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I've been thinking about this "mode" where characters pretty much look very similar to their original universes.. DC Comics, Legend of Zelda, Marvel cartoons, Teen Titans, you name it.

This can't work for all the characters I've been using/creating so far (except MAYBE Final Fantasy ones, but still.. meh..) cuz they're simply designed by the software I use to look "photorealistic" and sadly that quality only really works for static images (which I can turn into video comics the way you've known me to do for ages), but royally SUCK when animated.

You've seen my previous animations.. they're generally short and few ever even reached the 4 SECONDS mark. That's NOT what I want when I think Animation.

Luckily, I'm discovering ways to use SOME characters that were not designed for this new mode.

I've been experimenting with it (think the "mosquito flight" clips I recently posted as preview from the Counselor game) and although it's costing me quite a bit of tests (and some money to upgrade my software with new settings, cameras and character models that are compatible with this mode) I can finally see some results that even look good in images.

Oddly enough, whereas the usual mode excels at images but sucks at videos, this one excels at videos (mostly) but SUCKS for images, so I have to tweak everything I do... a LOT.. before I can release it as a good product.

I think I'm nearly done with 'debugging' this thing, so I'll start posting some simple test animations soon, while I pick up the animator's trade and learn a thing or two along the way.

Just for this simple image I wasted like 3 hours between redoing the textures, reshaping eyes that were never meant to be used, resizing body parts (she looks STUNNING now, you'll see hehe), and most of all setting the correct lights and cameras so you can actually see the scene well lit and not looking like it was taken with a crappy old phone camera or something.


I decided to start posting some short comics (the vertical strip kind that fits in one image) cuz comics are simply the shit and I love reading and making them.

Also, this kind of comics usually has a VERY SHORT (if any) intro, so no more teasing until the guy shrinks and gets to be tormented by his giant captress.

I'm trying my best to redo the things I normally do so that I can learn more about this trade and make better content. Wish me luck!


PS. Uploaded a few more from different angles. Lucky tiny...



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