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Hey everyone,

I'm still busy designing the haunted house level. As I said earlier, the main dish of the level is that you will get different roads and ways given your maturity level. And of course, it mean a lot of work!

For now, I have prepared two main section of the level. One will be for players willing to lean on the mature side, with challenge about passing of time, responsibilities...And of course keeping your pants dry.  

The other section will be more playful (as much as you can get in an house full of ghost..hehe) to enforce the immature side, with a general idea of game and fun.

In-between, I'm keeping making progress on little things. So I implemented in the character customization a "perk choice". The idea is that you choose a perk that will be impactful on your gameplay, with pro and cons, that can't be changed for the whole game.  The perks presented here are not finals of course, but you can get a general idea of what I want to implement. 

So, I'm gonna get back at work ! I hope to be able to showcase you more details of the haunted house level soon. 



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