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Hey everyone,

So I pushed the new build on itch today. I did a intense test run but a few bugs could have slipped away, especialy since the game is getting more complex. So, as usual, if you encounter any bug, don't hesitate to report it to me. I'll continue my test tomorrow and I'll upload a corrective version if there's any major bug found. 

You'll find the update at the usual link : https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project-minor-releases/patreon-access . Hope you'll enjoy it ! 

You can use your old save, but you may encounter some major bugs. I encourage you to start fresh to be certain to not get stuck. 

Here's the changelog:


New explorable zone :

The haunted house is partially open for exploration ! Brace yourself for all the scary things inside. You will need to have about 75% maturity to be able to enter it. 

Some places in the world became blocked by crates. If only you could push your way through...


Story :

The story can be progressed until the end of the first half of the Haunted House. 

Two side quests added to unlock the clothe store and the shady store. 



Added a close button to inventory and equipement panel.



You can now choose persistent perks at the start of the game that can influence your way of playing.

Partially corrected an unintented behaviour of staying soiled even after changing clothes. 

You can now unlock the pushing skills, allowing you to push through crates.



New kind of diaper : Ghost printed diaper and package.

10 news items added, some relevant to story and side quest.

2 new consumable items added

2 new clothes available



Refactored some code to help keep framerate low.

Added a catcher to prevent player to fall in the void.

Corrected a major bug when loading a save could fail due to some items not loading properly.


Know bugs and issues:

Pants mesh can show a bit bugged when clean.

Switching out of a wet/mess state only work when you change from a diaper (for now).

Trying to change hair two times in a row can cause an error

Hairs and colors are not yet saved 

Roaming ghost behaviour can be a bit agressive

Loading from title screen can cause some variable to not be loaded. Just reload again from option menu to fix




Found a big bug in the haunted house, when you go to inspect the first furniture the ghost hides in it freezes your movement controls (menus and such still work) and if you save and load the game it places you high in the air like you're standing on the skybox. quitting the game and loading just places me right before I interacted with the furniture. This same situation also happened once with the ghost that changes you after you ask her for a change. (The girl in the cage was also stuck sitting on the skybox for some reason)


I'll look into it right now. Sound like something I had debugged earlier, I'll look into it to see why it still happen.


Just cant find the scissors and needle.. Stumped


Okay, I pinned down the bug. Basicaly, it happen because the game do not save properly the object it should despawn after the dialog (like doors). So when you speak again, it cause a crash. FYI, the "stuck high in air" bug happen when the game fail to load something for any reason. Here, the game fail to load an item which doesn't exist. I pushed an updated build on itch that prevent situation like that to occur so hopefully it won't happen anymore.Anyone who download the previous one can redownload it.


The needle should be pretty easy to find if you check the furnitures. The scissors are a lot harder ! Every door that look closed in the mansion can be opened in some way (except the other half and behind the big ghost, obviously), that should give you a lead !


Excellent, I'll do a playtest later. Just know that your work effort is highly appreciated :)


Did you complete the maze? Maybe you noticed some paths that are blocked out. Check for walls at the end, you should be able to find a lever. It will unlock a blocked path, and from here...you should be able to find out !


I like it so far. The camera up/down control not being very responsive is the main issue I have while playing. I think I found everything in the maze. It just requires a bit of back tracking after activating switches. Do the items you find do anything yet? And what does the switch the lobby do? Or maybe that opened one of the doors to an item. I can't remember now. Other than that being able to just change your clothes back after they are swapped seemed a bit odd. Maybe your old clothes should be taken away? It could also be interesting if your other clothing was swapped to something more appropriate as well. Overall, very cool though.


I found them but the person running the clothes store wont actually do anything with them, he acts as though I do not have them


Try dropping something from your inventory (NOT THE QUEST ITEM) then talking to him again Worked for me


Thanks for your review ! Indeed, the camera up/down is a recurring issue that I haven't got to fix yet. Tbh, I'm wondering if I should block the up/down axis on a fixed angle for now. Some items are used to open up the clothes store (The needle and the scissors), others will have use later but for now they don't do anything. It's a neat idea to prevent swapping back. I'll look into it.


the games good, though I've been experiencing some significant bugs. the blonde npc thats supposed to react to the playername simply puts out something like $playername. Also gaps in the geometry of the center of town allowed me to walk out of bounds to the mall without any problem, and i even walked to the player home town from there. Also if I close the game the game simply forgets the state of whether I already collected items for any npc that requires me to find something for them, which breaks saves immediately. Also, if I pick a hairstyle other then ponytail, save, leave and rejoin, it switches my hair to a ponytail. Also somehow I ended up looking for the evidence for the sister of the missing girl long enough after getting the pacifier, rattle and talking to everyone there that the dialogue began repeatedly telling me i'd found enough evidence and to go back to her. I think it could be made clearer that after that happens that there is something new im supposed to find, because I was really confused there. Also, I could simply walk over the police cars that were supposed to block part of town as part of a car accident. So theres that. Iunno, I just figure its good to report these bugs. Still liking where the games goin'.


Thanks for your review ! A lot of theses issues are in my bug backlog, and I'll take care of theses as I'm going on. Colliders issues are generally not so hard to resolve, just a bit tedious because, well, smart ones always find gaps and way to override bounds of the map :) On the other hand,saving dialogs states (and any states in general) are trickier. Some key dialogs should remember if you have an item on you, but I'm not surprised it can break. I'm currently reviewing a bit how it work to avoid that. Anyway, I'm glad you like it even with theses bugs !


How do i unlock pushing skill and find suitcase?


The pushing skill is hidden through the maze. After finishing it, try to backtrack a bit and look for lever to open hidden doors. The suitcase is not located in the mansion, but you'll need the pushing skill to find it.