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A brilliant finale and a brilliant adaptation of the game overall. What'd you guys think?? 



I wish we had more episodes! It felt a little rushed these last few, and didn’t seem to have same impact for me as the game because of it, but overall I really enjoyed it.


Agreed! More time for Ellie&Joel fighting infected/raiders together, her running away from Tommy's place, the badass part where Joel is fighting his way out of the college while bleeding out, and just more on-screen growth between the two. I guess some of that is Joel being older/more vulnerable/less visibly angry in the TV show.


Episodes 1-5 were phenomenal in my opinion, but 6-9 lacked in parts. I think the acting, soundtrack and direction hit way harder in the game in the most important moments. Still really good though but I don't think anything had improved upon the games past Sam&Henry. Maybe Ellie's backstory but I never played the DLC myself


This pretty much mirror's my thoughts about the entire series. It's still a pretty decent adaptation as a lot of care has gone into the acting, production design and the world building. Wished there were a few more episodes or at least one more, in between before we got to the end based on some decent gameplay segments from the game. Setup's like Ellie unable to swim or the fungal network were left by the wayside after a while.

Gabriel Barott

I do think the perspective of wanting more episodes more so comes from people who have played the game. I never played the games, and I personally thought 6-9 were great, and didn't feel too off, pacing wise. If the show was not based on a game, I think this would possibly be a better experience.

Astor Lefflinker

I didn't even play the game but I have the same sentiments. It felt quite rushed. Also, I didn't feel the threat of the infected after episode 5, which is a shame since they did really well building the tension about the infected in episodes 1 and 2 with the flash backs, and with the infected being connected through lan cable cordyceps. I rate this series 7/10 which I don't think is bad at all. Just for me it's not perfect or a masterpiece like most people think it is.

Gabriel Barott

And you're entitled to that opinion, I just don't think it's objectively as bad as you say. I didn't mind the lack of infected though, I thought it was a nice touch for it to be more about people and the dangers of people, than infected being the largest problem. I think in a world like that, more often than not, people will be far larger of a threat. Do I think they could have added more infected scenes? Yes, but I don't see it as a overall negative that they didn't.

Astor Lefflinker

@Gabriel Barott 7/10 doesn't mean bad. It's just not as good as most people think. At least for me. They could have added more tension by involving the infected more but they didn't which was quite disappointing since after the infected rampaging at the end of episode 5 I thought "oh my god, this is how the Long Night in Game of Thrones was supposed to be" since I thought we're gonna get more problems with the infected but I was let down since encounters with them have become scarce after episode 5.


I just dont know if asking Ellie to sacrifice herself for a potential cure is a good thing to do either. Asking someone to do that puts a lot of pressure on them to say yes and brings a lot of guilt to them if they say no. Its a whole messy situation no matter how you try to navigate it and thats what makes this ending so special.


I can see why. Even the infected went nope, we ain't moving to Wyoming or anywhere near there. The wifi sucks.

Astor Lefflinker

Well they were supposedly connected through cordyceps lan cables which I thought added more depth and made the show much more unique compared to other zombie shows so I was excited and afraid about that but after episode 2 it wasn't explored anymore, which was a shame. I did like the show, I just think they could have done much much more.