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A bit of a slow progress this week. I'm mainly doing back-end stuff, but even though there's not a lot of flashy things, I manage to make good progress. I think I can estimate the next release in a couple week if everything goes as planned.

First of, I finished tackling smalls littles technicals details, like in my last post.

I think I finally resolved a very long lasting bug where you'll spawn under the point where you last saved, if you happened to save on anything but ground floor. This was very tricky to pinpoint, but this time I think I've got it handled.

I also optimized a lot of thing about NPCs. They are one of the most performance-heavy hitters in the game given that they have quite an high poly count. So, the main thing I did was finding a way to disable them based on distance and on camera (a bit like occlusion culling). That should save a few FPS and help in general in term of optimization.

So, now that the technical stuff is behind, I still did some visible things ! The new questline for the diaper club will lead us in a few places that I newly created in the city. First, the toy store will open his door in the upper-district plaza. I have a few ideas of toys that could leverage the features that I recently implemented, and overall it fit the general theme. 

An ice cream vendor also took place near the park. This area is still a lil' empty but I have a few ideas to populate it soon. 

The idea behind the next questline will involve taking a walk with a diaper club member in the city and visiting some of theses news places. I want to get more interactions going and this is perfect to create new things on top of what I drafted in the earlier releases. 

So, now I still have to polish the build a little bit before getting to the scripting of all the events. 

See ya !



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