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Hey everyone,

The release 0.2.1c is available on itch at the usual link ( https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project-minor-releases/patreon-access ). It's a corrective build that fix the pretty game-breaking bug of freezing while in dialog.

I spent far too much time on this one, it was really hard to pinpoint and I had a lot of trouble reproducing it. Honestly, I was quite depressed because it was the new dialogs that were messed up and I was comtempting scraping it out from scratch. Gladly it was far more simple that that .

In the end there was two issues : while working on the various states, I missaligned a boolean that was checking if the diaper was visible. So,  the dialog tree was totaly lost and didn't know how to react anymore. Just fixing the boolean was enough to fix the issue. And the second one was even dumber : while designing the template, I got another boolean wrong. So I had to go back to every dialog to change that. Since I had to manualy check everything, it's possible that I forgot one. If you encounter one NPC that seem to trigger the same behaviour, just report it to me and I'll correct it. 

I took note of every others little issues that you sent me but as this took me a sizeable chunck of time, I didn't get to fix everything. Sorry about that. 

So, as the bug will consistenly pop up each time you spoke to a rewamped NPC while wearing a clean diaper, I encourage everyone to download the new build and be done with it.  

It's quite frustrating to use a lot of time on small things like this, especially just after a release and on a very trivial line of code that I should have found right away. For the next releases, I'll try to plan ahead more quality testing to avoid situations like that. 

Anyway, I hope that you'll be able to enjoy the release now that this main bug is fixed ! See ya ! 



I dont mind, testing the game can be fun on its own. but ill go and test it today.