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Hey everyone,

I made quite a lot of progress on the backend side of the game the last days. 

First, I tackled the very annoying bug that was causing the dialog system to not recognize the player's chosen name. It sound like a small thing, but it will allow me to give a better sense of customisation through dialogs, so it's always worth the time spend. And since I'm gonna spend a lot of time this week writing dialogs, it was the perfect occasion.

Since I was doing a lot of coding, I though it was the good time to dive into the systems I also had to look into.

The selling system is mostly complete. My idea is that to gain money, you can bring some items you found to the shady guy close to the supermarket. If the item you have in your inventory is sellable, he will buy it from you for a certain amount of money. This way, I can hide more "junk" items into the world and it will be a reward for exploration. It will not be the only way to gain money but it's a first start and I got the system working fine.

Then, I spend a lot of time to improve the food system. Up until now, there wasn't a lot of incentive to eat something except if you wanted to have an accident. So, I linked the Stomach "fullness" to player's speed. 

This mean that as long as your stomach is full, you'll get a small boost in speed (even without running. And as your stomach slowly empty out, you will lose that speed boost, and get slowed down when you're starving. The idea is to incentive you to eat every once in a while to keep your speed maxed, hence building bladder and bowel value without feeling forced. 

I also make some interesting change to how the food is handled.

I separated the "consumption" timer that prevented you to chain-eating food from the "digestive" timer that sent the food value to the bladder/bowel. This mean you can now eat food more often, and that food will "queue" to what is actually being digested. The final value will then be sent to your bladder /bowel. Since I still want accidents to be somewhat unexpected, I aslo created a "randomizator" coefficient that is applied to the digestive timer. 

So,in gameplay words, this mean you can chain food to fill out your stomach faster. But doing so will increase your bladder/bowel queue and when it drop... it could make it full earlier than expected  ! 

I balanced the value so you're expected to have a full bladder/bowel every 3 to 5 minutes of gameplay. As always with balance, I'll be eager to hear your feedback to see if that feel good in game. 

Lastly, I began working on the dialogs. As I already said, I want more state to be recognized. So I added a way to check if the player is wearing pants and if the player is naked. In addition to what already exist, that will allow me to design a template dialog that can recognize about every gameplay situation : is the player mature or not, is he wearing a visible or concealed diaper, a loaded pantie...

Now that it's done, I'm gonna rework every dialog currently in game with that template ! That will be my main focus this week, and after that I'll be ready to release a new update. 

As always, don't hesitate to drop me a feedback on theses changes, especially on the food system. I'm always interested to know if I'm going in the good direction to make the game fun. 

Until then, see ya soon !  




Looks great! Any thoughts on a bladder meter?


I'm a bit mitigated on it, but I'm open to feedback on that topic. I choose a bladder indicator that only convey the information that it's near-full because I think meters lead to an awkward gameplay situation when you "predict" your accident. Additionnaly, a meter kinda ruin the point that I'm trying to make with a two-route gameplay : an adult would not need a meter to know when it's time to go to a toilet, and a child wouldn't care anyway, right? But I can also understand some peoples would prefer to have a better idea of the bladder state. Again, I'm pretty open to feedback/ideas here !


you could always have it be a toggle, and have an 'optional' trait if the game is meant to be played a certain way

john n

ya i agree it would be nice to have it as an option


Thank to y'all, I got a pretty cool idea for making it optionnal and integrating it with gameplay. I need to test things but I'll talk about it soon if it's working as intented.