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“So…? What do you say?” Konohamaru grinned as he leered down at Tabe, his hand outstretched.

Tabe looked at his hand and then shifted his gaze over to Naruto. The unconscious hidden leaf hero that he had idolized so much was now flat on his back with his tiny pee pee exposed. 

Konohamaru here was telling him that Naruto’s exploits, this whole time, was just him undercover as his secret mentor. However, all the feats he achieved during the war… they couldn’t have been faked. Naruto totally did do all that stuff he did.

So, what in the world could it have been that gave Naruto the edge? Was there something about him that he didn’t know? Was there something about Naruto that he had in him that he didn’t use in this fight or didn’t apply in this fight that made him edge out all the bad guys from back then? If there was, did Konohamaru know about it?

“… Hey… Konohamaru…” Tabe asked.

“Hmm? What is it?” Konohamaru raised a brow, still smiling.

“… I think you might actually be better than Naruto as a ninja.” Tabe stated, blankly.

Konohamaru felt butterflies well up inside him. “R-Really?! Well, I’m glad we got that sorted o-!”

“Only by a tiny bit though.” Tabe said. “If I had to guess, you two are about the same and the only reason you managed to stay conscious this whole time is because unlike Naruto, you have it in you to be more sneaky and more cowardly without shame.”

Konohamaru’s eyes remained wide. He was now making a blank face.

“I think… there might be something about Naruto that pushed him over the edge back during the war and it’s being kept a secret from people. Will you tell me what it is?” Tabe asked.

“I… uh… well, I don’t… uh…” Konohamaru looked to the side, unsure of what to make of this. This kid was insinuating that they were both weak and that the only reason Naruto had made it this far was because of other stuff. So, did that mean this kid thought there was nothing special about him?

“If you don’t know what it is, then I’ll just go and find out myself.” Tabe said. 

“You don’t need to!” Konohamaru thrust his hand forward in a bit of a panic. “We can find out what you want together. It doesn’t matter. I’ll tell you anything you want to know too. Just… do what I say and everything will be cool!”

Tabe sighed and then held out his hand… before curling it up into a fist and slugging Konohamaru in the chin!


Konohamaru was sent spiraling back and smacked down hard onto his butt. He wobbled with his eyes crossing before he groaned and fell over, onto his back with his legs splayed out. This ripped his already destroyed pants even more and made the Kamen Rider underoos he had on even more dominant.

“You just want to use me! I’m not stupid!” Tabe snapped at him. “Fine! I’ll go and find out by myself. You can stay here with him and think about how bad and pathetic you both are. BLEGH!” He said, sticking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry at the two of them.

With that he turned to leave but just then, Konohamaru sat up and wobbled where he was.

“H-Hang on… I-I hope you’re prepared to face the consequences of what you just d-did!” He said, slurring with a daze. Tabe turned back to him with a pout and a look of anger crossing his features. Konohamaru was starting to annoy him.

“Prepared? Prepared for what? I know you only stayed conscious because you were being sneaky. You’re not strong!” Tabe shouted back at him.

“Master Ebisu put me in charge of you for a reason! You gotta listen to me!” Konohamaru snapped, his shredded pants plopping to the ground completely as he did so.

“Bah! He just doesn’t know the REAL you than. He’s training a hopeless loser! You’ll never be a good ninja, much less HOKAGE!” Tabe shouted back.

“WHY YOU-!” Konohamaru turned red and shot at him like a dart. “SAY THAT TO MY FACE!”

Tabe turned when Konohamaru went to punch him and grabbed his arm. He then clutched it and made Konohamaru shriek with pain before delivering three well placed punches to the gut!

“HOOGU! GHOH! HUUOF!” Konohamaru’s eyes widened and his pupils crossed. He made a scrunched up, pained face before Tabe let him go. 

Konohamaru wobbled and his knees knocked together a bit. His briefs were already soaked but they started to get wet yet again. Konohamaru bent over, clutching his stomach before gasping.

“N-Nooooouuuu…” He choked out before passing out and face planting the grass with his butt sticking up.

Tabe dusted his hands off and then looked the two of them over. “Hmph. I know what you two need. Some MORE humility.”

After about 5 more minutes, Tabe finally left, this time with a pile of clothes hunched over his shoulder.

He had stripped Naruto completely nude, with him laying on his back in a full on display. Konohamaru was butt naked now as well, his bottom still sticking up to the sky as his face rested and drooled on the grass, the wind wafting by. His wee wee was even tinier than Naruto’s but that was to be expected. It still wasn’t normal sized for a kid his age though. The two of them probably had a very peculiar wee wee syndrome. Either that or they were just built to be extra pathetic.

No matter, Tabe was on a lone personal mission now. If he came across them again, he’d handle them. Once he discovers Naruto’s secret, he’s going to let the cat out of the bag.

One thing he couldn’t stand was secrets and lies. If this village didn’t at all know about what truly made Naruto strong than he’d reveal it to the world. 


It was a fairly cold mid-day now.

Murmurs could be heard behind two wooden boxes in the middle of the crowded street. Luckily, despite the number of people around, the gaps between one set of people from another was wide enough that it allowed our two embarrassed losers to traverse from one hiding spot to the next without being seen. 

Who were these two? Why it was Naked Naruto and Naked Konohamaru of course.

The both of them had woken up about an hour and a half after being utterly wrecked by a small kid who had no academy knowledge or training to find themselves completely butt naked in the middle of the training field. 

No one was around so they could only hope that no one passed by the field and saw them like that. They would probably never find out but that wasn’t the case. Plenty of kids came by and saw Konohamaru’s big butt pointed at them and Naruto with his legs spread, showing off his wee wee the size of a paper clip. Konohamaru was just lucky barely anyone could see his own wee wee, which was much smaller. It was about the size of the eraser on a pencil. 

Either way, they were currently mostly worried about their predicament right this instant. They were doing their best to try and reach Naruto’s place but found it was rather difficult. 

“Stop bumping into me dummy!” Konohamaru blushed and chided Naruto.

“SHHH! Don’t be so loud!” Naruto said, having to raise his voice a bit to scold him.

“I’m not loud!” Konohamaru almost yelled. “I just want you to sneak with me as far away from me as possible. I don’t want your pee pee touching me or anything like that.”

“It wouldn’t reach…!” Naruto spoke aloud before blushing at that. Konohamaru was about to giggle but then realized it was the same for him. Actually, it was worse. “Wh-Whatever. We’re both naked. This isn’t the time for fighting.”

“I know… that comes later when we find that jerk!” Konohamaru had given up on antagonizing Naruto for the moment. His pride wouldn’t rest until he made that kid pay for what he did to him. First thing’s first though. They had to reach Naruto’s house and get some clothes on. His was the closest so it was a done deal, so long as no one saw.

Eventually, another chance to run came their way. “Aha! Come on!” Konohamaru stated and bolted forward, charging at the large box in front of him. Naruto smiled and followed after him. With their ninja like speed, they were easily able to draw in close.

Unfortunately, what they failed to realize was that the box was attached to a rope and was currently being tugged on by two men above. It was set to be hauled upward and pulled into the window of a building. It was probably someone’s new couch arriving or something. Either way, by the time the two of them reached the general area where the box was, it was already airborne!

Konohamaru and Naruto’s eyes widened with shock and awe as they saw their next hiding spot float away before their very eyes!

The two of them skidded to a stop and cupped their hands in front of their naked selves before blushing and looking around.

“No! NO! We gotta find somewhere else!” Naruto gasped.

“We can’t! It’s too late! LOOK!” Konohamaru gasped.

The people had kept walking during this whole time, initially unaware of the two naked prowlers moving about, but when they finally stopped due to having run out of hiding spots, eyes wandered towards their location. 

They stuck out like sore thumbs.

Naruto and Konohamaru suddenly had a ton of eyes on them at once. They began sweating and then smiled dumbly, clearly embarrassed enough to last 1000 years each. “H-Hello… b-boy… sure is drafty…!” Konohamaru commented.

The people stared… then they all burst out laughing!

One by one people pointed and laughed hard at them!

Konohamaru and Naruto looked ahead, frozen from the humiliation of it all. Konohamaru especially couldn’t take it. 

The peering eyes. The fingers pointing at him. The constant laughter. It made him go dizzy.

His eyes rolled up a bit and he almost fainted… thankfully, the wetness trickling down his leg woke him up before he could.

Wait… wetness…?

“ACK! NOOOOO~!” Konohamaru yelped. 

The fear and humiliation made his bladder chug on itself. He just wetted up himself in front of everyone! 

When people noticed, the laughter got louder! Konohamaru screeched and turned tail, running off like a dart towards Naruto’s house.


“RIGHT BEHIND YOU!” Naruto pumped his arms and legs, right after his little partner, their little wee wees flopping in the breeze. Konohamaru’s was a bit wet. Naruto’s wasn’t but admittedly, if Konohamaru hadn’t done it first, he probably would have too…!


Tabe smiled as he left one of the Leaf Village’s stores and bowed to the owner.

“That’s a lot of stuff you just bought there son. What on Earth could you possibly need all that baby stuff for?” The shop owner asked.

Tabe just giggled and turned around to leave, waving back at him as he did so. “No reason other than I’m feeling a bit… inventive today.”

Tabe was currently holding two full bags of baby items. Diapers, bibs, bottles, booties, bonnets, you name it. This was the second store he had been to in the hour and a half since leaving Naruto and Konohamaru naked on the training field and he couldn’t have been more proud of himself.

Inspiration stuck Tabe like a dart when he left the field.

He was going to look into more info on Naruto to find the truth but he also knew that leaving the two of them naked like that wouldn’t satisfy this sense of betrayal he felt. They were both such sissies. They were both such losers. They were both such huge disappointments.

It didn’t feel right.

An expectation like that being met with dissatisfaction just as huge also deserved an equally huge punishment and just leaving them naked wasn’t going to cut it.

He got bold. He got daring. 

What if… what if he messed with them a bit more?

How weak and stupid were they REALLY? Could he do it? He had to find out. 

What could he do though? Well… he knew where Naruto lived so maybe he’d find something neat there. When he left the training field, he paid a visit to Naruto’s house. Unsurprisingly, it was very easy to break into. 

He looked around Naruto’s stuff. He found a ton of stashed money as well as his underwear drawer. It was full of cartoony boxers. That was embarrassing enough being seen in but what if they were briefs? 

Cute little cartoon briefs at that.

Tabe smirked and looked out the window, spotting a store nearby. With Naruto’s money in hand and a store to supply him with stuff he wanted to get, he set off to replace the undies in Naruto’s dresser.

It took about a half hour but he managed to succeed.

After that, he took it a step further in his mind. 

Baby stuff!

Actual diapers!

Seeing them in those would be great! 

Tabe smirked and took the last of Naruto’s money to head off and purchase all that he could with them.

Now he was on his way back to Naruto’s house a second time… but just ahead of him, he saw two naked boys rushing at the house from the opposite direction!

Tabe spun around, heading back the way he came and ducking behind the corner of the house. He wanted to be able to hear the surprise in Naruto’s voice from a comfortable distance.


A shout came from Naruto’s house that made Tabe grin and laugh. He had the diapers and baby items with him but he was going to have to think of something more situational to use them in.

Perhaps a slippery slope theology should be applied here.

Yeah. That’ll work.

With that, Tabe turned and left, happy with the way the day’s event were turning out to be despite the initial disappointment.



Naruto shouted as he looked into his clothes drawers.

All his pants were gone!

All his boxers were gone!

The only thing he had were some of his smaller shirts and a bunch of weird looking cartoony briefs he had never seen before! Why was his room like this?!

“No… no way! It can’t be!” Naruto began to panic as he looked about his drawers in search for his secret stash of money. This whole time, a naked Konohamaru stood behind him with his hands covering himself. He watched Naruto frantically rush about before stopping and screaming his head off while tugging at his hair.


Konohamaru made an angry scrunched up face. He grabbed one of the tighty whities with pink bunnies on them and put them on over his butt. 

“Come on Naruto.” Konohamaru stated, trying to look and sound as serious as possible with his features looking so ridiculous. “I’ve got a plan.”

Naruto turned to face Konohamaru, seething but slowly calming down just enough to listen. “Y-You do?”

“Yeah. Two plans though. One involves getting one or two other people involved but the other only requires the two of us. Which one do you think might be the best one to try based on that?” Konohamaru asked.



The idea of having 4 guys humiliated is promising however in addition to Naruto and Konohamaru the only character that I like to see humiliated is Kiba and maybe Udon. So I say that both go on their own.


I went with both go on their own because knowing Konohamaru he'd try to recruit Sasuke, and Sasuke already has enough problems.


What a fun little chapter. Here's hoping Konohamaru ends up naked again! I loved them getting seen while knocked out and their naked race through town. Some of the best humiliation stuff yet, which is saying something.


I left it ambiguous just in case I change my mind on who he gets.