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Hey guys, it’s Ange! I just thought I’d keep you guys updated on how am I’m going because I know we’ve missed the latest 86 upload day.

Ive been feeling pretty sick for the last 4-5 days, especially after filming AoT and Spy Family. Ive been well rested for a little bit and we’ll be able to hopefully make up for those lost episodes tomorrow.

Thanks for being patient!



Best Reactors Ever ❤️‍🔥


All good Ange! It’s best you get better first before anything.


Get well Sohn. We need the best Tanaka Hype Man in perfekt Condition ;)


please don't push yourself too hard 🙏

Sikk Karuzo

Get well soon.

Night Sterling

No worries Ange 👌 health comes first


Take care of yourselves, THEN worry about upload schedules. Check your priorities.😉 🧡👍 I always prefer a later reaction with you at your best to a quick reaction with you being obviously sick ..


Hey Ange, thank you for updating us. Please take all the time you need to recover. Looking forward to see you back in top form. Let's go LEFTO!


Sounds like AOT got to you, trust same! /j :)


Hi Ange! Hope your not pushing yourself way too hard. Thanks for the update~!


Take your time king. Hopefully you get well soon. 🩵

Gabriel Barott

Thanks for getting us an update! Take care of yourself my guy :)

Aaron Wright

All good! No need to tie you to your chair with your eyes pinned open yet….yet!


Hope you feel well soon Ange, don’t push yourself too much make sure to look after your health first 🙏❤️


Did I miss the AOT reaction? I see it on YouTube but not Patreon? sorry if I miss something I’m just curious!


I don’t mean the watch along, I meant the edited version they usually post after the watch along

Aaron Wright

The delay has turned this week into a sweet 4 episodes in a row basically, keen to binge all 4 when they come out

Healthy Truth

My guy wants 4 for delay hahaha hope they pull through, that jjk ep though 😍

Aaron Wright

Well, roll miss week and normal week together. I don't like JJK so don't watch sorry