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Heya everyone,

I'm back to work and planning what will be come next in the future update. It should be the last minor one before the next major one, so I'll try to tie up more and more stuff in this one!

First, this was planned last update but I didn't get to finish it in the timing I wanted to : the stores rewamp. As I already said, the supermarket need a good overhaul because right now, it's really hurting eyes. I already progressed on it last month so this should be quick.

While I'm focusing on the supermarket, I also want to finish the arcade questline. This is hanging on since basically the beginning on the game and it's sightly frustrating that I didn't get the time to focus on it. I have a good plan for it but it might need a good chunk of my time so I will see how it goes.

Obviously I'll also focus on the story transition follow-up, and on the GUI rewamp that was left hanging last time. 

This left me with two big chunk : either a new content for the diaper club, or the beginning of the other side content focused on the caregiver side. Honestly, I don't think I'll have the time to focus on both, so, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that. I may make a poll about it to gauge the interest, but don't hesitate to let me know in the comment how you feel about it. 

That's it for now, I'm getting back to finish the stores!

See ya! 



john n

diaper club all the way.. found a new bug i cant seem to get the baking soda for the nerd to advance the main quest. it says something like better leave it for someone else but the nerd needs it


Just tested it. It work when you're talking to Jason about the vial but not if you go directly to the geek. I'll get it fixed for the next release.


Definitely diaper club! Do you mind if I make two suggestions? Can you maybe add a way to fart on command? Also, I know it would be a lot of work to write all the dialogue, but having NPCs react to you farting would be nice too.


Fart on command is really easy, I could do that no problem. As for the NPC, it's a good idea. I'll see if I can integrate it nicely.