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Heya everyone,

I'm wrapping together the last pieces before the update. I just need to write a few dialogs, create some rewards for the arcade, polish out the level I created, and then I'm good to go. I think I'll be able to release it in one week.

Aside from that, I created a few more behaviours for NPCs, especially for the new NPC escort. The NPC that follow you can react based on events, like when you fart a lot or when you have an accident.

Of course this is highly handcrafted, at least in dialogs side so I won't make it global for each NPC, but I've got a pretty reusable system that I'll be glad to implement each time it will be relevant.  This is also more global than just toward NPC, so that's pretty neat and can be usefull for a lot of little event that I was previously doing with customs scripts that were taking me a lot of time. 

With this, I'm again making progress toward more and more NPC interaction! I think this is the best way to go to make the game deeper. My goal is to have a great framework so I can spend less time doing backend things and focus instead on writing more dialogs to flesh out the world.

That's it for now, I'm getting back to polish all the small little things that I need to do. 

See ya! 



john n

Cool can't wait for the next update. So in the future we will be getting different caretakers. one you could make is an evil/bully caretaker who punishes you in various ways