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I'm finally seeing the light ahead ! I've made very good progress this week. The level is now totally playable and I just have to make sure everything is correcty linked together. I'm basically rounding things around the edges, balancing stuff and tweaking things. I'm also ensuring the level close up nicely, even if I don't have any good answer to how to allow you to go back to it after completion without messing up some event sequence. 

My main fear is that there's probably multiple way to sequence-break it right now, but I guess I'll have some answers to that soon enough ! 

My second fear is that - as I already pointed out - the level is pretty big, and I feel like even while it's nearly finished, it could use a lot more details and polishing. I'm gonna take the next days trying to add some stuff to it to make it really pretty.

And my last fear, again linked to the above, is that since the level is huge, I hope it won't affect performance too much. I'll be hearing closely if you notice any framerate drop or technical issues related to performance.

So, here's the progress status : 

Nearly there ! So, except if something major happen in the next few days, I should be able to release the update either next week or very early the week after. 

Until then,I'm gonna polish this thing out ! 




I cant wait to disscect your level and tell you how it went