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For those that are interested in our League music Project, are we all on the same page that the champions that MUST feature are JINX, VI and CAITLYN?

How many band members should there be? No more than 6 will be ideal! 


Jack Shepherd

Going full arcane vibes with the starting 3 you probably need to add ekko, Jayce, Victor?

Carlie & Ange

That was the original plan, and probably the one we prefer, but we’re gunna leave it up to everyone here because there were some other suggested champs!


Agreed, the starting 3 are a must. Ekko as well for me. Theme "Arcane" : Victor on the piano? Why not.. Although.... Do the members need to be champions? I could see Mel bringing in some soul or Sevika shredding the guitar as well (she could surely add some nice usefull gadgets to her arm). For me Jayce would be a no. Really get no rock or punk vibes from him at all. 🤷‍♂️ If the theme would be "rebel" : Sylas, Xajah and Rakan would be possible members for me..


In reference to Ekko, his dance in league of legends is him actually playing air guitar on his weapon. So could totally work. Edit: also not Mel, but Mel's mom? Momdarda would totally shred. And maybe if we're going outside of Arcane, possible rebels would be Vex, Morgana, or maybe even Miss Fortune? Also, Olaf is the drummer in Pentakill mainly because he dual-wielded axes. Yone is less metal, but he dual-wields swords, maybe he could drum in a punk band.


Same in Legends of Runeterra👍🎸 https://www.reddit.com/r/ekkomains/comments/oabbk7/ekko_legends_of_runeterra/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x


@Killeronice: So many great "non champion" characters! You are right, Mels mom would surely hog the limelight! 😆 I would have loved to see a face off with her and Vander! There could have been some energy...! 😜


I think the first decision should be: "Arcane" or "best of runeterra" band. With Jinx, Caitlyn and Vi (and maybe Ekko as well) in it, I would vote for Arcane and "guest stars" for the second album😉. By the way does every band member (need to) get a personal song? I can clearly see this for Ekko, Jinx, Cait and Vi (maybe even a duett/love song for our "meant to be" couple?). But could also see songs about the cities of P/Z, two class society and maybe even Shimmer/drug addicton (Unfortunatly always a theme for rock bands. R.I.P. Taylor Hawkins😪) Whatever we vote in here, I think Carlie and Ange should always have the right to veto. So, even if 90 % of the patrons vote for FiddleSTICKS on the drum (or the fiddle) or Teemo on the flute to give it all a nice Jethro Tull vibe - feel free to ignore it! 😂 And if there are things that are a must for you, just put them straight in without voting. I love being involved in the whole thing, but sometimes democracy can be paralyzing.. 😉

Carlie & Ange

Thanks for the feedback Ingo! and yes, we heard about Taylor Hawkins! Devastating news


It has to have Caitlyn. She IS cupcake. and honestly it has to have Vi cause...well she smashes cupcake. It probably doesn't need to have Jinx...it would actually make narrative sense if it didn't. Also since there are 5 players on a league of legends team, to start Riot would at LEAST want a band of 5 champs so you could buy and play the whole squad in game. Six is probably right but gotta start with at least five. Caitlyn - lead vocals/Front woman Vi - Screams/growls and guitar (rhythm) Kayne - Bass and backup vocals male (he has two personalities so he could swap between them depending on what he is playing/doing) Morgana - Lead guitar backup vocals female Orianna - Drummer (this is funny because she's a clockwork robot. as a drummer I would laugh that the drummer was a robot).

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 18:07:32 I would definitely love to see Morgana in the band <3
2022-03-29 06:54:57 I would definitely love to see Morgana in the band <3

I would definitely love to see Morgana in the band <3