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Heya everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the last released update ! I didn't get a lot of feedback on performance and bugs, which is very good.

Now, after a short break, I'm back to the whiteboard to draft out the plan for the next, major update. This will be a pretty big millestone because this will probably be the last alpha build. This is a pretty technical distinction that's not very exciting but for me, it mean that the game will be (I hope) stable enough.

So, let's focus on what's in for next !

Continuation of the story

A major release, as always, mean a new level to progress the story. I learnt from the hospital though. While bigs levels can be fun, it impact the performance and it can be frustrating for a lot of players. So, it won't be a big, massive level, but rather a more story-driven experience.

Achievement System

This is not really hard to implement, most of the work are already done in the backend, and I think it's a great way for me to show progression and make fun little challenges that would hold no rewards except bragging rights. More on that in a dedicated post.

More NPC Reaction

I want to take all the little things I implemented recently (NPC following you, commenting what you do...) and fill the world with interactives littles events.

Side content

I want to tackle on the caregiver side quest, because not only it will give some peoples who dig the more "caregiver" part of the game something to enjoy, but it will also tie in with the diaper club. The idea is to provide a medium to have a caretacker following you around.

I will also add more diaperclub content,especially another recruitement.


As suggested, I'll try to fit in a new slots for feets, and of course continue to create new clothes, diapers and accessories as much as I can.

That's all for the majors features ! Of course I'll try to fit in some others littles things if I can, and continue to bug-hunt and improve performance everywhere I can do something.

With that all said, now that the plan is layed out, I'm getting back to work ! See ya!



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