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Sorry these are late. Really enjoyed the break up in pace these episodes!

Episode 12

Password: 86-12-FL

Episode 13

Password: 86-13-FL


Jake Thompson

With the red stripe in her hair and black uniform, Lena is representing all 5 colors of the San Magnolia flag, doubling down on her resolve to follow those ideals. I love the steady crumbling of the fountain since season 1, the cracks and litter building up to mirror San Magnolia slowly losing the war against the Legion. Cyclops got her callsign from having two different colored eyes. The scene with Shin and his brother was symbolic but also real, he carried Shin and the rest to the Giad border where they were picked up. His destroyed mech is shown right after Shin wakes up when Ernst is walking down the hallway with his advisors.

Ordinary Guy

LMAO, I see you forgot the opening that you reacted back in April


“frederacy” got me 🤣 Love these first episodes of the second cour.


I've only watched the episode 12 reaction so far but I would like to point out Lena wasn't talking to her uncle in the office early in the episode, that was a completely different general dude. Just to clear that up. And the piece of Rei (no spoilers) what you should know at this point is it's the same as the pieces of his other comrades you've seen in the past that Shin has carved after their deaths. Love the reactions! Such a great show!

Jake Thompson

Another quick easter egg that's cute/sad, when Theo asks Anju "what about you?" in the plaza, there's a couple walking in the back with the same hair color as her and Daiya. Also Ange LONG LIVE THE FREDERICACY


Fredericacy of Geead, was a mouthful there Ange 🤣


Frederica can see past and present, no future. It's great that you enjoy her, the Fredericacy is alive and well lmao


Hi Ange, glad you are feeling better and back at it. Completely unrelated question, btw. Season 2 of Invincible just started last week. Are you guys planning to watch it?

Alexiel Knight

Typical 86 fan in a few weeks: "You guys are lucky that you can binge all of Carlie & Ange's 86 reactions, we had to wait 86 days for season 1 part 2" xD

Sikk Karuzo

yeah 86 is back!!! Hope u feeling better now. Damn first 10 Secs Ange says he is still sick... hope u feel better soon. From the Light Novel: "but Rei transferred his concious to another Legion, but this time he is driven to truly protect Shin. He gathers them and takes them into Giad territory before he willingly gets destroyed by Giad forces."

Daniel Molina

From the LN to explain Lena’s new look: “Ever since she had worn black to mourn them and dyed a portion of her hair red to signify their shed blood. Although it had been in clear violation of her orders, she launched covering fire for them and had been demoted a single rank as punishment.” Wish they had explained this a little more in the anime because when I went back and read the book it hit 100x harder 🥺 The Bloodstained Queen is here🙇🏽‍♂️🙌🏽

Handler One

First of all, get well soon Ange and I hope you don't get sick too Carlie! Secondly, all hail Bloody Regina, the Bloodstained Queen! I love this new look for her even though it has a sad meaning, but she looks so cool. She dyed her uniform black to mourn the dead and the red streak in her hair represents the blood of the 86 that have died under her command, she's taking full accountability for the blood on her hands. Also, as punishment for using the artillery in the first part she was demoted from Major to Captain and no longer commands the Spearhead Squadron, so her uncle is not her direct superior anymore. Teppy is short for Thermopylae, which is a location of a battle where one side died a heroic death. Finally, it still gets me every time I see the scene with Shin in the library. You expect some teenage girls his age talking about him, but it's a bunch of moms with their kids instead, lmao. Also, Carlie is right, Frederica can only see the past and the present. Seeing the present just means she sees what they see in real time like a live stream.


Welcome back to 86! Just going to note that Frederica can only see past and present of the people she personaly met. NOT the future. I think you got it, but I saw some reactors get confused sometime by nature of her ability

Charles Baldwin

All hail the Fredericacy, the imōtoland!

FTN Chicken

Carlie & Ange have been watching so much Japanese and Korean shows, they're starting to forget English :P


Ever since you guys pointed out Shourei is voiced by Saitama, I can't unhear Saitama or Miyuki Shirogane now. Definitely didn't catch his voice for whatever reason until then.

Aaron Wright

So here's basic summaries as explained in this episode Empire of Giad: The nation that built the Legion, was ruled by a royal family, Fedrecia was the child Empress of that family. Empire invaded all other nations 10 years ago with the legion (included the Republic). Clearly this war was unpopular with the locals, and led to internal dissent which in turn led to the Empire government being overthrown and replaced by a Federacy. Ernst is the President of this Federacy. However the legion are out of control, so the Federacy of Giad must fight them. (my guess is, the Empire loyalists turned them berserker when they were going to lose the civil war). You can extrapolate this happened about 6 years ago, as thats when Republic intel said they no longer had any radio transmissions from the Empire to the legion. So the timeline, based on what we know at this point in the show is 10 years ago, The Empire use the legion to attack allneighbours. the republic lose a series of battles, implement the system of using 86 to defend the republic. 6 years ago. Empire transmissions controlling the legion stop. Likely this is when the Empire command stations were taken over by the rebel Federacy half of the army. 2 months ago: Spearhead Squadron set out on their special recon Rei's token: This is the token Shin took from Rei's juggernaut back when he found the body, when Shin was a child. He was shocked when he got it cause it just reminded him of the past and he felt like his past was calling him back, he can't escape it. It also reminded him he has no goal now with his brother dead, probably. Fredrecia: When she says "Who ordered the invasion" she's referring to the Empire, not herself, but it could have been done 'in her name' as a child Empress, so she may feel responsible.


Also to add to your comment, "Bloody Regina" is the official title, but the author also endorses "Bloody Reina," Reina also meaning Queen in Spanish. I feel this is a better translation, because it's also a play on her first name, "Vladilena" (Bloody Reina).

Handler One

I also like Bloody Reina a lot more. Still wonder why they didn’t go with it for the anime


I'm liking how much you two are following and understanding the show and the storytelling, understanding the nuances and implications of child soldiers at war with unfinished business.

Carlie & Ange

We’re not entirely sure yet. Probably not anytime soon. Our schedule is just too packed atm!


Lena with the red hair and black uniform, as she mourns and honors the 86/her squad, was a nice touch to start the second cour. Now, she even has a small group fighting for the same cause, despite being Albas. I forgot how adorable Frederica is in this show, and you two seem to like her as well. Her VA (Misaki Kuno) is underrated. I don't think you guys will watch Made in Abyss, especially after the recent poll debate, but she does a phenomenal job in it and has slipped into my top VA list. Seeing you guys enjoy her wholesome moments makes me want you guys to react to Barakamon, or just any wholesome show for that matter. I know this is just a me thing, and I love that you guys take the time to pause the show to discuss and also rewind to catch things you missed, but as someone that syncs up the show with you guys, I have to keep re-syncing every time 🙃😅😂Again, it's my fault for syncing the vid even though you guys already show it on screen (I just can't with the blurs). Not telling you guys to change anything. Please, pause and rewind as much as needed (not "/s"). My finger is always ready to hit the spacebar along with you guys lol


Regarding your guys' question about how "Legion" is pronounced. I'll start with a definition from Wiki: "Gairaigo are Japanese words originating from, or based on, foreign-language (generally Western) terms. These include wasei-eigo (Japanese pseudo-anglicisms). Many of these loanwords derive from Portuguese, due to Portugal's early role in Japanese-Western interaction; Dutch, due to the Netherlands' relationship with Japan amidst the isolationist policy of sakoku during the Edo period; and from French and German, due to France and Germany's cultural and scientific prominence during Japan's modernization in the Meiji period. However, most come from English, the dominant world language today." TL;DR: The Japanese language tends to borrow lots of words and names from other countries (loanwords). Germany in this case. I just googled this but in German, "Legion" is pronounced "Leh-Gee-Ohn", so, they use that instead of the English pronunciation. Tbf, I'm Japanese myself and I didn't realize until a couple of years ago that the JP word for bread, "pan" (pronounced "pah-n"), was a loanword from Portuguese. So many words that I thought were originally Japanese were loanwords... wild. Anyway, hope this helped! P.S. Carlie, there are 'j' sounds in Japanese 😄Otherwise, how would we say the name of our own country, "Japan" 🤣


"how would we say japan without J?" easy, just say "nippon" :D


Haha I had a feeling someone would mention it, and you can also say "nihon" of course. I was just poking fun at Carlie

Aaron Wright

The colours she wears, by adding in black and red, also now match the five coloured flag. of the Republic, showing she's the only one really upholding those ideals

Aaron Wright

She was talking to a Lieutenant Colonel, as a Captain, she now reports to a more junior officer since her demotion (but ironically, carries more influence and power than ever before)

this is one long ass username (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 01:45:54 The "fredericy of GYAT"😂😂😂
2023-12-11 19:57:08 The "fredericy of GYAT"😂😂😂

The "fredericy of GYAT"😂😂😂