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Hey everyone,

The release 0.2.1 is available on itch at the usual link ( https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project-minor-releases/patreon-access ). 

Let me emphasis again that previous saves will probably not be compatible. It don't contain the necessary information to make the link with the save slot system.

I also made available the reaction popup that I talked about in the last post, but the display is quite buggy, so please take it as a prototype feature. 

So, here's the changelog ! Obviously a lot of technical changes and as planned no new content. As usual, feel free to drop me any comment/PM if you encounter a major bug that I didn't talk about.  I'm aslo curious to get your feedback on the food change and general balance/feel of the food/continence loop.  


Dialos overhauled for the 24 NPC present in the city. They react far more accordingly to your game state. 

NPC can now react to your player name.

Added a sell option to the shady vendor.  



Added a diary to track the story. 

Added a button to open the diary.



The option to play a boy is available from the character creation panel. 



Foods items adjusted to account for the relevant change to the food system.

Sell price added to sellable items

Diapers can now overflow once limit is reached. The amount of accident permitted by the diaper can vary. 

You can now correctly unequip clean panties and pants without it becoming soiled. 



Added 4 save slots. This will cause existing saves to not be recognized by the game.

Corrected an issue with the saving of hair color/style.

Rewamped the food system :

- Being full give you a speed bonus which gradualy dissipate as your stomach empty out

- You can now eat more frequently. Each food consumed will add to the current digested food. Digested food is added to the bowel/bladder only after the queue emptied out. 

Added a "skip tutorial" option in the debug panel. It will spawn you in your bed.

Saving inside the mansion should not softlock the player anymore.

Various bugs from previous builds corrected.


Know bugs and issues:

Popup which spawn from NPC does not display properly relative to the player position. 

Loading from title screen can cause some variable to not be loaded. Just reload again from option menu to fix.

Boy pants texture can appear a bit off while messy/wet.

Player can rarely become stuck in place after engaging a dialog with an NPC. No fix for now, currently under investigation. This is one I detected just today but wasn't able to reproduce. I just hope it was something transient due to the fact I'm contuniously messing around with save files when building the game. 

And now, time to make more content ! 




I really don't know how to find the library.


Ok, so there's a glitch in the game where the character will start "holding" randomly, and I'm not pressing "H". This happens especially when they don't have to use the restroom. In fact, it happened a minute after already using the toilet. Restarting the game is a temporarily fix, but it keeps happening. It's quite annoying since it slows the character down and a lot of the settings and variables reset themselves if you restart the game. The door switches in the haunted house I've activated have to be pressed again.


I think it's not a glitch: I used (for now) the holding animation as a placeholder for the hungry mode. If you eat something, is everything back to normal? You pointed a good thing here, I'll make a distinct animation for it, it's probably not clear enough.


So I went to the burger restaurant. It doesn't go back to normal even after 3 burgers.


Did you let the burgers the time to digest? If you chained 3, it should be around one minute and half before it take effect. Anyway, I'm investigating it.


illl go comb the game for you. see any glitches , or unintended conquences pop up for your gameplay, all logged into a dm.


ok if theres an option to hold it in , why isnt there an option to let go? also have ran into several issues, and wasnt that deep into playing.


I honestly didn't think about an option to let go. Should not be too complicated to add!


yea in this update specifically it seems when she begins to struggle with her potty holding in, shes limping around like she got shot or somthing. and when your what seems like miles away from a restroom im like, this is pain. XD


Speaking to any all and all NPCs outside of the neighborhood area locks the game here. Trying to warp to spawn, skip intro will just put me a few meters off the ground frozen in place. Closing and opening the game fixes that but then speaking to an NPC in the city or school area will again freeze the player in place.


I'm on it. It's a tricky bug to find and I've not yet identified the source of why it happen. Did you try to make another save?


Happened when using the debug menu to skip the intro, seems to work normally going with a normal start.