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A/N: This story is rated M for mature content not suitable for children.


Chapter 9: Battle In The Star Tomb Part 2

Tengen's Domain

Naruto watched with interest as Kenjaku was able to defend himself against the combined efforts of Choso, Maki, and Mai.

Maki was in close combat with Kenjaku, or as close as she could get, because the evil sorcerer realized from the beginning that he couldn't defeat her in physical strength.

Choso was fighting at both mid and close combat with his blood manipulation out of all of them Kenjaku didn't see him as a threat and sent several curse spirits to distract him.

Mai was attacking from long range with a special sniper rifle she created. The bullets she used had the ability to punch through cursed energy, making her the most dangerous to Kenjaku.

One well-placed shot to the head of the evil sorcerer and the battle would be over, but sadly it was not that easy. Kenjaku is a sorcerer who has lived for hundreds of years and has the experience and curse techniques to show for it.

The trio was about to force Kenjaku to reveal several of his abilities such as blood manipulation, some kind of gravity manipulation, curse spirit manipulation and there might be more but that was all they were able to see.

"They're not doing too bad," Yuki said as she watched the trio fight Kenjaku to a stalemate.

"that is true but that is the problem, I am sure Kenjaku had a plan or ability to that them down, plas he has not used his domain expansion yet," Naruto said as his eyes never left the battle, he was ready to jump in if he thought his wives were about to die.

"You are a buzz kill but you might be right," Yuki said as she watch Kenjaku release more curse spirits but none was particularly powerful "I think he is saving up his strength for when he had to fight us."

"I figured as much," Naruto said as he was happy with his wives growth they were holding there own against an a opponent that had lifetimes of experience more that them along with curse techniques.

Kenjaku vs Choso, Mai and Maki

"You insect really are annoying," Kenjaku said as he dodged a sword swipe from Maki and summon a curse spirit to take an attack from chooses blood manipulation "this is all pointless I will get Tengen one way or another."

"If you see us as insects, then why haven't you killed us yet? That's because we are strong and you're running out of options. Until all you curse spirits run out." Choso exclaimed as he manipulated his blood into blades to slash his father.

"You and your brother are failed experiments, I should have eliminated you all so I would not have to face this headache now," Kenjaku said as he increased the gravity around him sending choso into the ground.

Maki had sensed something coming with her sixth sense and got away in time. She watched as Kenjaku casually kicked Choso away like trash before turning to face her.

"You however are interesting, someone with a heavenly restriction makes it so you don't have any curse energy in exchange for a superhuman body," the most evil sorcerer in Jujutsu history said with a glee in his eyes.

Maki did answer Kenjaku but Mai did with a bullet aimed for his head, the evil sorcerer dodged the bullet and summon a curse spirit to take the three other bullet.

"That wasn't very nice, Mai," Kenjaku said as he looked in the direction from which the bullet came. It did not surprise anyone that he knew their names, as he had a spy among them.

"super nova," Choso yelled as he made several small balls of blood explode right in Kenjaku's face.

Maki followed up the attack with a slash of her sword at high speed bit the evil sorcerer was ready for her and side stepped her attack and retaliated with a punch to the face, black lighting was released on impact and Maki was sent flying.

"Black Flash," Mai said to herself in shock as she saw her sister get sent flying, she didn't notice when a curse spirit that looked like a black snake come from behind her, it wrapped around Mai and started to squeeze her.

Naruto, Yuku and Tengen

Naruto watched all of this in worry but he was confident that Mai and Maki were still not out of this fight so he didn't intervene.

"This is not looking good," Yuki said as she saw the battle going in Kenjaku's favor. "We will have to join the fight now."

"Nah, let them fight a little long," Naruto said as he crossed his arms "and I will not be going with you when you fight Kenjaku you will fight him on you own."

"What the hell do you mean, I thought you wanted to get rid of that evil bastard like the rest of us," Yuki said as she matched over in front of Naruto. "Is this because we took you in here without telling you?"

"While I don't appreciate you forcefully taking me here, I have gotten over that. If I wanted out, I would make Queen destroy this space," Naruto said as he looked at Maki and Choso fight in a team to corner Kenjaku. "I fight best when I am alone."

"Are you sure that if you all fight as one, Kenjaku would be defeated?" Tengen said, speaking for the first time since she took them here.

"I am sure about my decision to fight alone and I know someone like Kenjaku might have a backup plan if he dies so I think I am the best one to deal with him," Naruto said but didn't elaborate, Yuki and Tengen guessed he must be talking about his curse technique.

"Fine blondie but don't come crying to me if Kenjaku gets away or we all die because you want to fight alone," Yuki said with glare at Naruto.

"How about we make a bet, if Kenjaku defeats you and I have to step in, you have to do whatever I say but if you can defeat him on your own I will do whatever you say for a week," Naruto said with a perverted grin as he looked Yuki up and down.

Yuki looked confident on the outside but on the inside she was both afraid and excited from the way Naruto was looking at her it didn't take a genius to figure out was he would make her do.

"Fine blondie you have yourself a bet, I hope you look good in a maid's uniform," Yuki said with a smirk as she thought what the hell she gotten herself into this time.

Yuki shook her head and sighed, it didn't matter now, there was two incomes for this bet, one she wins and she spends a week humiliating the Uzumaki or two she loses and she ends up a cumdump for a week.

Yuki let her imagination run wild as she started to drool and blush, she saw herself being creampied over and over until she was made to carry the Uzumaki's child.

"Would that be such a bad outcome," Yuki mumbles to herself, it would not be, she was a powerful jujutsu sorcerer and she didn't have many choices in male companion, she didn't hate regular human like some sorcerers but she knew that two powerful sorcerer mating would almost certainly make a powerful baby.

That bady would have a greater chance of surviving in this cursed world, that and she was on a dirt spell, the last time she had sex was months ago with a no name sorcerer who wouldn't know how to give her an orgasm if she spelled it out to him.

Naruto and Tengen watched as Yuki went into her own world and looked at each other confused before turning back to the battle against Kenjaku.

Maki, Mai and Choso vs Kenjaku

Mai let out a groan as the snake curse squeezed her tightly, Naruto's first wife refused to scream as she was crushed by the curse spirit.

"Your sister doesn't look so good. Maybe you should go check on her," Kenjaku said in a mocking voice to Maki, who had recovered in record time from the black flash. They all knew that if she went to help Mai, he would defeat Choso and come after them next.

Maki glanced at Mai but she didn't go to help her to Kenjaku surprise, he continued to use curse spirits to distract Maki while he attacked with blood manipulation.

Meanwhile, Mai started to focus on her sniper rifle. It devolved into liquid metal, and she made it surround the snake's cursed head and crushed it.

This was the fruit of her hellish training. She had made liquid metal and shaped it into anything she wanted, so it could be used to attack and defend.

The snake curse disappeared giving Mai the time to catch her breath, she looked at Maki and Choso struggling against Kenjaku and his seemingly endless supply of curse spirits.

"It's now or never," Mai said to herself as she will the liquid metal to take the form of a sniper again, this time she reached into her pants and pulled out a case she opened it to reveal one bullet.

This was her secret weapon. Mai developed this special bullet with Naruto's help. Naruto boosted her curse energy output with his King Piece and his own curse energy to create this one bullet.

Mai loaded the bullet into the rifle and waited for the right time to strike, while Maki used her soul cutting sword and Choso his blood manipulation to push Kenjaku into a corner.

"Piercing Blood," Choso exclaimed as jets of blood cut through the air towards Kenjaku, who had an annoyed look on her face.

The evil sorcerer knew that the attack was a distraction so that Mai who her knew killed his curse spirit via his curse technique or Maki to land an attack on him while he dealt with the blades of blood.

"What don't you just die, trash?" Kenjaku said as he used her Maximum Uzumaki on Choso, trying to kill his son once and for all. However, Maki saved him by tackling the blood manipulator out of the way of the massive attack.

Naruto looked annoyed that Kenjaku had an attack with the same name as his clan and vowed to erase the evil sorcerer from existence for this transgression.

Kenjaku used his gravity technique to lower and increase the gravity around him in such a way that it threw Maki and Choso off when they attacked. Sometimes, it felt like they were being crushed, other times they were floating in the air with no control.

That was not to mention the numerous curse spirits around them that would attack them with anything from their teeth and claws to fire and poisons.

"Shit this isn't working," Choso cursed in frustration ,he waited for so long to get revenge on the son of a bitch who used his mother and brothers as experiments for his own amusement now he was powerless against him.

"Stay calm, we have not lost yet," Maki said as she cut a curse spirit into pieces. "Keep him busy for as long as you can and we will win this."

"How can we possibly win? Everything we do, he counters it and deals damage to us," Choso exclaimed as he used his blood to kill several curses while looking at Kenjaku with killing intent.

"Just trust me and follow my lead," Maki said in a serious voice, promising pain and suffering to anyone who didn't do as she said. "We are going to attack Kenjaku with everything we have."

Choso was about to argue but he realized Mai have not been backing them up so that can mean she is dead which he doubts because Maki would can gone berserk not to mention Naruto so that means she must be up to something that can turn this battle in there favor.

"Fine, but whatever you are planning better work," Choso said as he released a lot of blood and it floated around him. Maki took up a stance as her muscles tensed.

The two charge at Kenjaku who knew that they was up to something but he could figure out what exactly but he would humor them for now, hundreds of curse spirits appeared ready to defend there master while Kenjaku used blood and gravity manipulation together.

The most evil sorcerer in Jujutsu history used his gravity manipulation to increase the weight of the blood while also using anti-gravity to decrease the air pressure around the jets of blood, making the attack hundreds of times more deadly.

Kenjaku was now surrounded by his curses and blades of blood that shredded whatever came in contact with it. It was as if he were in a tornado, and he was at the center of it all.

Those watching was in awe because Kenjaku showed that he can use multiple curse techniques at once and the power behind them was on a level that only someone that Sukuna or Gojo can match.

From his hiding place with Yuki and Tengen, Naruto started to wonder if he should join the battle now. But the confidence Maki (she had a psychopathic grin) and Mai (she had a look of total concentration) exuded, Naruto decided to wait and see. He would step in and save them if he had to; there was no way he was going to let his precious people die no matter what.

Chapter End


A/N: Next time the battle continues.



It's been some time since the last update. Hope you update soon..