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Hey all!

Soo uh... *gets stage fright*

Umm... alright.. here's the news.

As you all know and figured out it normally takes me a lot of time to

1. render all the pages for a story
2. write a dialogue
3. put together the video with comic balloons
4. edit it with music and sounds and visual effects so it's more pleasing to watch.

In the end, no matter how nice it looks, it takes me too much time.
I kinda started feeling ridiculous being able to only release a video each month, (as the largest slice of the cake at least, there's still some extras, updates on progress with previews and some thing that never make it to the stories), so I decided to make things differently, for my sake and yours.

This month I should have still plenty of time to finish what I'm doing ("The Couselor 3") BUT...

(if everything goes right...)

...it will be in a game format.

That's right, you finally get to read at your own pace, and select the occasional "bad ending", like last year when I released the first "Summer Story" in the same format.

So what's the long term changes?

I'm planning on releasing similar content every month. Game style. You get to play with it.
And best of all..

I'm studying coding so I can turn these stories into a "point and click" game.

When the time comes, you'll be able to start the story, navigate different rooms, look for clues, unlock hidden art, and when I'm REALLY good you'll be able to play puzzle games and mini games that unlock more stuff you can use in-game.

There will also be screens where the giantesses will not be still, they will be in constant movement and you'll actually feel the "shrunken experience", where your life is hanging on by a thread at every step they take.

Also, (hopefully visible from this upcoming Counselor episode) there will be a stage where conversation happens differently, more interactive between characters, thanks to sprites that simulate the encounter (I'm learning more on this this month), PLUS some one second here and there of animating in either 2D or 3D which are so similar you cannot tell the difference.

How's that? Sound good? ^_^

Obviously this can't be ALL done in a month (as I only coded like an amateur at best so far) and I need time to learn how to do it, so if you wanna take a break from my page for a month or so and come back when there's more and better, that's fine.

Hot stuff is coming and it'll look like nothing that I've done before.

Any questions? Just drop me a comment!

Thanks for reading so far! Later!!

-Tony :)


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