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Sorry that it took so long! What an absolutely amazing episode! 


Meg B (edited)

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2023-03-06 15:10:38 OOoooh the cover! My heart! <3 :')
2023-03-06 13:39:13 OOoooh the cover! My heart! <3 :')

OOoooh the cover! My heart! <3 :')

Meg B (edited)

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2023-04-29 14:24:23 I genuinely always do. Thank you for all the effort and hard work you put into it! &lt;3
2023-03-06 13:53:10 I genuinely always do. Thank you for all the effort and hard work you put into it! <3

I genuinely always do. Thank you for all the effort and hard work you put into it! <3

Meg B

(Psst, in case you missed it, the elderly couple waiting to die inside the prison cell were Eren's grandparents!)

Carlie & Ange

Yep!! We’ve had that clarified. Good to know that we at least recognised that they were familiar faces 😆 thank you!


Great way to start a Monday ! Thanks guys !


I've been told that it was an anime-only scene. For the amount of hatred that "filler" gets online, I hope people recognize that it's possible for an anime adaptation to further flesh out the story with additions of their own.


Gotta disagree w ange on this one, u actually liked the bit of romance they added here, as a matter of fact I wanted a but more lol, but it just added one more thing to pull on our heart strings, a bit of light in a show that's so dark, it just shows the amount of forgiveness and uderstanding these character have developed for each other

Russell Gambardella (edited)

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2023-04-29 14:24:14 If anything, I only cried more on my watch-through with you both. Really enjoyed your reactions and thoughts on this well written and executed special! &lt;3
2023-03-06 14:54:21 If anything, I only cried more on my watch-through with you both. Really enjoyed your reactions and thoughts on this well written and executed special! <3

If anything, I only cried more on my watch-through with you both. Really enjoyed your reactions and thoughts on this well written and executed special! <3

Lijnaito2021 !

You are correct ange bauklötze was played during the scene where Eren decided to follow Levi squad instead of transforming

Lijnaito2021 !

Btw ange what did you think of "under the tree" I absolutely love SiM! One of the best endings in my opinion!! I hope you guys do a reaction to it ❤️

Meg B

I once again had chills rewatching this episode but nothing gave me more chills than Ange's joyous "THE DUCK!" at the end. xD (also, it's 100% okay to voice criticism and to dislike Reiner's mom)

Meg B

Last thing: the romance part. Yes, romance in AoT leaves a lot to be desired because, from what I know, Isayama actively struggled with writing romance. But he seemed to have tried at the end. The problem for me with Annie and Armin's romance is that it did not get enough of a build up, it felt a bit sudden. I still think they're cute, I just wish Isayama wasn't so uncomfortable with writing romance because some relationships would probably have been more fleshed out. It's not a romantic show by any means but if you're gonna have romance I think there could have been a better way to do it. This may also be my biggest criticism of AoT but it's still one of my all time favorite pieces of media. Having criticism and loving something is not mutually exclusive :)

Prism YT

I believe he is so fixated as he promised Erwin he would kill the beast


I agree. They could've managed to do it right without much effort into it if only they gave it a little of development. I think it's cute but a little sadistic as well. I mean, Annie killed a lot of Armin's comrades and now they're just going to forget about it by saying they're both monsters. IDK Armin, your reasons to kill seem more justified to me than hers. I doubt this is an equal ground. They're cute but I have problems with it.


Was Zeke helping Eren willingly though? I honestly don't quite remember after so long but I think he isn't. Eren revealed his true plan to him and took over. I think I remember Zeke wasn't OK with this. I reckon it's Eren using Zeke's powers in combination with the War Hammer Titan.


to me, the symbolism of the bird on the boat next to armin and annie is to represent the nature of freedom, specifically the difference in what armin and eren view as freedom. ever since the two saw that book as kids, gaining freedom, to armin meant discovering the world and all the wonders it has to offer. eren on the other hand had a different understanding of what it meant to be free, to him freedom was taking it back from those who stole it from him. we see their difference in views for the first time at the end of season 3 when they reached the ocean. armin holds a seashell excited to discover more and more of the world but eren only sees more enimes in the way of his freedom. the bird on the boat shows that despite all the hatred in the world standing in the way stopping eren from achieving his freedom, armin's version will always be there so long as you are willing to go seek it.

Carlie & Ange

Fair enough! I personally couldnt buy it just because, i get forgiving someone for doing horrible things to your friends/loved ones after a lot of time and understanding, but falling in love with them? Just seemed a bit stretched for me! Armin is a very very compassionate character though, so i see to your point


Maybe after all that time bro thought "damn Annie's kinda hot yo" and there went all the forgiveness he needed 😂


Great reaction guys! Just want to clarify something about what y'all said about Levi and his motives and give my interpretation 😁 Levi is in fact obsessed with killing Zeke but not for the reasons y'all mentioned. More than anything it's because he promised Erwin he would do so. In his mind, I imagine Levi feels that all the scouts who sacrificed themselves on that final charge won't be at peace until Levi fulfills the mission they all gave their hearts for, to destroy the beast titan. Also, his reason to make killing Zeke their priority isn't entirely selfish and they mentioned it too. Remember, Eren is only able to use the Founder's power because of Zeke, so hypothetically, taking out Zeke means taking away Eren's control of the founder aka stopping the rumbling. Just my thoughts on the whole Levi vs Zeke thing! Also nice catch Ange! The song playing in the Hange scene is the same song from when Eren made his choice in the forest to trust team Levi! And also I've already seen the episode 5 times but seeing Carlie be emotional throughout the episode had me getting even more emotional 😭


I agree Ange. It’s not something so bad that it changes my opinions on the episode or the show, it was amazing regardless. And I have no issue with an Armin and Annie romance, but it just seemed kinda shoehorned in there with not enough set up. I know there was some, but not enough to seem so in love. It was also a weird tone shift coming from the horrible scenes from the rumbling straight into that lol.


I think the main reason Levi is so fixated on killing Zeke is because he promised Erwin and it was his dying wish, I don't think understanding the backstories and motives of Zeke's action actually matters to Levi, he told Erwin to give up his dream and charge to death, he must feels he have to do it no matter what. Also I hate to bring it to you but it has been confirmed the last part is coming out in Autumn this year, so sadly we have to wait for a few more months😂


I think they were doing it right with Eren and Mikasa though. And it's not like they're doing it wrong now. It's only natural that a relationship turns a little weird when genocide gets in the middle of it.


And as the Beast killed Erwin. I reckon that could annoy him a little too.

Meg B

"a relationship turns a little weird when genocide gets in the middle of it" I'M DED 🤣. But honestly, I wish they had developed Eren's side on how he felt about Mikasa a bit more... That may well be my shipper heart talking but that's how I personally feel.

Ivan Haji

Great video, been looking forward. Man this show and Eren will go down as some of the GOATs.

Ivan Haji

The scene of Eren crying to Ramzi hurts even more when you realise Ramzi didn't understand a single word (he speaks different language) and that Eren knew it but poured his heart out anyway because of how bad he felt.


Yeah it just would have been nice if they had fleshed it out a little bit more. Again, not the biggest deal, just a minor critique

Sophia England

loved the video guys keep up the amazing work :))


''not enough build up'' and ''a bit sudden'' can't qualify properly this romatic relationship because it was already teased way back in season 1, and even before Armin discovered that Annie was the Female Titan. I think it's fair to say that it's always a bit more complicated to hate someone you were already romanticallly interested in, so to me (my opinion), this, from the beginning, was something I knew would happen in the long run. But if you didn't quite catch those subtle hints or if they are not enough convincing for you, I can totally understand that this relationship wouldn't make any sense, and that's okay because at the end of the day, in a first viewing experience you're not necessarily suppose to catch every details and it's difficult to change someone's perspective from a first-time-watch. Always great to hear different opinions though! (and saying that Isayama struggles writing romance isn't true, since the whole show deals with a romatic relationship)

Meg B

@ImZeat I caught all those hints, friend. I personally don't think they were enough. And yes Isayama has admitted himself that he struggled with writing romance I don't understand why you're saying it isn't true 🤷‍♀️


Struggling doesn't mean he's bad at it. Based on your message I assumed that's what you were implying, sorry if I was wrong! Have a nice day/evening pal!

Meg B

Ahaha no, I didn't mean to say he's bad! He just had a hard time at it which I don't hold it against him at all. He's an extraordinary storyteller regardless. You too, friend! 😉


Armin's feelings for Annie do originate from Berdholt's btw.


I tried to keep things simple. A seagull spotting usually represents that land is nearby, for sailors. All I saw was they are nearing port but I do like your take but one has to agree with Carlie's broad take on the subject. Just brilliant.

Amrith (edited)

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2023-03-09 20:05:06 Loving these full length reactions, now that I am newly subscribed to the upper tier. Time to get my monocle, pipe and brandy out for every reaction from this point on. Hmm, this reaction was jolly good, ol chaps.
2023-03-09 18:21:11 Loving these full length reactions, now that I am newly subscribed to this tier. Time to get my monocle, pipe and brandy out for every reaction from this point on. Hmm, this reaction was jolly good, ol chaps.

Loving these full length reactions, now that I am newly subscribed to this tier. Time to get my monocle, pipe and brandy out for every reaction from this point on. Hmm, this reaction was jolly good, ol chaps.


Every knows that only 5 ships work on this show, that are pertaining to the main characters. The airship that Hange fly's in after the Warhammer battle, the ship in the end of the final episode of Season 4 Part 2 (other Marleyan ships don't count as they don't involve the major characters), the ship that all of them sailed on towards the new port in this episode, Levi and Zeke; Sasha with her potatoes and meat.


Yup, doesn't break the episode or the series but feels as if that storyline existed in its own little cocoon, with Angie being inside the chrysalis and Armin being in his own, unable to voice his opinions to Eren or Mikasa properly and used her as a sounding board initially and then grew feelings for her. It makes sense but it does feel forced.


Hey Ange, I am with you on this one. It does feeling like shredding cheese over a storyline that doesn't require it. I don't know how to link to other comments in this thread but you can find another one of mine below.


Are yall still planning to watch AOT: Distress OVA? Its been a joy to rewatch the series and catch up on all these videos. Excited for the final season part 3 part 5 squared.