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“What kind of training did you give that kid?!” Silver snapped as he banged his fists on the dusty table of the new ‘Hedgehog Club 2’. He was still blushing and his body shuddered when he thought about the horrible events that had transpired. 

Sonic sat in a rusty chair at the same table as Silver with his eyes closed and his arms crossed. He looked... really perplexed. They were all wearing matching light-blue t-shirts and really tiny canary yellow shortie-short-shorts. It was clothing from a bunch of kindergartners that they had stashed in the back room of the Hedgehog Club that now belonged to Tails. 

Shadow was staring out the window, dressed the same as them, growling and tapping his foot with an equally as strong blush on his face as well. 

“I didn’t teach him all that.” Sonic finally spoke up. “Most of what he did was just a bunch of smart aleck trickery. You know nerds. They tend to think several steps ahead of jocks.” 

“Well, if that were true, then jocks would normally lose to the nerds, now wouldn’t they?” Silver grumbled, pressing his chin against the table and leering at the blue hedgehog with an epic pouty face. 

Sonic had no real answer for that. The three of them were here trying to figure out what they could possibly do to proceed. 

After the three of them woke up from their long nap, they were greeted by Tails’ smiling face as he outstretched a hand of support to them all. 

However, the memories of their beatings came back to the three hedgehogs at once and they scrambled away from Tails, yelping like little babies. When that elicited laughter from all the kids at the GYM that were behind Tails, they stopped and blushed, feeling the strong sense of emasculation wash over them on the spot. 

“You guys lost.” Tails straight up told them. It was as blunt as blunt could be yet it did nothing to lighten the load off their backs of the humiliated hedgehogs. “However, as the winner, I’ve decided to give you guys a chance to re-enter the club. No questions asked. What do you say?” 

Sonic’s eye twitched. Silver’s lip quivered and he teared up. Shadow got angry and pointed at Tails with a snarl. 

“No way! We lost fair and square! We’re not going to embarrass ourselves further by accepting your charity!” Shadow made this declaration while standing up. This caused the kids to laugh some more.  

Shadow didn’t know what about that was funny until he felt the cold clamminess around his crotch. He looked down and saw the large yellow stain on his underoos.  

“YEEP!” Shadow yelped and covered himself. The kids burst out laughing even more. Seeing Shadow so embarrassed was one thing but the fact that such a cool guy just went ‘YEEP’ after discovering he had pissed himself from being knocked out by an 8-year-old... it was too much. 

“C-Come on guys! L-Let's go!” Sonic stood up too, also noticing the pee stain on his briefs. He tugged his shirt down in an attempt to cover it but that did absolutely nothing.  

“Y-Yeah... w-we'll go... a-and make another club somewhere else. A NEW Hedgehog Club... and it’ll beat the crap out of your old one! No problem!” Silver snapped. 

Tails looked at the three of them. He blinked. Then he smiled.  

“Okay. Sure. Do what you gotta do. It’s a shame we’ll never be in the same club together but I guess thems the breaks.” Tails smiled, taking it in stride. 

The three hedgehog’s gasped and hung their jaws open in shock. They saw all the giggling kids around Tails and felt their fists clench with disdain for their situation. 

“Yeah... well... watch out cause we’re gonna... demolish this stupid old club with our better, newer one!” Shadow stated, his voice cracking a bit. 

Tails noticed that and wondered for a second if Shadow, the coolest of the three, was actually on the verge of tears. He didn’t find out though because he turned away and began running off. 

“Wait! Hold on!” Tails held out his hand when he saw Sonic and Silver about to go after him. “At least let me get you guys some dry clothes.” 

Sonic and Silver exchanged a small glance before sighing.  

What sucked was that they didn’t want to accept anything from Tails, but knew that their trek through the general public would be far worse if they didn’t. 


So here they were. 

This was the Hedgehog Club 2. It was an old, run-down, busted up shack just outside the edge of the forest. 

No one really used it for anything. It was abandoned long ago. There were rusty chairs, a dusty table, an old couch, and a long counter-top with a fridge behind it. It wasn’t so run-down that it was completely useless, otherwise, they wouldn’t have bothered. Still, it was a far cry from the old Hedgehog Club they used to own. 

“This place would be easy to fix up to be like that other one if Tails were here to help us.” Sonic muttered. 

“NO!” Shadow turned away from the window, fists clenched. “No asking that fox for anything!” 

Sonic rolled his eyes. “Is our underwear clean?” Sonic asked, ignoring the black hedgehog’s inquiry.  

“I’ve been staring at the clothesline since we got here. They’re drying outside but it really annoys me how that yellow tint hasn’t gone away completely.” Shadow sighed. It was embarrassing, literally airing their dirty laundry out like this.  

“You know, if we went back to Tails’ Workshop, we could use his washing machine and do a better job.” Silver suggested. 

“I don’t feel like it.” Sonic sat back, pouting and looking to the side. Tails was the only one of the three that owned a washing machine. He really didn’t want to be caught by Tails cleaning his underwear after being made to pee in them by the fox boy. 

“Okay... whatever then.” Silver groaned, a bit annoyed as he rested his head in his hand. “So, what ARE we gonna do then? Sit here and sulk?” 

“I had an idea but you guys didn’t like it.” Shadow said. 

“How are we supposed to sneak back in there and make Tails submit with a bunch of wedgies Shadow?” Silver chided, finding Shadow’s reluctance to admit to the ridiculousness of his plan a little annoying. 

“Hmph. Simple. We use FORCE!” Snapped back the black hedgehog, with his fist pounding at the side of the cracked window. 

Sonic didn’t want to say this but he felt it was necessary, “You know... we kind of tried that and we got our butts kicked. The two of you couldn’t even handle him together.” 

“He was in my way!” Shadow suck an accusatory finger at the surprised white hedgehog.  

“HEY!” Silver gasped, clearly offended. “We BOTH decided to gang up on him together. Don’t pull that crap!” 

“Alright, fine. Then what’s YOUR brilliant idea Silver?” Shadow asked. 

“We strip him naked.” Silver smirked. 

Sonic and Shadow face-palmed. Silver looked between the two of them and lowered the confident expression on his face.  

“Oh... well... you know... we could just... I...” Silver stammered, trying to salvage this. He had nothing. Stripping him naked would require just as much force as giving him a wedgie. 

Sonic began pondering rather hard before he snapped his fingers. “Got it. We don’t use force. We play by Tails’ rules and use trickery. How about we take the pants peeing thing to the next level and get him in a diaper!” 

Shadow and Silver stared hard at Sonic, then looked at each other, then back at Sonic. The two of them smirked evilly just then. 

“That sounds hilarious.” Silver chuckled. 

“Please. Continue.” Shadow smiled. 

Sonic grinned with his fingers drumming against the table. “Alright. Well, first we’re going to need to make a trip to Tails’ Workshop to gather together some equipment. Then, we’ll need to head to the mall to buy the diapers. I’ve got this all figured out. 


It was later in the day. The sun was still up but it was a little past noon.  

It took a while to get this whole thing set-up but finally they managed it. 

“Are you in yet, Sonic?” Silver pressed the headphone of a communicator device against his ear as he looked at the security camera footage. Both Silver and Shadow were seated in their chairs back at the Hedgehog Club 2, looking at a mini television screen. 

Sonic, however, was sneaking his way back to the original Hedgehog Club with a tiny camera on his back and an ear-piece in his ear. 

What they did was pretty elaborate. They snuck into Tails’ Workshop and stole a camera, a TV monitor, and a head-set for the three of them. Sonic stuck the mini camera to his back so that Shadow and Silver could see the footage back at their base. It was on his back so that they could see if anyone approached Sonic from behind. Then they could quickly warn Sonic via the ear-piece.  

However, this meant that they didn’t quite know what exactly Sonic was doing. 

“I’m in.” Sonic said to the two of them, finally. He had managed to sneak into the GYM while everyone was out practicing and playing games in the back. The front room was empty. “If I’m correct, they’re doing the swimming challenge at the back where the pool is, which means...” 

Sonic tip-toed his way over to the locker room and looked throughout it. “Yeah... no one’s in here. I can hear the sound of water splashing out back though. Tails’ clothes must be in one of these lockers.” Sonic muttered, pressing his hand against them and looking about. “Dammit... we didn’t have designated lockers though. It’s not like we were a school. It was always first come, first serve.” 

“Well, then, you’re just gonna have to check all of them.” Shadow said. 

“WHAT?!” Sonic gasped. 

“Hey! This was your plan. Don’t whine about it now.” Shadow stated. 

“Ugh. Fine!” Sonic snarled and gripped at the locker door. With a hard yank he managed to get it open. “Not here...” 

Sonic’s strength was abnormal so yanking the locker doors open without a combination wasn’t too hard for him. However, it still required him to exert some energy. Thankfully, this locker room wasn’t too huge. 

Sonic zipped between locker to locker, angrily trying to locate the one with Tails’ clothes inside. The camera that Shadow and Silver were looking through was constantly blurring and zooming about because of this. It kind of made the two of them a tad dizzy. 

Still, they were able to make out whether or not someone was there and so far there wasn’t anyone about. 

A short time passed but eventually, Sonic made a yelp of excitement. 

“AH-HA! FINALLY!” The blue hedgehog grinned with a fist-pump. 

Here it was. The clothes that Tails wore, including those awesome sunglasses.  

“Judging by that reaction, I can tell that you’ve struck gold.” Silver smirked. 

“Oh yeah baby. Pay dirt.” Sonic wiped sweat from his forehead before grabbing the water bottle inside the locker and taking a heavy swig.  After sighing and smacking his lips, he set it down and went to grab the clothes.  

“HOLY-! SONIC! GET OUT OF THERE!” Silver screamed into the mike, making Sonic grit his teeth in pain.  

The blue hedgehog turned slightly and saw the door opening. With a thump in his heart he immediately crawled up the lockers and pressed his head to the ceiling while his hands clutched against the side of the wall. 

Just his luck. Tails and five other kids were walking in, soaking wet. 

“We could get you a pair of trunks though dude. It’d be pretty simple.” One kid said, speaking to Tails with a friendly smile on his face. 

“That’s nice but I do actually prefer wearing speedos.” Tails smiled. He walked in with his black speedos on and white swim cap on his head. Sonic rolled his eyes. His buddy was such a nerd! How’d he get beat up by him?! 

He groaned as he watched Tails approach his open locker... oh boy. 

“Huh? What the...?” Tails stared at his locker with surprise. “Who...? Why is the locker open?” 

The five kids were confused as well. They started to look about the place too, shocked by what they were looking at. 

“It’s not just yours. A lot of the lockers are open. They look a little busted too.” A boy rubbed his chin as he inspected one of them. “I think they might have been broken into...” 

“By who?” Tails asked, putting his fists on his hips. 

Sonic was right above Tails now. He was sweating really hard and his heart was beating fast. It was okay though. His buddy was a nerd. He wasn’t in any danger. 

Flashbacks to the beating he took started to flood his brain again though. Sonic groaned and whimpered. He tried his best to do so silently but found he couldn’t help himself. 

A trickle of something was going down his leg. He hoped it was sweat. 

Something that he did notice was the sweat on the tip of his nose though. His eyes crossed while he looked at it. He hoped it wouldn’t fall. 

‘Please... don’t fall... please... don’t... fall...!’ Sonic whimpered like a fawn inside his own mind.  

Then it fell. 


Tails blinked, having felt a sweat drop land on the top of his head. He looked up and gasped.  

Sonic’s eyes widened as his and Tails’ eyes met. Sonic was still gripping the diaper in his hand with it pressed against the wall.  

A tiny pee stain appeared on Sonic’s short shorts. 

The hedgehog smiled. “H-H-H-Hi...” 

His sweaty palm slipped and he screamed as he fell. 

Tails smiled and held out his hands with Sonic landing in Tails’ arms. The fox slyly smiled as he cradled Sonic in his hands like a baby. “Hello.” 

Sonic gulped and stuck his thumb in his mouth, sucking on it like a scared baby as he was suddenly surrounded by the other five kids. 


“Hello...? HELLO!” Silver screamed into the mike some more. “Sonic? What’s going on? We heard a scream and then it looked like you fell.” 

“We can only see what’s behind him so when he’s faced away from the kids we can only see the wall.” Shadow muttered. 

“Yeah... and now it’s not working.” Silver groaned, looking at the static on the TV. “He probably was found out...” 

“P-Probably? Or maybe he smashed the camera when he fell?” Shadow grunted, hoping in vain. That wouldn’t make much sense since the reason Sonic was hiding in the first place was to get away from the people walking in behind him. 

Suddenly, the TV screen came back on. The picture fizzled in and on the screen was Tails’ smiling face. 

“Hey Shadow. Hey Silver. I can’t see you but I’m pretty sure you can see me. This device was made specifically so you couldn’t see the person on the other end. I know because I made it.” Tails smirked. 

Shadow and Silver looked at the screen, feeling a small sense of dread. 

“I offered you guys a chance to join the club and you refused. That’s fine. No harm, no foul. However, you guys then turn around and rob my workshop? Then you break into MY club and demolish the lockers inside? It’s a pretty easy fix for someone like me but it’s the principle of the thing. So, I’ve decided to stop being nice. Sonic had a nice diaper in hand and I’m sure you’ve got the whole pack in your hideout. I know where you are so be prepared.” Tails’ sly smile fizzled out and the screen went blank. 

“... They got Sonic.” Silver muttered, eyes wide with intense fear. 

“Hmph. Serves him right for being sloppy.” Shadow said. “Let them come.” 

“No. We gotta get out of here! I don’t want to get beaten up again!” Silver began panicking and sweating, trying to scramble past Shadow towards the door. The black hedgehog reached over and grabbed Silver to keep him from running though. 

“Oh, come on! You can’t be serious! If you’re that scared by a simple threat then you don’t deserve to go back into the old club.” Shadow snapped. 

“We can’t get it back now! It’s over! Just let me go!” Silver whined and tried to pull away. 

“What? Are you gonna wet yourself?” Shadow asked. 

“YES! I’m gonna PEE MY PANTS!” Silver whined and yanked away from Shadow, finally. He turned to head for the door... but just then, it was kicked open! “AIEEEEEEEEK!” Silver screamed, trickling a bit into his shorts. 

“WAAAAAAH!” Sonic flew into the room, having been tossed by one of the kids. The pink and white My Little Pony diaper that he had taken with him was now on Sonic’s body. The crying blue hedgehog screamed as he was sent flying right into Silver’s face. The two smacked lips into a painful kiss and fell over onto the floor! 

Shadow gasped as he looked down at the destructive heap the two of them lied in. “WHA-?! H-HEY!” Shadow snapped and turned to the door... only to get a fist smashed into his face! 

Shadow smiled like a derp and his body turned to jello. He was about to faint and hit the ground but one of the boys grabbed Shadow by the back of the head and flung him over the run-down counter top. 

“Boy. This counter sure is dusty.” The young boy chided. “Better clean it with my Shadow Sponge.” The kid grinned, grabbing the back of Shadow’s shirt and head before skidding him across the counter top! 

“WAAAAAAAAAH!” Shadow screamed, flailing as the counter rubbed against his front. It managed to take down his loose short shorts and they fell to his ankles. When the kid slammed Shadow’s face into the glass cups that were on the counter and let his body fall off of it, the black hedgehog fell onto the floor with his legs sticking up. He was completely naked now. 

“Whoa. He was going commando...” The boy grabbed the shorts. 

“Doesn’t surprise me.” Tails said as he wandered in next. “They were probably cleaning their underwear. We gave them new shorts and a shirt but not undies.” The fox shrugged before bending down and grabbing Silver from under Sonic. 

He lifted the dazed white hedgehog upside down and tore away the shorts he was wearing, exposing his nakedness to all the kids around too. “Alright guys. We’ve got some babies to diaper.” 

Silver whined and then began crying. “NOOOOOO~!” 

The sounds of a pretty angry beating echoed throughout the cabin. It went on for a good 10 minutes before the kids left, dusting their hands off. 

“That was fun! See you guys later. I think I might actually want to make beating your butts a traditional event for MY new club. The Fox Club!” Tails jeered as he made a stink eye face at the downed hedgehogs with his new group of cool kids before leaving. 

The three hedgehogs laid about, unconscious, in their broken excuse for a club house. 

All three of them had MLP diapers on. Silver was draped over a chair with his diapered butt sticking up. 

Shadow was drooling, unconscious on the floor, snoring with his diapered rump sticking up. 

Sonic was dangling in a diaper wedgie from the broken ceiling fan, drooling and dripping down onto Shadow as he hung there. 

Behold, the majesty of the Hedgehog Club 2. 

Wouldn’t you like to join? 


Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have hit their lowest low. The time has come for the end though. What will their next course of action be?  You decide! The finale is upon us!  


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