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File 5 

So, I passed out when I got a bowling ball to the face. No big deal. 

I saw the pictures of myself when I woke up some... several hours later. 

I woke up in a diaper on the beach and had to fly myself home. When I got into the Agency, I shuffled under the covers of my bed and took out my phone to check all the sites we agreed to put the pictures up. 

There was a really nice selection of stuff there. 

Anyone who wanted to look at the best photo gallery of an extremely humiliated person would have been in luck. My eyes were wide and my face was super sweaty as I looked through it. 

The first one I saw was me laid out on the sand with my mouth hanging open. I was drooling SO MUCH that it was covering my mouth and the sand around me. My eyes were rolling and I was wearing that new diaper. My arms were splayed out and so were my legs. 

The next one I saw was of my sucking on a pacifier with my hands up in a begging dog position. I don’t even remember doing that. The bump on my head was a good giveaway that this was after I got hit though. Everything was a blur after that happened and it was night time when I got up so... 

Either way, the next one was a close up of my diapered butt. Then the next one was a close up of my actual butt, only it was super red. They probably took turns spanking me. Auuugh~! 

The next picture was of two kids with my face. One was giving the peace sign at the camera. The other was holding my face up and pursing my lips so that I was making a kissy face at the camera. Both my eyeballs were looking in the opposite direction. I was so out of it. 

The next picture, and the one that surprised me the most, was the picture of my standing up and dancing. I was shaking my diapered butt out for people! HOW?! 

Oh! It even came with video! 

I pressed the start button, right after gulping down a build-up of scared saliva that I didn’t even know I had within me. 

The sounds of the kids around me clapping and laughing hit my ears first. I was astonished by it all! I was dancing and shaking my booty to the music they were playing while drooling all over the place like an idiot! 

“Man... hits to the head can make you do some scary stuff...!” I muttered with my head under the covers.  

The rest of the pictures were mostly just my body being put into really embarrassing positions while everyone snapped pics. I got tired of looking at them eventually and laid down with my face in my pillow, grumbling into it with a huge amount of annoyance. 

Like, this was some whacked out, messed up stuff bro. I hate it! 

“Hmmmph... no way is this gonna be how it ends. I’ll show em.” I said before closing my eyes, still forgetting that I was wearing a strangely damp diaper... 


The wake up call I got was a very weird and painful one. 

Someone poked me in the diapered butt with a plastic javelin.  

“HEEEEEEK!” I shot out of bed, flailing about, before smashing my head against the ceiling and hitting the mattress with a weird slump. My hair was falling out of the still burst open helmet. 

I lifted my head up with a snarling look on my face. “WHAT THE HECK?!” 

Then my heart stopped. 

It was Gargon and Sally! 

“Heya Baby Slave!” Gargon smiled and waved. “We just came to say hello!” 

I gritted my teeth in anger. “You...! YOU’RE NOT GONNA-!” I pointed at him and threatened but he grabbed my outstretched finger and twisted it. “NYAAAAAAUGH!” 

“Today, you’re going to meet me in the park. We’re going to have some fun together so be prepared. I even bought up a nice outfit to wear.” Gargon said, holding up a small bag. “You won’t have to wear it until you get to me though so I’ll see you at 12. Just came to drop off a present from a few kids who were at the beach yesterday.” 

Sally reached into her bag and handed me a box. 

I stared at it with a raised brow of confusion before I turned to see them leave.  

“Where is Espio? He said he was gonna be back today...!” I shouted. 

“Oh? The chameleon guy? He wouldn’t let us in so we pranked him.” Gargon laughed. That's all he said before he left. 

That didn’t sound good. 

I sighed and looked at the box with the ribbon on it. “Hmph. I don’t need their pity... well... I guess a small thank you for putting on a show I didn’t even want to do isn’t too bad a thing to accept...” 

I took off the ribbon and opened the box. 


Out flew a boxing glove on a spring that shot into my face and sent me spiraling against the wall!  

“Duuuuuhhhh~! Das a bad pwesent...!” I slurred before sliding down the wall and landing on my butt, tongue out, eyes rolling, and boxing gloves with wings flying around my head. I could feel my wet diaper getting even wetter as I laid down for an extra length nap. 


A little while later, I showed up at the park with my arms crossed and a new helmet on. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, grumbling with anger as I leered at Gargon. 

Gargon turned to see me but he didn’t look at all phased by the fact that I had refused to wear a diaper. I saw the package of them that he left by my doorstep and I walked right past them. Yeah, we agreed on me being his diapered slave but who cared if I could refuse and beat him up right? 

“No diaper? I can tell it’s not on underneath those silly short shorts of yours.” Gargon said. 

“Hah! Not to worry.” I said with a grin. I then held up a pink diaper. “I brought one with me. It’s not going on me though. It’s going on you.” 

“Right. You’re gonna diaper me?” Gargon pushed himself off the tree he was laying back on. “Nah. I think I’m gonna diaper you.” 

I grinned and then laughed. 

“AHAHAHA! Yeah right. I’m wise to your tricks by this point! I’ll be sure to pay you back for-!” 

So yeah, he beat me up and diapered me. 

I was groaning in pain as I laid on the grass with the pink diaper that I brought taped around my waist. I felt Gargon pat me on my front as he towered over me. 

“Now that was dumb of you. You could have avoided feeling all that pain if you just came wearing that diaper in the first place.” Gargon taunted. 

I had to agree. 

“Anyway, here’s your gift from me.” Gargon took out the bag I saw him with from before and produced a tiny little pink dress. “Doesn’t it look cute?” 

My eyes widened with shock and awe. 


So yeah, he forced me into that dress. 

I stood in the middle of the park, trying to tug it down over my visible diaper but it wasn’t working. All the kids around me started to really eat the scene up! 

I wasn’t having it though. I was swishing my diapered butt around, trying to pull the dress down enough to cover it up but it only made me look stupider. All the photos and videos they snapped didn’t make me feel any better either. I totally expected them to end up on those websites later. 

As I swished my butt back and forth, I began to whimper with anime tears flowing down my face. Yeah, I can do the anime crying! Betcha didn’t know that! Either way, it sucked. 

The rest of the day was spent with me putting on diaper dances for the other kids and carrying Gargon around on my back like I was a diapered horsey. 

I came home and found Espio hanging from his Pokemon briefs by a tree. That made me smile at least.  


The next few days after that were horrible.  

It seemed like my life had done a complete 180. I went from being the master prankster to the guy everyone loves to prank. 

I woke up one day and went to grab the front door. I got electrocuted from it by some kids who put an electric buzzer on the knob. I went all frazzled and made “SKKKRRRRRK!” sounds before wetting my pants and shooting off like a rocket. I blasted into the wall and went back to sleep. 

I saw pictures of me knocked out with my wet pants online later so obviously they broke in the house. Now that was against the law darnit! 

Another day, I woke up and was making breakfast when a match was lite under a rope that sent another lite match to my butt. I was wearing nothing but a pair of MLP briefs and a wife beater when it happened so my butt caught fire pretty quick. 

I screamed and bounced around the room before shoving my butt into the sink.  

I went “AAaaaaaaah~!” cause it felt so good but I made a dumb face and saw a picture snap. A kid who snuck in took a photo of it and posted it online later.  

So that sucked. 

There was another time when I was walking out the door and a mallet swung down and bashed into my body, sending me back in and smacked against the wall. 

I took another nap. Saw that picture online later too. There was a mallet shaped hole in my clothes.  

Each day I tried to leave without a diaper, Gargon would challenge me to a fight, beat me up, then force it on me anyway. I eventually did just start leaving the house with a diaper on since being changed in front of everyone just saw me going naked. If I was lucky enough not to fall into a prank when leaving the house, he’d pants me to show I was wearing it. Otherwise, I’d likely show up without any pants on at all because of some awful trick I fell into. 

The master of pranks shouldn’t be falling for these traps so easily but I was so distraught and defeated that I didn’t know what to do. 

That was until I heard of Gargon’s next idea for me. 

He wanted me to show up at a Mosh Pit for an event he was setting up where I was supposed to fight a bunch of people for the amusement of the other kids. Only, it was meant to take place in a really huge play pen he got created. Probably to make it look like I was a baby defending his turf.  

When he told me that and gave me the flier advertising it (it was made out of crayon because we’re little kids) I smiled brightly. This was it. My last chance for revenge. 

Mwahahaha~! I’m still the ultimate prankster! I know just what to do! 

When Gargon shows up, he’s gonna be surprised to find that I was there first to set up a bunch of traps. No warning and no prank war. This was the turn-around I was waiting for. 

He’d walk in to the rope I set up on the ground, then get flung against the giant wooden sign he set up. The rope would tighten and burn when it ignited against the match-stick I set up and his butt would catch fire. Then when he was running around without any pants on, he’d step on the mine I laid there. It would blow him into the sky and that’s when I’d tug on the lever that would shoot a bunch of boxing gloves filled with rocks at him. 

The last thing I’d toss his way would be a straight-jacket, because he’s crazy, and BOOM! He’d land in the play pen he set up.  


You should have seen the big dumb grin on my face. This was Gargon’s mistake! He let me know about this in advance! Now it was my turn! 

I immediately sought out to get all the stuff I’d need to pull off this prank. I gathered up a bunch of rocks. I already had a ton of boxing gloves due to so many people hitting me with boxing gloves on springs. I got a nice thin rope and a match-stick as well as a lighter that would go off to light the connecting rope on fire so that when it reached his butt it would go FWOOM! Like a big spire of fire on his booty! HAHAHA! 

I also got another rope, long enough for it to be tied to a bunch of small catapults. That way when I tugged on the rope, all the boxing gloves with rocks in them would get launched at once and smack him when he was in the air. Then I’d save a separate one for last. That would be the one that launched the straight jacket at him. 

I was good to go. I knew the location of the Mosh Pit. Once I got everything ready by raiding Espio’s stash of money he never used, I set everything up! 

I chuckled to myself as I slunk off. When the day finally came, he was gonna be in for it! 

That day was tomorrow, of course! BWAHAHAHA! 


Tomorrow got here a lot quicker than the other times I’ve done this. I woke up with a happy grin. I stripped my briefs off, did a happy dance as I showered, and got my diaper, shirt, and shorts on. Wearing the diaper was something I was used to at this point. I seriously don’t think I wore undies anymore aside from when I went to bed. Even then, sometimes I woke up wet so I think my body was starting to just get used to them.  

No matter. I’ll just re-potty train myself once Gargon loses. 

As of now I was rushing towards the Mosh Pit with a grin on my face. I could hear the sound of the gaggle of kids up ahead. They were all gathered around it. However, I knew Gargon was the only one who was going to enter it first. That’s where I set up the rope. He’d trip over it as soon as he tried to enter it and then the trap would be activated! I’m a GENIUS! 

I could even see the huge play pen in the center too. It was odd. I swore I could also make out some people already in there... hmmm... oh well. Who cares? 

I skidded to a stop and stood with my mouth hanging open, panting with excitement as I saw Gargon standing by the entrance. He didn’t step inside though. Instead he turned to face me. 

“Hey there. You look excited!” Gargon smirked. 

I probably did. I walked up to him and held out my hand. “Yeah. I am. Whatever happens, I want you to know that you were a worthy opponent. My biggest challenge yet.” 

This sentence didn’t make any sense coming from someone who lost to Gargon and became his slave. Gargon knew this but I was just so into my awesome idea that I didn’t figure that out. 

“Sure thing.” Gargon said before gripping my hand and grinning. “I can’t say the same about you though.” 

With that, he lifted me up and slammed me down hard against the entrance. 

My heart felt like it thumped roughly in my chest and I coughed. “BWAUGH!” 

That’s when the rope went off and wrapped itself around my chest. 

Oh no. 

The rope shot forward and launched me into the Mosh Pit across the way and BAM! I smashed right into the sign he set up! The rope was still connected to me so when it launched, the lighter and match stick I set up were struck and it lit a fire that traveled along the rope all the way up to my body. 

The flame went on up to my butt and lit it on fire! 

“WAAAAAAAUGH!” I screamed and fell off the sign, leaving a big slobbery mess on it. I ran around in circles, patting my butt as my shorts were melted away and I was left in my Sesame Street diaper and yellow shirt. 

Just like I predicted the loser who fell for this trap would do, I ran into the mine I laid on the ground. 


I was sent spiraling into the air, eyes all swirly and drool spewing everywhere. 

“Mwuaaahhh...?” I was so confused. It was probably at this point where I realized I was falling into my own trap yet again. I could hear all the laughter from Gargon, Sandy, and all the kids below. It was murder on my ears. 

Gargon then reached over and tugged on the rope connected to the catapults. I could see the smirk on his face when he did it. He totally knew I set this up the whole time! 

When he tugged on it, the catapults went off and the boxing gloves shot into my body. They were filled with rocks so... it hurt. Like a lot. 

My face was all puffy and bruised as I plummeted down. I think I was missing a few teeth and I definitely had a black eye. 

Gargon tugged on the last rope and the last thing I set up was fired at me. It was the straight jacket. 

I was caught into it and left trapped there as I fell and landed roughly into the giant play pen Gargon set up! 

“Ladies and Gentlemen!” Gargon shouted. “Give it up for Charmy and his expert Falling-into-his-own-pranks display!” 

The crowd of kids laughed and clapped at that. 

I laid there, restrained by the straight jacket and in a diaper, feeling intense pain as I dribbled a little bit into it. “G... Gargooonnnn...” I moaned.  

It was then that Gargon let it be known that the play pen fight was about to begin! 

“Now then! The fight will go as planned! The three prisoners I have will try their best to see who can beat up Charmy first. Whoever does it the best will be the winner and be let go. Then the other two will compete to see who can do it better afterward. Then the last remaining one will be given a certain number of hits to lay into him and he’ll be awarded freedom after he accomplishes that for his 3rd place trophy!” 

So, all three of them were going to beat me up...? Cool. 

I looked forward as I scooched up and looked forward. Through my hazy eyes I blinked and then felt my terrified eyes widen with shock. 

“Oh... sh-shooot....!” I stammered. 

There in the play pen was Sonic, Knuckles, and Espio! 

 The three of them were in diapers, dressed as babies with bonnets and pacifiers too. 

“Wh-Wh-What are you guys doing here?!” I asked, feeling tears well up and my teeth chattering. 

“Charmy...” Sonic sounded like an angry zombie. “YOU’RE the reason we had all that stuff happen to us?!” 

“A stupid prank war? Looks like you lost. Don’t worry though, your punishment isn’t over.” Knuckles snapped, cracking his knuckles. 

Espio cracked the whip on a belt he had. “Prepare yourself Charmy. I’m afraid I don’t think I can hold these two back. I don’t even wish to hold myself back either, considering what I just went through because of you too!” 

I scooted to the corner of the playpen as the three looming shadows of these really mad pranking victims towered over me. 

I forced a scared smile on my teary eyed face and began peeing my diaper as they got closer.  

“S-S-S-So... I think I may be retiring as a prankster f-for a bit... aha....hahaha...” 

As they got closer to me, cracking their knuckles and ready to demolish me. A thought crossed my mind. 

Maybe... I’m not that good at pranking after all...? 


I finally got to do the Charmy story! YAY! Anyway, I don't know if we're ready for a Sonic break or if we can do more anime. It's mostly those two that I'm feeling right now so let's pick one.



Poor Charmy, everything that he has to go through to realize that I do not know how to make jokes, not as good as he believes at least. I have the doubt that they were using exactly those 3 at the end of the story and how they ended up there. It concludes another great story which I do not stop bringing smiles to the readers. Thanks for your amazing work.


Sonic stories has taken the advantage from the start, something normal if you think about it. With Sonic you know what to expect, instead "Anime" is very extensive and you do not know what can appear.