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Chapter 130


Analysis of The Duel


The word rung out in everyone’s mind causing most people to gasp in surprise. The only two people who were unaffected by the sudden words being sent directly to their minds were Lykan and Ghane. Ghane however seemed to miss the detail that Lykan was not taken off guard by the sudden wording as he lunged forward immediately his spear out forward wanting to end the duel in one quick strike.

The only problem for Ghane was, the bare chested Lykan was nowhere to be seen. Muscles rippled as Lykan effortlessly flowed over and around the strike. There was a pause as Ghane had to take a moment to find out where Lykan was. He was supposed to be at the end of his spear, at least that is what the confused look on his face suggested.

Lykan for his part was apparently in a blind spot as he casually reached out and lightly tapped Ghane’s left shoulder.

With that Lykan began giving pointers, as if this was nothing more than a sparring match. As if he cared little for how the match would go. Ghane was slow, that much was for sure, but his moves were crisp. At least that was the way Brenna took the move.

“GRR” Ghane then tried to do a horizontal slash with his weapon. An act that most would never have seen coming given the skill of Ghane. Lykan however had no such problems. Casually he reached out his left hand, grabbed the spear. Then unlike what Brenna originally thought would happen, that he would stop the blow with his clearly overwhelming strength. Instead Lykan did a casual flip over the spear with his hand as a pivot point. Then reaching out with his right hand he struck out once more and tapped the other shoulder.

A wince of pain filled Ghane’s face. With this exchange of blows it was clear that Lykan would easily win the battle, perhaps he knew it from the start. At the very least it was clear that Ghane didn’t have a perfect body, to make matters worse he seemed to lack the skill needed to keep up with Lykan.

Brenna had been with Lykan, she had seen him in action and Lykan was moving slowly, purposefully.

Lykan landed a pace away, then said “your shoulder dips too low before a swing, it tells anyone watching that you are about to swing.” Lykan said.

At those words, the random pokes made sense, at least to Brenna. He was pointing out the muscles that were tipping his actions.

“Gah!” Ghane said as he charged forward once more. Lykan shook his head imperceptibly to others watching, but to Brenna and her enhanced senses she saw the look of pity wash across Lykan’s face.

With that a wild thrust forward, followed by multiple jabs of the spear all performed in quick succession occurred. Lykan sidestepped the first blow, slapping away the tip of the spear just slightly with two fingers towards the tip. This gave Lykan the opening he needed to slide into Ghane’s guard and strike at Ghane. Had he wanted to Lykan could have easily ended the duel right then and there with a burning palm strike. Brenna had seen the exact same method used to take down a Frost Troll, one quick burning hand then boom, open hole in the chest of an angry foe.

While Lykan’s hand did glow with qi, it didn’t get to the same level of heat that Lykan had used previously against the Frost Troll. This strike was just warm enough to glow and leave a slight burn mark upon impact. Some light bruising would occur from the strike, nothing more. Brenna had noticed that Lykan had struck the same left shoulder again this time, before jabbing down with his glowing left hand to strike at Ghane’s right thigh.

“AHHH!” The pain caught up to Ghane’s mind before he even realized he had been out maneuvered.

Lykan himself used the distraction of pain to jump back to his starting position. Tactically speaking this was terrible, as it took him out of his optimal fighting range given the reach disparity. The only thing was, Lykan clearly wasn’t looking to win, at least not right away. He was training Ghane, pointing out weaknesses in his form.

Even Brenna could notice the spots that were being marked. Her near perfect memory gained from her perfect body helped her play back the exchanges and each time the spots that were being struck now were the same ones that were flexing first. That must be what Lykan meant by telling his moves.

A few more exchanges like this were made. Each time Lykan ducked under, over, or flowed around the strike. Each time he delivered a strike of his own. Each strike was meant to be a way to help Ghane improve. It was clear that Lykan did not take this as a true threat.

“Stop toying with me!” Ghane shouted, it was clear that he too realized Lykan was not taking the match seriously.

“I am not toying with you. I am trying to teach. You have a few good fundamentals, but you are missing the basics.” Lykan said, this was a tone Brenna knew all too well. This was his teacher voice, as annoying as he could be when he got into that voice, he was often correct. Finally seeing the teacher act get turned on someone else made Brenna smile with malevolence inwardly. Am I a bad person for wanting to see others having to go through the same thing I did? Brenna mused to herself.

Then a quick shake of her head dismissed the thought. After that statement Ghane went wild, swinging desperately. While he might have gotten slightly faster with his movements, his swings were wild and uncontrolled. Finally, when a swing got too near the crowding onlookers Lykan snapped.

“Enough!” He shouted as he struck the spear up, with one hand while striking Ghane’s grip hand violently with the other.


Brenna could hear the popping of bones from a dozen paces away. It was clear that the reckless endangerment of onlookers was something Lykan could not stand.

The spear flew up then spun once, then twice, before coming down and landing in Lykan’s outstretched hand. With that a hush went over the crowd who up until that point had been talking and cheering at the display. Now that the stranger had not only disarmed the famed General Ghane, but had caused severe pain to him, everyone paused. With a single blow Lykan could end the duel right here and now. Everyone waited with bated breath for the killing blow.

A strike that never happened.

Instead Lykan assumed the first stance Ghane had shown when the attack began. “Your forms are flawed and lacking. Stance one, neutral.” Lykan began. Then he moved a half step forward with the spear tip pointing upward, “Stance two, attack.” Then he took a half step back with the opposite foot and pointed the spear tip down to the ground, “stance three defense.”

He flowed through seven stances in all. The flow went neutral, attack, defense, neutral, attack, defense, neutral. His first time through he numbered them one, then two and so on. The next time through he just shouted out the number he was using as he flowed through the forms. He was like a dancer moving and dancing with an invisible partner.

Brenna had been trying to learn from him, though Lykan admitted to not being a true expert of the axe, at least not yet. It was also clear from Lykan’s view of the axe that he did not want to learn another weapon form. He was tired of fighting and killing, but in the end could not seem to escape his destiny as a fighter.

Looking at Lykan, and the serious expression he had on his face, it was clear to Brenna that he wanted to help take up the mantle of fighting alongside him. That moment, the whole situation that had been somewhat comically absurd made sense. Here they were in the middle of a Judgment of the Gods, one of the legendary fights where the Gods would come down and observe the plane of the mortals directly. Here these two summoned such an eye to act as arbiter, and Lykan chose rather than to end the duel quickly and mercifully. He instead chose to take the moment to teach someone he saw value in. Clearly the two had a history with each other, one where Ghane felt slighted somehow. One where Lykan clearly didn’t seem to care, Brenna felt that this lack of caring also added to the mounting frustration on Ghane’s part.

Brenna could see it, the reason why Ghane was so angered by Lykan. Lykan for his part still seemed to be slightly oblivious to the fact that he was humiliating a clearly prideful male. Knowing Lykan she assumed he thought he was clearly exchanging pointers in a constructive way, which given the alternative of eviscerating his heart out with a heat punch, yes, he was. Though Brenna could easily see why others who did not know Lykan, had not seen Lykan when he was serious could think this as him being belittling.

Brenna wanted to stop him, but Lykan had already given back the spear. Seeing the exchange and the way Ghane got even angrier at the disrespect of the action, Brenna just shook her head. She would try to talk to Lykan, she knew he was doing this all to teach others, to help others improve. But still the act and gesture were completely mocking. It effectively said, not only did I disarm you, show you how terrible you are with the weapon you clearly prize. But I am now going to give you back the weapon, because in your hands I do not fear your use of this weapon.

The sad part was, Lykan was right. It was clear for all to see that the two were not evenly matched. The crowd who had been mostly silent, now began to talk about the strange man who was challenging the general. Many wondered if he was using some type of mass hallucination spell to make everyone believe he was so much better than anyone should be. With Ghane’s movements it was clear that he was not on the same level but was easily two or three times faster than the huddled masses who were watching the display. Still compared to him, Lykan was twice again faster. Worse he was clearly more skilled in combat, making the display that much harder to believe it was a fair match.

Ghane who had been all bluster at the beginning, thinking he had outplayed Lykan, now slowly had the look of a caged animal. The wounded animal that was free would strike out wildly, which is what he did before when he swung around violently and almost ended up injuring the crowd who was watching. That had resulted in a broken hand. A hand that Ghane still used to grip the spear tightly, though it was clear his control and precision was now lacking.

Still Lykan had avoided dealing any more violent blows like that. The duel went on, but it was clear to all who observed what the inevitable outcome would be. Even Ghane seemed to recognize this.


The sharp snapping of a bowstring could be heard echoing throughout the quieted marketplace.

The arrow whizzed by everyone. Brenna saw the arrow as it headed straight for Lykan’s back, towards his blind spot. To Brenna’s enhanced senses the arrow moved slowly, still she had been unable to notice the attack earlier. Worse, she was out of position to assist in blocking such an attack.

Fortunately, Lykan moved to intercept the arrow almost out of reflex.

With a graceful twirl he reached back and plucked the arrow out of the air. The moment his hand contacted the arrow, the glowing golden eye of the God who was serving as arbiter of the duel grew enraged. Red veins of anger appeared on the normally passive eye that everyone had almost seemed to have forgotten existed.


A stream of magic gathered around the eye for a second, before it dissipated as quickly as it began. At the same second a cloud of dust where the archer from the army once stood also appeared before being carried away on the wind.

The duel has been tampered with by outside sources! Compensations will be made!

The voice of the all-seeing eye rang out in everyone’s mind.

With a sigh, Lykan appeared to conclude. He looked down, closed his eyes for a second. Then when he looked back up and locked eyes with Ghane he let his true killing intent flow forth from him.

“OOHH!” The crowd took a step back, leaving only Brenna as one step forward of the otherwise cowed crowd of onlookers.

Ghane saw the look, and a faint trace of fear filled his eyes for a second. Then before he could truly react there was a blur and Lykan shot forward. This time he didn’t hold back, this time his hand glowed bright red.

No! Brenna thought, as she realized that with such a force and power, he would easily kill the man who he had gone to such lengths to train. Fortunately for Ghane, Lykan pulled up at the last second. Rather than hitting with full force, he only gave half an open palm strike to the chest. A strike that burned through armor and straight into the tender flesh beneath. A strike performed at an upward angle that lifted Ghane off the ground.


One strike rang out. The strike was so loud that it seemed to echo in the quiet streets. Ghane arose, then collapsed into a lifeless heap on the ground. Everyone paused, wondering if their great general had been killed by the strike. Lykan too paused, wondering if he had hit the man too hard.

There was a long pause, then Lykan reached down and gently struck Ghane’s chest. This was of course gentle for Lykan, the man who could have easily crushed his downed opponent’s chest with but a bit more pressure. Instead, he had struck at the exact right spot to force air to escape the lungs of his opponent.


Ghane drew in torrents of air as he gasped for breath.

He awoke to find his weapon had rolled away and was out of arms reach, while Lykan held a glowing red hand against his chest. Ghane tried to move, only to feel his flesh melting away from the heat. So, he eventually held still and stared into the now glowing red eyes of Lykan. At this moment it was clear that the boy he had remembered as growing up as a child was no longer. Instead, what he saw before him was a monster of unimaginable strength.

“Wha…what do you want?” Ghane stuttered.

“Do you yield?” Lykan spat out, his voice angry and gravely.

“Yield?” Ghane asked, then the thought seemed to jar something in his mind. “Yes, yes I yield.”

With that a booming voice declared.

Rejoice: The duel of the Heavens has ended. The champion Lykan Vov’Vita has won.

Lykan Vov’Vita and his companion Brenna Stoneweaver have been granted access to move freely about any Azani occupied lands without fear of any reprisals, so long as the laws of Sanctuary are observed.

During the duel, terms and conditions made by the Azani forces were broken. At this time the aggrieved party Lykan Vov’Vita must choose an appropriate punishment to be carried out by the losing forces.

This was new to all who had been made aware of the previous duel of the Heavens. This time the terms of the duel were broken, as an attack had clearly been made against Lykan. One that was by one of Ghane’s loyal soldiers. This went directly against the rules and conditions Ghane had laid out for himself.

Lykan, you must find a way to make restitution possible before these proceedings can be adjourned. What do you propose as a fitting solution?

The glowing eye said, as it leveled it gaze on Lykan. Lyakn for his part paused for only a moment, before stating. “I want two things. First, I want the Azani to find out who the real enemy of this planet and the gods are. Second, I want them to train to help fight that enemy.”

This is all you wish to have this debt between your two forces settled.

Lykan nodded.

So be it. In addition to both Lykan Vov’Vita and Brenna Stoneweaver being allowed to move about freely in any Azani territories. The condition of finding out who the true enemy of the planet and the Gods have been leveled. Additionally, there is a clause to train their forces so they can be ready to face those forces.

With that the eye gave one last look to everyone. Then let out a burst of energy that exploded outward, covering everyone in the immediate area with a golden hue.

“What?” Many people shouted out at once.

“We have a mandated quest from the Gods? We need to find out who the true evil of the planet and the gods are and a second quest to train to fight that enemy?”

“We only have a month to find out who that enemy is?”

“What happens if we don’t find out who the enemy is?”

“What do you think happens, remember Philip.” One soldier said, pointing to the dust cloud that had at one point been an archer for the Azani army.

“You sir, you must help us.” One person ran up and shouted at Lykan.

Lykan for his part had casually gone over and began putting on his clothing once more as the battle was over.

“You ready?” Lykan asked as he pulled over his cloak. Lykan was unconcerned with anyone gathered, in a way he looked almost angered at the results of what happened. Brenna wanted to press, to find out why he looked so dejected. By all accounts he should be happy, they now had free reign to go out and shut down labyrinths in Azani territory. Which last time she checked was all the northern half of the continent. Still, this was not the time to speak.


A woman who had come from the crowd to grab hold of Lykan, to demand answers from him was zapped.

“Ouch!” The woman shouted as her hand was still smoking from where she had touched Lykan.

“Please stand back.” Lykan said, irritation clearly filling his voice. The crowd hearing the angry tone looked from Lykan then looked at the lady who had grabbed Lykan and instantly flinched. With that a hole opened as no one else wanted to be taught a lesson by the Gods.

As they moved Lykan reached back to grab Brenna’s hand. At first, she felt a jolt of energy at the touch. Then she could feel more energy flow through the connection.

“Wha?” People stammered in confusion.

It took Brenna a second to realize Lykan had just turned them invisible for a second as they quickly made their way down a mostly deserted alleyway.

So, this is what it is like to be invisible?Brenna thought to herself as they made their way down a few more side passageways.

“I’m sorry.” Lykan said, finally turning to her, still grasping her hand as he channeled invisibility for both.

“Sorry for what?”

“I don’t think we can go to the Inn now, even if we wanted to.” Lykan admitted.

Hearing that Brenna just laughed. “Haha. No, I don’t think we could.”

With that Brenna felt a bit of tension leave her, as they made their way down the streets at a slightly slower pace, until they found the unmistakable entrance to a dungeon.

With a sigh Brenna entered the dungeon, hoping that next time they could finally take a moment to relax.


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