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Hey Tinies!

I think I'm getting better making these.. manipulating cameras (regardless of the TERRIBLE software system when doing this).

Just to give you a glimpse of how bad it is, the other clip under the skirt that I made yesterday today is a series of somersaults and you almost can't understand where you are.
That means I can't save these as "pre-simulated movement" so I just have to remake them from scratch, even if there's an error I hadn't noticed at first.

That said, I think the effect here is pretty cool and it decently simulates the first person view of a Counselor in flight. :P

Later on, I'll add green screen effects so you'll actually see the tiny (not much to see there now lol this is the ABSOLUTE SMALLEST I've ever done in my stories and games) flying before massive tits and asses. XD (Cuz seriously, who wouldn't do that all the time given the chance? :P )

Hope you like these, more is coming soon. ;)





Are we going to get a update soon?


Not in this one yet, I have like.. 3 stories before I return to going nuts with animations, plus the whole game idea.. is HARD. If I keep the story linear with a quick end it's one thing, easily accomplishable, but the game I had in mind is still a too ambitious project... For now. That said, I was just thinking of this story and the direction I want to see it go. I'll probably be working on this next month, and this month if I REALLY have a few hours to spare.