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Hello everyone,

2022 is now behind us and with a full new year ahead, I wanted to share with you my 2023 roadmap.

2022 has ended...

And what a year it was ! 

One year ago, I just began prototyping the game and putting together the core systems : player movements, continence, inventory and dialogs. Looking back to it, I'm quite proud  of the tremendous progress that was made since then. 

Of course, great and fast  progress can have downsides and I could list many of them. One of the main one if not anticipating the growth of the game enough : the initial prototyping backbone wasn't suited for a large game. This mean I had to put a lot of work to adjust systems for scalability in mind. Looking back, I should probably have released a demo for testing system and gameplay, then start from scratch again. 

The second downside is clearly bugs. Well, the good news is nearly every one of theses are my fault in one way or another. Why good news? Because it mean I have controls over theses and I can make corrections quickly. The worst bugs of all is the non-reproductible one that only happen on certain condition and, even worst, operating-system dependant. Gladly, it didn't happen. 

There were probably some times this year where I rushed content too much and didn't took the time to correct major bugs before. I  think this got far better since a few weeks and the new bug backlog that I created. 

I want to thank every one of you that took the time to report a bug or something they feel was wrong. Your feedback is very precious and help me a lot.

Of course, there's still leftover bugs, and I'll be doing my best to tackle theses as soon as possible.

So, now, what can we expect  from 2023?

Let's make it clear : I want to finish the game by  the end of the year , and there's multiple reasons for that.

First, and the most obvious one, when I begin something, I like it to be done one day. My worst fear would be to drag the development indefinitely, adding features on top of features without wrapping things up. 

Second, The Pacifier Project is my first game of this scale. Meaning, like I said earlier, it's inherently flawed from the beginning. When I look back at what I did six months ago, I feel embarassed. Doesn't mean I want to rush it, far from it ! I'll polish it till the very end and make it a game that make me proud. 

What does it mean?

Well, certainly not that I will be done  with creating an ABDL game. When this game  will be done, I want to use everything I learnt to begin the creation of another, even more ambitious game. And this time, you'll be able to voice what you want from the start. We'll have more occasions to talk about it later. 

That's it for the distant future, but what about now?

Last year was definitely focused on building basics. I began a lot of things, but didn't commit to them fully. For example, NPC can now have a lot of behaviours...But only one of them is showing it. 

So, before building a lot of content, I'll take the time to flesh out existing systems.

I also want to commit more to ABDL content,like I've begun  to show in the last update. Everything is ready in game to make a lot of small things that will push it to the next level, I just have to  fully commit to it. 

In terms of content, I have a pretty clear idea of what's left to do. What you can expect this year is :

  • Another level (shorter than the last one, I learnt my mistakes)
  • More diaper club- related sidequest
  • A new sidequest dedicated to high-maturity player that would want to take care of littles
  • The "final" level in term of story.

My goal is to continue with the one-release-by-month timing, with a major release every 3-4 month. It may mean that some updates will get less content, but this help  me plan things to fit a one month timing and I get the feel most people prefer small drip of content rather than a big chunck every three months. 

So, that's it ! I would like to thank you all for your constant support during this year. I didn't expect so much when I started, and without you the game would probably be far less advanced. Since a couple of months, you're consistently more than 100 Patrons supporting me, and that's an awesome number.  Thank you again, and wish you all the best for this  year!


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