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Heya everyone,

I'm really happy about my progress this week. I managed to completely redo the supermarket and the outside stores and I think the results are pretty good.

I wanted to give an open vibe feeling, and I think the city in the background and the glass ceiling really improve this while also giving a feeling of consistency. The old market was really outdated compared to the most recent level like the library.

I also added a small coffee shop inside to keep consistent with the "small familial mall" spirit.

On the polish side, I decided to make some light work to highlight some area, like a blue tint near the frozen alley. Of course, like all the recent lights, this will be disabled if you choose so so you can adapt it to your performance.

For the outside stores, I kept it very simple. The goal here was to get rid of two annoying load that were really bothersome when you just wanted to buy a drink.

Finally, as I continue to rewamp the UI, I took a little bit of time to work on the shop UI. The old one was really barebone, so I improved the tooltip and give you a direct view of how much money you have right now. It's not definitive but I think the general layout is better.

That's it for now ! Don't hesitate to let me know how you feel about theses changes, as usual. 

Until then, see ya!




Man do I seem far behind.

john n

mall looks awesome great job