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Hey everyone,

The last days were heavily focused on designing what I want the NPC to react and how to do it. 

Up until now, NPC could react to four states : 

  • A normal state
  • A diapered state
  • An accident state
  • A maturity variant

At the start of the game, I was pretty happy with it because that was enough to get some feels on how the NPC would react, but now that the game is growing, it's lacking on more than one area : 

  • The NPC react the same if you're wet or messy
  • The NPC can't tell if your diaper is showing
  • The NPC don't care if you're running around butt-naked

So I scrapped all of that, and designed a new dialog tree which could answer all theses lacking areas. 

Here is the basic dialog that pop if the NPC don't have any custom line, that you shouldn't see in game since I now make sure every NPC have a dialog before releasing it. Needless to say, it's far more distinct now and I think I have all the bases covered. The bad side is that for every NPC, I have now a tons of line to imagine and write to give life to that diversity. And the other bad side is that I have to redo all the existing NPC to account for that template. 

So, for now I'm focusing on the city area which is about 25 NPC. Some of them won't need to have a lot of variety, like the guards, and I won't touch a lot of  story - related NPC because it will be really hard to fit all theses kind of situation and still getting a coherent narrative. I plan to release the update once I'm done with the city NPC so you can test all the new things. If I'm able to do more before the end of the week, it would be nice but I don't want to delay the update too much.

Lastly, I began to work on improving the starting experience. A lot of you told me that the start can be confusing so I want to tackle that.

 I added a diary so you know what to do next at any point. It's a quick and easy thing to do and it might be used later on for more stuff. 

I also plan to have some pop-up windows to explain some of the game concept better at the start (maturity, toilet, food, washing machines...) so you don't have to guess everything. 

Last but not least, I added a "skip tutorial" button in the options so thoses of you that are around since the start won't have to redo everything every release. 

That's it for now. I feel like I still have so much to do, but as long as progress is being made, things will ease out ! 

See ya ! 




this reminds me, I noticed its possible to kick jason out the plot entirely. is there a point for this? or rather things its made to lock or unlock you from?


I want people to be able to choose if they wanna play with a sidekick or not. I don't think it will lock you up from something either way, except a few pieces of exclusive dialogs and/or lore.


I found it odd. that jason is implied to have made the playarea room. but also can get into a locked room that you cant.


On that topic, I admit I focused more on what I want to achieve gameplay wise without looking too far into plot-hole territory. Reworking the dialogs will help me make a more coherent narrative.


when in doubt simplify, your project is better in its infant stages then most others with a decade under belt.

Erin Blanche

Having NPCs react a bit more is great, thank you for doing that. For "story" characters (like Jason or your friend or whomever else will be a fixture) it would be nice if they had some memory of what happened or a way to shape the relationship with them. It will be weird if nobody you regularly hang around with recognizes you've gone from a random wetting to running around in just a diaper even if at the moment you found (stole) some adult clothes. More PC reactions to the first wetting or being changed etc. might be good too for future QoL enhancements... I think it will help make the exploration more impactful if your character thinks or reacts to some of the stuff they find or see more... anyway, great game, very glad to see where you go next!


I like the idea of differents reactions given how much accidents you had. I'll keep it in the back of my mind.