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Hey everyone,

This week was pretty packed. I wanted to share with you some teasing pics of what I've been working on.

I spent all my time building the low-maturity part of the level. I iterated on the grave ghost idea and though it would make a fun hide-and-seek mini game. So, your goal will be to find someone in a maze-like part of the mansion, while avoiding patroling ghosts. Expect some surprise while roaming the maze, you might need a diaper or two...

I'm quite happy with the light and shadow effect. It give an omnious vibe without it being scary - it's not the goal . 

It's something very fun to design, and I made a lot of secrets passages and rooms to host bonus items like the ghostly diaper package. You will also be able to find a key skill item. 

I won't say much more, but I'll try to provide you with interesting pics in the next days. The whole level will be very big of course, since I still have to build the high-maturity part and the end of the level, so my goal is to release at least the low-maturity part for you guys in the next couple week. 



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