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File 4

The place has been decided. 

It was the beach! 

I wandered onto the scene with a mighty fine grin on my face. I was wearing a nice white, wife-beater and a pair of dark, navy blue speedos. 

Oh yeah baby! Chicks dug the speedos! 

Nevermind the giggles from the other kids behind me. They totally think I’m cool for wearing them.  

I said ignore the giggles please. 

Anyway, we came with a large group of kids from the park to witness this epic prankage. The gauntlet was about to be laid down. Here’s the deal.  

Several traps had already been laid out on the beach in the morning. It was still pretty early so when we got here, we weren’t too surprised to see that they hadn’t been activated yet. Most of the facilities on the beach hadn’t opened up and allowed for it just yet. Plus, they were all well hidden. None of them stood out. 

Well, none except for one thing. 

There, in the middle of the beach, was a large pole in the sand. I had Vector and Espio help me erect it on the beach. They asked me why I wanted a huge wood spire put here and I told them it was for the sake of a ‘friend’. They bought that... or they didn’t care. Either way, they got it up for me. 

Attached to the wooden spire at the very top was a plank of wood. On top of the plank of wood was a clock that was slowly counting down and below it was a bowling ball on a string. The string in question was slowly breaking apart and was looking like it was about ready to fall.  

“See that? That clock on top of the wooden plank is counting down to when that bowling ball will fall.” I said with a wicked grin on my face, a group of boys and girls behind me with awe on their faces.  

“What happens when it falls? Will it activate your trap?” Gargon asked. He stood in a pair of blue swimming trunks and had glasses on his forehead. What a plain looking guy. Speedos were the way to go. They did well in showing off my nice and round butt. 

 My butt which isn’t big at all. It’s not! 

“When it falls... the prank will END!” I no doubt surprised him with that awesome revelation. No one expects the genius of Charmy Bee, master prankster. 

Gargon just kind of looked at me though. For some reason he didn’t seem too surprised by that epic twist. No doubt he was totally wondering what this was though.  

“Alright boys.” Sandy, the little girl who started all this by asking for my help, came onto the scene and raised a flag. “The final prank battle between Charmy Bee and Gargon will commence. Everyone of us here will be recording it on our phones.” 

At that, the boys and girls around us all raised up their phones. 

“The prank battle will be posted on all the popular social media sites and stand as the bastion of truth concerning who the best prankster between the two of you is. The two of you will now decide on a punishment for losing that makes this more personal.” Sandy exclaimed. 

“Easy.” I smiled. “You gotta become my assistant. My personal little servant. A detective could always use one of those. You’ll be someone whose less than a Watson. You’ll be like a maid to my Sherlock.” 

Gargon smiled and stuck out his hand. “Fine. I like that. You’ll do the same for me. Actually, even better. You’ll be my little diapered plaything. I like seeing you put on a show for everyone so I think it’s best we kept that going. It’s practically your true calling.” 

I snarled and blushed as the kids murmured and giggled around me. I managed to smile and stuck my hand out for a shake though. 

“Alright... begin!” Sandy shouted. 

As soon as I grabbed Gargon’s hand... an electric buzzer went off in my arm and fried me on the spot! 

“ZZZZZZZZZRRRRRRRK~!” My eyes crossed and I felt myself jittering about like crazy. 

“Your traps are all apart of MY traps.” Gargon smiled. “It won’t matter which ones you laid down because you’re going to fall into all of them!” 

Gargon then flung his hand back and shot me across the area towards the middle of the beach! 

“WAAAAAAAH!” I screamed, teeth clenched as I felt several jolts still tingling across my body. I really think I might have peed a little too. 

I fell face first into the sand with my booty sticking up. I wiggled it about when I tried to stand up and all the kids started making comments about my big butt again! What are they? BLIND! It's clearly normal sized! 

As this happened, I caught sight of Gargon walking over to an Ice-Cream kart at the corner of my eye. I watched as he nonchalantly reached into his pocket and pulled out some money. He exchanged it for some strawberry ice-cream and started licking on it right in front of me. 

The jerk! He wasn’t taking this seriously! 

I stood up finally and dusted myself off. 

Then I took a step forward and felt something sink beneath me.  

I blinked in confusion for a second before I saw a contraption open up in front of me. It fired a tennis ball from a tube that shot like a bullet right into my face! 



Everything went all slow-motion again. I swear it was so hazy and weird. I felt like I was kissing the fist of someone who just punched me in the face. 

My feet slowly left the sand as I was flung back!  

That tennis ball thing wasn’t set up by me. That had to be Gargon’s trap. 

I flew across the sand, screaming with my eyes crossed in a daze before shooting right through a dart board! 

“OOF!” I grunted and dangled there, showing off my butt to everyone. Stars circled my head and my tongue flopped out. I was so dizzy. 

“Th-The pineapple store is closed for the winter ma’am...!” I said with a slurred, drooling face. I have no clue what I just said or what it means. My brain was so rattled. 

It wasn’t until I got a good look at where I was did I realize what was happening.  

“OH NO! WAIT ST-!” I panicked when I realized I had crashed through it while they were in the middle of tossing darts. I thought this through way too slowly and as a result, several darts ended up lodging themselves right into my BUTT! 

Gargon licked his ice-cream. “Oh my. That’s gotta hurt.” 

“AAAAYIIIEEEEEEEE~!” I screamed aloud and broke through the dart board, leaving my shirt stuck on the wood splinters left behind due to my bursting out of it. I was in just my speedos now, clutching my bum and hoping about like a bunny rabbit. The confused teens that threw darts at my butt stood in astonishment. I heard a comment about how my butt was so big it covered the entire board and made it hard to tell that something was different. 

I teared up and hopped along the sand before reaching over and taking one out. “YEEEEK!” 

I tossed one away. There was about four more still there.  

I stumbled about as I kept taking them out... and then gasped when I felt my foot sink again. 

“No... no wa-!” I began before the ground came out from under me and I was suddenly hoisted up into a dangling rope trap! “AAAAH! NO! MY ROPE TRAP!” 

I wandered into my own trap! I was dangling upside down with my arms and legs sticking out of the rope. NO! This was my trap! How...?! 

Gargon grinned as he tossed his empty ice-cream cone in the garbage before walking over towards me... and the group of kids with blindfolds on beneath me that I JUST noticed. 

“Alright kids! Here’s the pinata I told you about. Get ready to whack it.” Gargon smiled, reaching into his pockets. 

“NO! NO! DON’T! DON’T WHACK IT!” I screamed, watching as they all raised their clubs and wiffle bats. “I’M NOT A PIN-DOOOF!” 

I was hit.  

It smacked me hard across the face and I felt my mind reel in pain again. “Durrr... I’m fulla candy? I can’t wait ta have sum. DOOOGH!”  

I made more grunts of pain with each smack that hit me across my head and body.  

It hurt at first but then it started to feel good...! 

I was smiling and drooling and blushing a lot. It hurt all over but I was dreaming of gumdrops and rainbows. Stars were twinkling everywhere and wittle birdies were floating around my head, singing cute songs at me. 

“Daaaah... n-No mOrE pEaNuTs FoR mE MiSsEs DeRp~!” I said, slumping upside down as all the hits had landed. I was bruised all over and my helmet was cracked, exposing my dirty blonde hair. 

Gargon then tossed out candy to the side and pointed at it. “Over there kids! It's the candy! You knocked it so far off.” 

The kids removed their blindfolds and happily ran off to collect it. Meanwhile, I was stuck dangling there, feeling more pee soak into my speedos. So warm and nice... I think my brain was becoming a bit babyish... 

I think I snapped out of it when the next thing happened though. 

The ropes broke and I fell forward. I tumbled a bit in mid-air before landing my butt on the sand...  

Then the second trap I laid there went off. 

It was a handy-dandy, bear trap.  

It clamped on my butt and the pain... oh the pain... 

“GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” I shouted and screamed, rocketing up as the trap clamped hard on my backside. It was so unbearable! Make the pain STOP! 

I rushed towards a medical tent and hopped in place like I had to go potty. I was dripping with pee anyway so it didn’t matter much. I managed to reach over and unclamp the bear trap, letting it fall to the sand while gripping my butt. 

“OHHHH! MY BOOTY! LEAVE MY BOOTY ALONE!” I shouted before spotting the worker come out of the tent. “P-Please! G-Give me some butt cream!” 

“Okay. Sure.” The guy in their shrugged. He handed it over to me and I snatched it. I had no time to be polite. 

I tugged down my speedos right then and there. Yeah I was butt naked in front of everyone now but so what? I needed butt cream on this butt! 

I squeezed some out into a tube and began rubbing it all over my throbbing butt.  

I sighed hard. I made this really relaxed sigh and smiled like a doof. 

Then my eyes widened and twitched. I teared up and began to shriek yet again! 


“AAAAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAUGH!” I screamed and bounced up and down, holding my now throbbing and heated butt! It wasn’t making my butt feel better. It was making it super hot! Wasn’t IcyHot supposed to help? What kind was this?! 

Gargon laughed over where he was. He must have bribed that guy to give me a special bottle of IcyHot that didn’t help with anything except with how heated you got when you put it on your booty. 

I ran again. I ran screaming towards the ocean. I had to get this stuff off of me! I had to get it off NOW! 

I jumped and splashed into the shallow end of the water, getting the pee all over my crotch to spread in the water as well as the IcyHot. 

I sighed again. This sigh was even more comforting since I felt it actually working... 

I sat there for a bit... and then yelped when I felt something bite me... 

I looked down and saw an eel nibbling at the side of my body...! 

“EW!” I gasped and tried to grab it. Then I saw a bunch of crabs scuttle by. They pinched at my sides too! “AAAEEEK!” I screamed again. 

Then I looked down... and saw a bunch of leeches sucking on my crotch...! 

I blushed and gritted my teeth, sweating really hard. 


I shot out of the water, covered in eels and leeches with crabs pinching at my butt. MY POOR BUTT!  

An eel body wrapped around my face, covering my eyes and making it hard to see. I stumbled about as I tried to pry it off my face! I needed to see! Get off! GET IT OFF! 

I was so confused by this but I realized a bit later that the pee attracted them to my body. It had to be. Either that or they saw me as some easy prey.  

I was still peeing by the way. 

“HEY LOOK EVERYONE! A SEA MONSTER!” Gargon shouted in my direction. 

“Wha-?!” I gasped, unable to properly see. The split second where I managed to take the eel off my eyes was the same second a huge pie smacked into my face.  

Another pie smashed into my body, then my wet crotch, then my arms, legs, and then my head. My helmet broke even more and my hair was dangling out. 

Either way, I was covered in hot pie goop. 

I was stumbling back as all the sea creatures that were on me slithered away. I then tripped and fell hard onto my back. My legs went up and then they fell down... onto a diaper. 

I felt it. There was a diaper under my butt. It was big and fluffy. It had been laid out right behind me without my knowledge too. 

I lost track of which traps were mine and which weren’t now. I just wanted out of this. Maybe if I just lay on my bottom on this diaper it’ll finally get to relax in a way that will allow it to heal. Yeah... 

Then suddenly the diaper folded itself around my crotch and latched on tight! 

“HOOOOOOUGH!” My eyes widened as I felt it happen. This was the first ever, DIAPER TRAP! 

You sit your butt down on it and like a Venus Flytrap, it clamps around your waist and constricts you tightly!  

“Whooo. Look at that. My latest pranking item went off without a hitch.” Gargon smiled, looking on as he sucked on a lollipop. 

“OOOOOH! GAAAAAUAGH! TOO TIGHT! HURTSSSS!” I shout as I stand up, the Dora the Explorer diaper wrapped around my waist and clenching itself around me. 

How could it get any worse? 

That’s when I felt it. 


There was something slithering around inside my diaper.  

I looked down and pulled up the diaper to catch what was going on.  


My face turned blue! He put worms over the diaper when I fell onto it and now they were trapped in there! ICK! GROSS! 

I immediately stuck both my hands inside to try and snatch them so that I could take them out... but then I realized that there was something else in there too. 

I tried to move my hands away but found that I couldn’t. 

“Is this... glue...?” I blinked, sweating in a panic as I felt the worms squirm around my hands, slither around my crotch, and go around to tickle my throbbing butt.  


“AAAAAAH! NO!” I screamed and wiggled about, wagging my butt around like a tail as I did. Everyone watching were confused by me. They probably wanted to know why this messy bee was screaming with his hands down the front of his diaper. Was he doing something naughty down there? That’s probably what they were asking themselves and the thought of it made me blush so much!  

So embarrassing! I could feel all the eyes on me! 

That’s it! I lost! 

I had to make a run for it! 

I turned tail to run but found myself tripped over a rope and smacking my chin onto a wooden board! My eyes rolled and my diapered butt stuck straight up. The rope broke and wrapped itself cleanly around my legs, making it impossible for me to move. My hands were stuck and my legs were tied. I couldn’t get up! 

The rope breaking also saw the thing it was attached to snap as well. A paddle on a string swung down and slapped me in my diapered butt! 

“AAAAAH!” I blushed and screamed. The paddle was on a teeter totter contraption. When it swung into my butt it swung up again and then tottered back down to continuously paddle me over and over. This diaper sucked because I could feel it over the diaper too! It was so poofy but the paddle was so much harder! 

“Alright kids. He looks hungry.” Gargon said to the other toddlers around him. “Time to feed the baby!” 

The kids cheered and began to run up to me. I saw them all carrying different food items. 

Over-salted nacho cheese fries from the garbage. Peanut butter mixed with mud. Octopus tentacles dipped in relish?! 

I screamed and shook my head, trying to scoot away but wasn’t able to stop them from shoving this slop into my mouth. I teared up as my cheeks puffed out, thanks to the constant shoveling of this gross stuff into my gullet. I had no choice but to munch on it too. 

As I did, I looked over and saw Gargon presenting me to everyone. “Behold everyone! My new baby slave! I’m glad you could all be here to witness his initiation.” 

He then wrapped his arm around the girl who came to me for help in the first place, Sandy! 

Wait... what?! 

“I couldn’t have done it without you Sandy.” Gargon smiled. 

Sandy giggled. “No problem.” 

My eyes widened as my cheeks kept puffing out due to more food being stuffed in my mouth. 

This... this whole thing was a set-up?! 

“Hehe. Did you figure it out yet Mr. Detective?” Sandy asked. “I came to your office because Gargon asked me too. He was the new kid on the block and he wanted to know who the most prolific, prank happy kid was. I thought of you and we set this whole thing up to take you down. I hope you enjoy being his new servant. I was promised an awesome show if I helped and I got it. I can’t wait to see more!” 

I sweated all over now. The paddle kept raining down on my already tortured backside. I was covered in pie goop and sea-creature slime. I had a bunch of nasty garbage food shoveled into my mouth. My hands were glued to my crotch and I was wearing a diaper filled with worms!  

Plus, my helmet was broken and showing off my bare head. If something hit me now I’d... 


The clock above me went off. 

The string attached to the bowling ball broke. 

I realized too late that Gargon had manipulated me to the spot where I had set up the bowling ball! 

My pupils shrunk as I looked up to see the bowling ball heading right for me. 

I gulped and then saw stars explode everywhere. 

Then everything went black. 


One last chapter to go. Charmy has lost. He's officially Gargon's diapered baby slave. How will Charmy cope? He certainly isn't going to just accept it.



Well, one way or another Charmy always ends up in a diaper. Now we just have to wait to see how the bee makes a tantrum like a baby and ends up being humiliated, again. An excellent story with overwhelming creativity. As always, you exceed my expectations.