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Hey everyone,

Nothing excited to show today. I had to get out of town for work this weekend so I didn't get to progress as much as I wanted to.

While I didn't get much in term of game, I still worked a bit on 3D modeling on my laptop, so I could get a bit of an headstart on some new clothes and stuff. I'm currently trying to make a working overalls model to release some baby overalls. Like the onesie, it's a tricky model to get right because it's as much a pants slot than a shirt one, and it have to work with diaper on and off.

I'm also working on a pullups model. This one is also very tricky because I need to make something in-line with the current diaper to not have issues with overlapping polygons, while still getting something feeling different enough.

I'm getting there, you'll probaly get some nice pics soon enough!

So, this was quick today and it's pretty much a teasing, but I have to unpack my stuff and get back to work now ! Have a great week !

See ya !


john n

A nice diaper bulge will be nice with the overalls.