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A/N: This story is rated M for mature content not suitable for children.


Chapter 1: Ninja vs Monster

Reincarnated was a funny thing, one moment you die and the other you are inside some woman's stomach surrounded by darkness and warm liquid it was both comforting and scary.

Then comes one of the many awkward parts about being born. There's a reason why no one wants to remember that. Imagine being forcefully squeezed out through a hole that has to stretch beyond what it looks physically capable of. It felt like your soft infant body was being crushed and then spit out.

If that was not bad enough some asshole doctor smacks you on your ass to make you cry, Naruto had the last laugh though as he peed on the doctors white shirt making the man annoyed as he handed the bady to a nurse who giggled at the doctors misfortune.

The next part is just as awkward as being born, Naruto had to feed from his new mother breast, who to his surprise look just like his original mother Kushina and his father looked just like his old father Minato the forth Hokage.

Days turn to weeks, and weeks to months. Before he knew it, years passed by, and he was now a 16-year-old high school student who had gone through puberty along with going to school.

It was not all that bad being reborn in this new world, he had his parent who were loving and supportive as it turned out they are the reincarnation of his previous parents but they lacked the memories from there past life.

Naruto guess that it was because he was the reincarnated of Ashura Otsutsuki and that clan is known to having special abilities but in the end it did not matter, his past is the past he was still called Naruto Uzumaki.

As it would turn out Kushina had some royal blood and instead of taking Minato last name he had to take her last name so that is how the reincarnated shinobi remained Naruto Uzumaki in his new life.

"Somebody help, a monster is attacking," Naruto heard a woman yelling as she ran away from the scene of a monster that looked like a werewolf cutting some people into pieces and eating them.

Naruto was on his way to his private school, wearing a blue uniform and pants, and a white shirt underneath. When he saw a werewolf-like monster killing people in a local park, he decided to intervene.

This world was different from the shinobi world. It didn't have world wars, but it was plagued by monsters that could be aliens, sea creatures, or humans who transformed into monsters through various ways.

Naruto parent were heros once upon a time but they retired for reasons they refused to tell him, he guess from the dark looks on there faces when the topic is brought up some bad most have happen that made them never want to be associated to the hero association.

Kushina was an Esper and Minato had the power to teleport; he was trained in a hidden ninja village but rejected their ways and ran away, becoming a hero.

According to Minato, there was a ninja who had the ability that was said to have the ability to travel through dimensions, cast illusions, and bend space while being a master of the ninja arts.

Naruto soon found out that he was not an Esper, which disappointed his mother because she wanted to teach him. He also didn't inherit his father's ability to teleport; however, he did have a healing factor.

This didn't seem impressive at first but they all learned that it was a game changer, when Minato was training Naruto they soon realized that every time the young blonde trained to his limit the next day he would wake up stronger and capable of doing twice the amount of training he did the day before, they is also the fact that his body became more resistant to damage.

This was how the family discovered that Naruto has an ability to adapt along with his healing factor. So, while he could not lift things with his mind, create psychic constructs, or even teleport, the young blonde can in theory learn all the physical arts of a ninja and surpass anyone who came before him.

"Hey dog breath," Naruto said to get the attention of the werewolf. "Are you a human or a monster?"

"What the fuck did you call me human?" the werewolf roared as the blonde hair moved in the wind. "I am the werewolf king, I am not a fucking pitiful human."

"I thank you for confirming that, now die," Naruto said as his face turned serious, the blonde vanished in a burst of speed then reappeared behind the werewolf "monsters have no place in this world."

The werewolf try to turn to attack the blonde but as it did, it's body started to fall apart, the beast eyes went to Naruto's hand and saw a 2 foot katana in his hand, it was the last intelligent thought it had as death took the self proclaim werewolf king.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," Naruto said as he hid the Katana under his clothes "he was more bark than bite."

Naruto laugh at his own bad joke before he looked around at the corpses of all the death victims around him, they were just normal people who didn't deserve this, the blonde mood got somber as he said a short pray and left, the hero association will send someone to clean up the bodies and give them a proper burial.

Fast Forward

Naruto had to admit that this new world was just as fuck up as his old world but in a different way, while the shinobi world was plagued with wars this one was filled with monsters that want to destroy humanity.

That is why he wants to be a hero like his parents were, speaking of his parents they always get a unreadable face when he talks about being a hero.

The upside is that they up his training so he would be prepared for what ever came his way, his father trained him as a ninja while his mother spared with him using her Esper powers which was otherworldly, Kushina seem to have a inner power similar to being the vessel of biju.

Naruto realized that he would have to be strong if he wanted to become a hero, so the blonde pushed himself to his limits. Every time he came back stronger and the time he needed to heal decreased.

So after years of hellish training he was one of the strongest ninjas in the world according to his father anyway who some let it slip that he was once a candidate for something that his hidden village considered an honor before he escaped.

Z City Highschool

If there was one thing that Naruto hated in this world more than monsters it was school, you spend all day learning things that you would probably never use wasting you life.

Here the Uzumaki is in a class of 30, sitting by a window in the back. While the math teacher went on and on, this was a form of torture for the blonde.

"Hey blondie, you were late again today. Did you run into another monster?" a voice asked next to Naruto, who turned to see a short-haired dark-skinned female.

The teen across from him is Suiko a martial artist that uses the void fist, she had proclaimed herself his rival after he defeated her in a fight when they first met.

Flashback Scene Ahead

One Year Ago [Outside Z City Highschool]

it was just another day for the blonde hair Uzumaki some gangsters had saw him and attack him because of he hair with they thought was dyed, Naruto didn't hesitate as kick their asses, now he was surrounded by the knocked out bodies of all the gangster to anyone who saw this it would look like he is a mass murder on a killing spree as the blonde's luck would have it someone came upon this scene.

"What the hell happened here?" Naruto heard a female voice shout. He turned to see a short-haired, brown-skinned girl around his age.

Naruto just looked at the girl and just walked away or he would have if she didn't try to kick him in the head, the Uzumaki was only ability to dodge because of his extensive training.

"I asked you a question blondie and I am going to get an answer," The dark skinned girl said "did you do all this."

"if I did or didn't beat the breaks off those thugs is none of your concern, now buzz off before I do the same to you," Naruto replied as he once again turn to leave but was stopped by a kick which he block with his forearm.

"I will not let you get away," the short haired girl replied "I am going to kick your ass and call the police so they can arrest you for hurting all those people."

Naruto just turned to her with a bored look on his face, much to the anger of the dark-skinned girl. She felt like he was underestimating her.

"Void Sky Dragon Fist," Suiko shouted as she started to rain down blow after blow on Naruto, who dodged her attacks with ease.

Suiko canceled her attack since it was not working, she planted her feet into the ground before rocketing to the blonde's location with a shout "Void Shaking Tiger Fist."

Suiko smirked as she thought the attack would hit but instead she passed right through the blonde and realized it was a afterimage.

Suiko was about to attack the blonde again but she was struck from the back of her neck and she lose consciousness, Naruto looked at her downed body and sighed he couldn't leave her here outside where someone could take advantage of her.

"Troublesome," Naruto mumbled, and he knew a certain lazy genius in the pure world must be laughing at his misfortune.

Naruto carried Suiko inside the high school nurse's office where the school nurse looked after the unconscious girl.

As it would turn out Suiko was a new transfer student, the blonde lapped his forehead as he didn't know how he missed she was wearing his school uniform, this was going to get complicated he just knew it.

Fast Forward

Naruto hated that he was right. Suiko, after recovering, came after the blonde and challenged him to a fight, which she lost again.

It must have been a shock to her as she lay frozen on her back for several minutes s after her defeat not understanding how she lost.

This would spark a one sided rivalry as she would challenge Naruto any chance she got and in her defeat she would swear to defeat the blonde one day.

Naruto found this both annoying and hilarious, as while Suiko was strong he had years of experience from but this and his past life, there was almost no way she could defeat him.

Flashback Scene End

"Yeah, the monster attacks around here have been increasing," Naruto said as he looked out the window.

"That's true, was the monster strong?" Suiko asked curiously.

"Nope, it was weak as fuck," Naruto replied, a look of annoyance on his face.

"So it was a loser, well do you want to spar after class," Suiko asked with a excitement grin, Naruto was one of the only one she knew that can match and even surpass her in combat.

"I am busy after class, maybe some other time," Naruto said with a dismissive wave, he had no interest in fighting the female martial artist.

"Aww," Suiko said with a cute pout. "I just want to have some fun with you."

Naruto looked at Suiko pouting face and she even made fake tears fall from her eyes, the void fist user was doing everything she can to make him change his mind and it was working, the Uzumaki cursed his weakness to women tears and blamed his mother for this.

"Sigh fine but it will have to be quick," Naruto said in defeat, he knew the dark skinned girl thought training was the only way one can have fun thus he was her only real friend because he was the only one in her age group that can compete with her.

"Yes, that's the spirit. We are going to have so much fun," Suiko exclaimed in excitement, not caring about what people around her might think, that they are going on a date.

Naruto shook his head a Suiko she was popular because of her looks and physical ability but she was not really close to anyone besides him, the Uzumaki supposed he is the same.

It was just another day in his life as an inspiring hero in the making, Naruto turned his attention to his home room teacher and groaned he hoped that the day goings by quickly.

Chapter End


A/N: Hey everyone, i did the Naruto x One-Punch Man story and i am wotking on the Naruto x Vikings one, Thank you a for the support.

A/N2: Naruto basically had a Zenkai Boost every time he recovers for intense injuries but it similar to Doomday ability from DC comics.



Slow start but I’ll let it cook and let’s see how his abilities make him strong