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Hey everyone,

Today, I want to show you something lighter to get the head out of level design a bit. 

It's been a long time since I gave a bit of love to the clothing shop. So, the next update will give you a lot of stuff to buy ! I already showed you some new clothes, but I'm also adding colors variants in the already-existing shop. 

Since it was getting a bit cramped, I rewamped a bit the GUI so you can switch between Top, Underwear, or bottom.

Obviously, it's a "cheap" way of providing variety since it's just a color variation of an existing clothes. But given the time I need to build new clothes, this is an easy fix that can make some of you happy so it would be dumb to not do it ! 

This way, you'll be able to freely mix colors and get more customization options. My next step, when I'd got a little bit of time, will be to make some printed top. It will help bring some "childish" clothes on the table. 

Since I was on a color streak, I also added a few colors to existing hairs.

Again, this is quite easy to do, so don't hesitate to ask if you feel like you miss your favorite color!

Feel also free to tell me if you like these kind of addition and if you'd like more color variant in the next updates!

After that little colorful break, I'm back to level building. See ya ! 



john n

will we be getting hospital clothing like a smock?


also I really like the spooky diapers can beaten areas have its own rewards like being able to get or buy those special area diapers and such?


Yep, this is in my plans. I just don't know yet exactly how I will do it (a vendor spawning after beating the level for example)


Could make it so the ghost nurse does it, get em from her. If you use the device on her master could have it be that she starts doing her own thing there in his absense.


oh by the ay cant recall if i pointed out but some outfits was doing weird color changing in a previous update. but it would be cool to see areas have beyond the 1st encounter uses.


Nice ideas here. Yeah I'm aware there's some color issues with some shader under some lighting. I have to work on that.


I for one love interconnected worlds with reasons to return to older areas with new abilitlys or contexts and learn more about it all. im not sure how much here is meant to be tied together or red herrings . not sure if intentionally game gives a whatdunnit vibe though.