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Hey everyone! We had a suggestion from a viewer in a recent reaction of ours which was to do a video where we are reacting to some skins but we both make a game out of it and try to guess which region the champion is from! Carlie vs Ange! The comment got so many thumbs up and we think it would make for a great interactive video. We'd love to hand it over to you guys if you want to help plan the video for us!! Don't take too much time out of your day to do so, but if anyone does want to get involved, maybe discuss amongst yourselves in this post, we'll try to stay away! And then maybe someone can send us this appropriate links in our inbox and we'll make a video on it! 

You can put as many links as you'd like. Keep in mind, we will do future skin videos, region by region. This will be both a reaction and a game! We already know where a lot of the main champions are from and obviously the ones in Arcane, so let's try to steer clear on those. Let us know what you think!



The problem is that most if not all of the skins have their own lore, that often rip the chararacters from their origin region and often put them in regions that don't exist in Runeterra. If you want to see the original champion in action, I recommend watching the "Champion Spotlights"


I'd watch this but to keep it in line with the main audience maybe just react to the skins of the Arcane cast? Jinx has a ton, Caitlyn has a ton, Vi has a ton, Jayce has a ton, I guess...warwick has a bunch, Singed is one of the old OG champs so his skins are pretty funny, H. Donger skins are pretty funny, ekko has some sick skins. I will say unless you've already seen what Viktor looks like in game DO NOT look him up or react to his stuff. Big spoiler for sure there.


I personally like the idea where you go region by region.


Okay, trying to get this right. 1. Carlie and Ange are not going to have a look in here. This is just for us to do some brainstorming. 2. They would like to get a list of champions (with links) they don't know yet (this would excl. every champion that was in a cinematic or Arcane) to make a competition of guessing their origin region in runeterra. Am I right? 🤔 If so, we need a source where they can have a look at some of the champions main splash arts and skins without any text or map that shows them where they are from. Does someone have an idea? I think on the universe pages the region is always mentioned... 🤷‍♂️ Once we have a useful source we can simply gather all the champions we want them to have a look at and create a list with the links and at the end a list with the solvings. I would volunteer to create the list with links and the solvings, but I have no clue with the source we need and all the champions that would fit (well some maybe) as I'm not a league player (just watching the contents and playing LoR 🤷‍♂️) . But I'm sure we got some pros in here that already know these answers! Right? 😉👍


I think this what they will do extensively in future videos nevertheless , right?

Pedro Gutierrez

I can create the whole game for them, I am good at photoshop and illustrator so it would just be to gather up some pdf files for them.

Pedro Gutierrez

I have seen all of their videos + I am a hardcore fan of the League lore so I can put some interesting Champions that they might like and at the end have them located in a map of Runeterra. I can also use some Runeterra Spash arts so they might get interested in the art of LoR


That sounds great, Pedro ! 👍👍😃 I suppose the main splash art and one or two skin would do?! So we just need names, right? I would go for Sett, Aphelios, Elise, Janna, Morgana, Kayn and Udyr...

Pedro Gutierrez

I will see if I do abilities too, but if it is too much then only splash arts it is. (How many champions should we do, I can add those that you listed above but I had say atleast 20, no?)

Pedro Gutierrez

So I just finished it, where can I send the pdf presentation to them?

Rabbid Dawg

holy moly that's dedication! I'm sure you can private message them to get info on where you can send them stuff like a pdf!

Rabbid Dawg

League's 'Universe' site is different than their League of Legends champion roster....it can be a little confusing on the site since they're all linked to each other, but if the URL begins with 'leagueoflegends.com' I think you're generally spared from spoilers/location and can easily skip each champ's flavor text to see their abilities and available skins. This is different than the website's 'Universe' side, any URL beginning with 'universe.leagueoflegends' is the more spoiler/lore-heavy info. Save their titles, like Ahri 'The Nine-Tailed Fox' or Jinx's 'The Loose Cannon', the lore is exempt from the leagueoflegends site.

Rabbid Dawg

i.e. This is Ahri's spoiler free entry on the league site: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/champions/ahri/ and this is the Universe one with a lore dump: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/ahri/


This is how I like it: Going to sleep and when I wake up the work is done! 😂😆😃 Great job Pedro! 👍🦾👊 Are you new to the party? Think I haven't seen your name before. If so have a warm welcome !🙋‍♂️ Don't forget to place a question or dare in the Q&A post if you have something to offer 😉. Also, read your comment in another post suggesting to have a look at the art of the LoR cards. Totally second this! I especially like that it is not just about the champions but also about the many supporting characters. Hoping to get them curious for LoR with the coming LoR video (Breathe, gameplay and champion reveals) as well 😉

Pedro Gutierrez

Aw thanks! And yeah new to the community. Will check the QnA later, thanks I actually didn't see it. And yeah imo Legends of Runeterra is almost an encyclopedia for Runeterra. I would honestly love to describe each card to them and tell them what they each mean, but seeing them theorize and get the answers right is just as satisfying as well.

MJ Eid

yall are the best interactive patreon i've found so far! I appreciate you both!


Would have suggested the links to the first league site you mentioned as well, but when checking out some champions a good half of them had their region mentioned in the first sentence of their description. But we don't have to worry about that anymore with Pedro being done with creating a portfolio already. 😂👍 Impressive!


20 are a good number I think. I was just trying to get the stone rolling with my list.. 😉


yo you guys are dope this is awesome to see!


I really love the 💯%positive energy in here. This makes it all happen. Everybody is friendly and gentle - always! ☝️This is what worldwide communication is meant to be like. Enjoying every minute in here (be it content or comment area).😃 Shout out to all of you! 👍

Carlie & Ange

All of you are a delight to talk to and interact with! We definitely EKKO what you have said here 😜