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Hey everyone,

Before releasing the update,I though it would be helpful to make a post dedicated to all the debug commands that can be used in the game. While there's an help list in-game, it may be more clear to have theses here in a more structured post, and that can also allow some of you to copy/paste it in a notebook. I'll update that list as it goes. 

 HELP : Give a list of all the commands with a short description.

 ITEMLIST : Give a list of all the items in game so you can check the name to use it with GIVEITEM.

 WARP_SPAWN : Warp you to the spawn point. 

 SKIP_TUTO : Warp you to home and set all the flags needed to skip the tutorial

 SKIP_LEVELONE : Warp you to home and set all the flags needed to skip the first level.

 SKIP_LEVELTWO : Warp you to home and set all the flags needed to skip the second level.

  UNSTUCK : If you're in a situation where the player won't move, it force the technical component to be enable again. It won't fix the underlying bug that caused it in the first place.

  CUSTOMIZE_PLAYER : Open the customization panel.

  MONEY : Followed by a number, give the inputed amount of money. Ie : money 100 

  GIVEITEM : Followed by an item name, give the item. Ie: giveitem simplediaper

  SETCONTINDEX : Followed by a number, setup the continence level. Lower is a worst continence handling. Ie : setcontindex 15

  SETMATURITY : Followed by a number, setup the maturity level. Ie : setmaturity 50

  SETSTOMACH : Followed by a number, setup the stomach level. Ie : setstomach 1500

  SETBLADDER : Followed by a number, setup the bladder level. Ie : setbladder 500

  SETBOWEL : Followed by a number, setup the bowel level. Ie : setbowel 500

 QUESTBOOL : Followed by a flag name, set that flag to true. Ie: questbool DSCMember 

As this is harder than item list to provide a dynamic list in game, here's a comprehensive list to the useful flags that you can setup with this command. (Note : Quote are included for clarity but shouldn't be inputed in game.)

This list can potentially spoil you if you're not up to date. Be also wary that triggering a flag out of order can sequence break the game and lead to unintended behaviours.

 "CompletedMansion" :  finish the haunted house. It will not freed the diaper girl.

  "DSCMember" :  make yourself a diaper club member.

  "SpokeToClubHouseLab":  trigger all event past the point of speaking to the lab geek about the strange vial.

   "GotBakedSoda":  lab geek consider you got the baking soda.

   "SpokeToCityLab": Hospital secretary consider you spoke to the Pr Sapee

    "GotHoodyFile" : Jason will consider you got the files from the safe in the hsopital office.

     "FreedHospitalDiaperGirls": Free the diaper girls in the hospital ward.

      "SpokeToJasonAboutLibrary" : Jason will wait for you at the library.

       "GotHoodieThesis" : Jason will consider you got back the thesis from library archive.

       "EscapedHospital" : will trigger all the subsequent event past the hospital level. Will not freed the hospital girls.

       "DSCRecruitment" : Consider that you have accepted to recruit members for the diaper club.

      "FirstMemberRecruited" : Consider that you have recruited Beth in the diaper Club.

       "FirstMemoryCompleted": Consider that you have done Beth Memories quest.

       "JulianQuestDone" : Consider that you have done Julian quest in the city.

        "labMiniGameDone" : Consider that you completed the lab mini game at least once.

This list will get updated with each release as new useful flags get added.



Hi got a bug the note book will not open and loading a save file will change the hare calour.


You might have downloaded the 0.3.4b version. I corrected the diary bug in the main branch (0.3.4a) but not the other one, which is a version only dedicated to measure performance improvement. Can you try with the 0.3.4a release? For the hairs, I'm aware of this, hair color tend to "jump" from save to save if you reload the game. It's not an high priority bug but it's on my list.