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Heya everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the last update. I'm quite happy because there's a significant drop in term of bug since the beginning of the year. I hope my new workflow about bugs begin to bear fruits !  

As always, I always welcome your feedback.This is very precious to me because they told me if I'm going to the right way. 

Anyway, I've spend the week-end planning the next release. Again, I'm trying to stick to my one-month release plan. Here's what I'll be working on  :

UI Improvement : HUD,inventory and statut screen

This is the main course of the UI redesign. I'm really happy about all the menus but the real thing is the HUD. It's really important that I convey the information needed by the player as clearly as possible, and I heard all the messages you sent me about feeling sometime a bit lost with the current one. 

I also want to make the inventory less clustered. For now it just feel like a big bag of about anything, so I'm thinking about  splitting it by category (Food, Clothes, quest items, etc...).

Last but not least, the statut screen currently host a lot of placeholder messages, sprites and stuff that I need to sort out and make functionnal. Some sprites will still stay placeholder till I can get in  touch with a better 2d artist than myself, but at least everything will be in place.

Diaper club : Recruit#01 

Last update,I left you hanging with without being able to play with your newly recruited member. I need to wrap this up and provide a questline-end with a fitting mini-game. It will probably mean that I'll need to expand a  bit the diaper club  room.

Main story : to the next level

We left the hospital with some useful informations. Now, where are we going?I'll provide the main story with all the transitions quests that will lead to the next level. Some things are already in place: The library will host a small portion of that transition.

Supermarket and stores rewamp

This is the last "old" area that I need to rewamp. The stores are a bit out of place and it feel lame to transition for something so small so I'll try to make these a real part of the city (like the new cafe in the park). The supermarket is too big so it will stay in that way, but I want to make it more immersive, and open that arcade for good ! This poor arcade vendor is waiting here for damn too long. 

So, here's my plans for the next month. It's not that much but a lot of this (UI improvement, rebuilding an area) are really time-consuming so I'll better get to work.

That's it for now, see ya next time ! 


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