet. She was trying to use the doorframe to remain steady and immediately started to try and bitch at Boruto again.

“HEY! What are you doing lying there on the … floor…?” Her eyes got big when she saw Himawari standing with her foot on her brother’s bloated gut and her evil grin as she took the nozzle out of his mouth.

“BLOOOOOOFFFF~!” Boruto spewed water from his mouth and shot across the floor like a deflating balloon. He was rocket excelling towards the door where Sarada was. The girl barely had time to wince in anticipation for the pain headed her way right before Boruto’s diapered rump smashed into her body, sending them both rocketing back with a jet stream of water exiting his mouth.


They both flew down the hall and crashed hard against the door, slumping over on top of one another, eyes rolling and fluttering, stars and birdies circling their head, and consciousness a thing of the past.

Himawari merely smiled and hummed a happy little diddy to herself. Ever since she beat Naruto with that single jab to the gut she had been convinced that anyone who tried to stand up to her was in grave danger. 

Nothing had really happened to aswad her of this. Naruto was barely ever home to try and bring the cute, child-like ego down a peg and Hinata didn’t really properly see it despite knowing about it. 

Himawari had really just gotten lucky here too but it didn’t matter because she was the victor. 

The unconscious losers, one diapered and one in wet panties, were loaded up on top of one another in a humiliating stack inside of a wagon. Himawari then opened the door and without caring about their manner of dress or decency, strolled right on outside.

She hummed happily to herself as she carted the two of them along. It was a fairly happy time for her and an extremely confusing one for anyone who saw the two being pulled along outside.

Himawari carried on like this was normal though. She even stopped by Ichiraku for some ramen, sitting down and eating without any fear. Boruto groaned and tried to wake up but Himawari swatted him with the bowl and watched him slump back asleep.

Eventually, they made it to the shopping district where Himawari set her wagon aside and went to the store clerk. 

“Hello! I’d like to get a special order for these babies. Their sizes might be a bit ab… ab-abnormal…?” Himawari stammered, struggling with a word she wasn’t even sure she was using properly. The store clerk would have found that cute if the two unconscious kids in the back weren’t a bit too distracting an element.

Still, her reasoning ability was to be applauded. She figured it had to be something not as sinister as it looked considering how normal this village was a lot of the time and she managed to help Himawari out by supplying her with items the correct size for the two of them.

When Himawari used the money that came in Sarada’s pants pockets to pay for the items, she hurled the wagon over to a nearby bench and grunted as she lifted up Boruto first, laying his floppy body onto the bench. He snored and drooled a bit. She thought it was cute.

Himawari lifted his leg and then stopped, listening intently. She could swear she heard a hissing sound. She looked at Boruto’s diaper and realized it was starting to soak. Himawari had a bit of a time trying to decide if changing him was for the best. She HAD bought an assortment of cute Nick Jr. themed diapers after all. Might as well.

She got to work then. Not even caring about her brother’s privacy, she set about un-taping his diaper, cleaning his naked front, and changing him into a pink diaper with Dora the Explorer prints all over it. She managed to set up her phone on a stand so that she got a nice video of her brother’s first diaper change by her. It’ll be a time honored tradition one day.

She didn’t leave Sarada out of this bonding moment. Once she got the light pink footed pajamas with Hello Kitty on him, she dumped Boruto back into the slightly wet wagon and got to changing Sarada next. Her area down below was just as on display as Boruto’s when she cleaned her up. She was given a dark blue pair of pajamas with Blues Clues prints on them before she was dumped back into the wagon.

Everyone stared at the scene, confused and unsure of what was taking place. It was such a strange thing to see. What would your reaction be? She was super young and they looked much older and yet she had just changed them into diapers with such a mature grace that it seemed as though she was right to do so. They must have been kids who wore diapers and were taken care of by her. That just had to be the case.

Himawari didn’t have to do anything to convince them of that other than properly buy their stuff and change their clothes.

Eventually though, on the way back, the two of them began groaning and waking up again.



“AIEEE!” They both shouted and shot up, banging their heads together! They were momentarily dizzied again before they shook their heads and glanced over at Himawari who merely turned to give them the peace sign.

“You two babies sure slept a while. Don’t worry, I changed your diapers and I’m on my way to drop you off at the daycare center.” Himawari smirked.

“D-DAYCARE?!” Boruto and Sarada snapped. It was true. They could see it right in front of them. The two of them felt their hearts beat and they scooted back a bit, only to brush up against the large stacks of diapers and baby supplies there. “WHAT THE-?!”

Himawari ended up right by the door step and was already ringing the bell when the two kids behind her started to protest loudly and angrily.

“HIMAWARI! THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR! STOP PLAYING THIS DUMB LITTLE GAME NOW BEFORE I TELL MO-MMRPH!?” Boruto gasped when she shoved a pacifier into his mouth. His eyes crossed as he looked down at it, confused and blushing. He couldn’t help suckling on it too, surprised as he was.

“YOU LITTLE BRAT! I’LL MAKE SURE THAT I SLAP THIS NONSENSICAL SIDE OF YOU OUT OF YOUR BODY WHEN I GET TH-OOMMGH?!” Sarada was in mid threat when Himawari shoved a pacifier into her mouth too.

Both of them sucked on it, blushing and confused, feeling a sense of doubt wash over them. They were about to protest again when Himawari shot them a creepy glare.

“Do you want what I gave daddy Boruto?” Himawari snickered.

Boruto shivered, almost feeling like he was about to pee again. Sarada didn’t get it so she was less intimidated.

She was about to reach forward and do something when Himawari’s eyes got all crazy. Sarada flinched but it was too late!


Sarada froze up and gurgled through the pacifier when Himawari jabbed at her side. She fidgeted and fell over right as the door opened. Because of this, the caretaker caught sight of Sarada as she peed her diaper. Boruto was wetting his too, only his wetting was from fear. They both were wearing super thick diapers and footed pajamas so the hissing sound was rather loud. Either way, any chance they had of convincing this daycare woman that they didn’t belong here despite their manner of dress went out the window as soon as it happened.

“Hello! I have two very special gifts for you.” Himawari smiled.


Upon getting home that day, Himawari’s parents were greeted with a bit of a wet kitchen and some knocked over stuff. Himawari had to explain to them why it was all Boruto’s fault and where he was now. When they went to the daycare to bring him home… he was in a crib, suckling on his paci and asleep. 

They saw Sarada too, whining as she was strapped to a bouncing baby mobile and getting mushed peas and carrots shoved into her face by toddlers who thought it’d be funny to play games with her. She was way too weak to do anything about it and almost fainted from relief when she saw the 7th and his wife show up.

Sarada wanted to go with them to be spared the humiliation of being found by her mother but it wasn’t to be. When they helped her out, she was given to Sakura who practically swooned and fawned over how she was dressed. Sarada wanted out of these clothes immediately and whined relentlessly when she was pulled inside bridal style by her mom. 

Himawari made sure to leave a package of diapers for her in her house, knowing Sakura would make full use of them based on her reaction. This was to be Sarada’s hell for quite a while after today.

When Boruto was brought home and he was carried to his room by his mommy, Naruto began scolding Himawari, wagging his finger at her.

“AND ANOTHER THING-!” Naruto began. Himawari dug into her ear as the parental gnashing of teeth went in one ear and out the other.

Finally, she’d had enough. She saw the pampers she still had and smiled…

When Hinata came back down the stairs, having put the diapered and pajama’d Boruto to bed, she gasped at what she saw.

Himawari was happily watching TV while her husband, Naruto Uzumaki, was laid out on the floor, eyes white, drooling, and wearing a diaper. 

She’d knocked him for a loop yet again, only this time it had been strong enough to get that diaper soaked the instant it went on him. Who’d have thought Hinata would have to put two grown babies to bed that night?

Oh well.

At least there were two grown women in the house to take care of them. 


That'll be the last of the assorted stories for a while. Time to move onto something multi-chaptered again for a bit.

How about another tournament, this time a lot simpler. It'll be a simple fighting tourney. That'll be it. But what will be the theme? You choose. Or we could do a different story all together.


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