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Chapter 129



The war was over, at least for the moment. As for now the natural barriers of the land separated the eastern continent and its two great powers. The first was the northern expanse that stretched all the way to the frozen north. Fortunately for General Ghane he volunteered to control the southern expanses. Keeping his base of operations out of Denton, one of the original cities that had been built up and burnt down so many times there were epic tales spoken about this city and its history of being constantly conquered.

During the war, Ghane made a name for himself. He was the premier warrior of Ajimal’s forces. In sparring duels, he always bested Khanion, the former chief adviser to Ajimal the Great. He was also a political rival to Ghane, at least he tried to be. Truthfully, he was never more than a side character to Ghane and his true aspirations.

As far as Ghane was concerned he could ask for no better life, serving under a true master like Ajimal. A person of unmistakable might and personality, one who bested him easily in single combat. To serve such a man was an honor, and Ghane was thankful for such a man to choose him of all people to stand by his side.

As with any great man, there are monsters that would dare to hide in his shadow. Such was the case with the Ghost Killer, or Ghost Assassin, or whatever they were calling the murderer of General Khanion. The same killer was being credited with killing two other prominent officers in Ajimal’s command as well.

Worse, not only was Khanion killed, but then she was placed in charge of his investigation. She of course being the Chief Consort of Ajimal the Great. She came to him and dared to lecture himabout being prepared for anything. Even going so far as to give him an impromptu attack from behind, one he handled quite handedly as he had expected something of the like from her. She always seemed to be one of the cold and calculating types, the type to stab you in the back on her way to power. Thus, when she made her move, he was already two steps ahead, misdirecting her strike and turning the blade back on her.

He held her; her left arm extended with a dagger that all but glowed with energy. An energy that felt wrong. She was a witch practitioner, or at the very least one who consorted with the demons below. Even now he could feel her dark power boiling under her skin. She was a monster, someone who was anathema to the sacred ways of the Great Forest Spirit. Though he too was now anathema to the Great Forest Spirit. He stared at her, taking her in.

“Very good. Always be prepared.” Aren said, her voice still in control, even though her position spoke to anything but being in control. With a slight exertion of force, he could easily break her arm. He could be justified in his actions, who would dare speak otherwise to him. He had been attacked from behind, whether it was a training event or not didn’t matter. Whether they were looking for a right-handed killer and Aren, the wife consort of Ajimal was clearly left-handed didn’t matter, not really. At this point the only real thing that mattered was him, his master. The man who gave Ghane’s life purpose. For that man Ghane would move the heavens and the earth beneath his feet. He would shout so that all the other false gods could hear and see the glory that was his master.

His original contract of servitude was up, but he chose to stay under Ajimal. He had a purpose here; he was beloved here. He felt accepted here, just as the lowly backstabber did. The backstabber who stood at his mercy right now. He held her arm stretched out for a moment longer, then taking a breath, he released her arm.

Aren composed herself, quickly flexing her arm a few times to gain back the range of motion.

Shuffle, shuffle.

Feet moved hurriedly through the command building that Ghane had commandeered for this posting.

“Commander. It’s the Ghost.” An officer shouted as he entered the structure.

“The assassin?” Ghane asked, his eyes turning to Aren for a second to gauge her response to the news.

“No, not the Ghost Assassin, sorry about the confusion my lord. No, it is the Ghost of the North. He is in the market district, here.” The officer said, panting at the end.


That one word came to Ghane’s mind. He knew the rumors of the Ghost of the North. In fact, that was why Ghane had chosen this posting. Every town or location that the supposed Ghost of the North had been spotted was in the southern half of the northern territories that were now all under Ajimal’s control.

“Assemble the honor guard.” Ghane said. With his honor guard he would be able to corner and surround Lykan, then after all these years he would be able to prove once and for all that he could beat the supposed ghost.

A quick glance to Aren showed that she was interested.

“You worked for him once, didn’t you?” Ghane asked.

Aren looked at Ghane quizzically for a moment, but then nodded. “Yes, he was my commander when I was in the Sidherthan military.”

Ghane just stared at her for a second, his mind whirring with thoughts. “Good you should come to help confirm that it is in fact him.”

With that Ghane, who was always dressed for battle, grabbed his trusty mithril spear that was resting by his side. Stood up and made his way out of the command building. As he sauntered off, his honor guard members began falling in around him instantly. They knew the drill, get dressed and fall in as quickly as possible, but Ghane waited for no one. Not when the prize he wanted was right in front of him.

So long.

He had waited so long for this moment. While he had been called out on many wild hunts for the Ghost of the North, but to have him in his own backyard, this was too good to be true. He was truly blessed today. His eyes quickly glanced over to Aren who was standing by his side as he walked forward. Perhaps this is a divine reward for showing mercy? He thought to himself as he once again thought about how easy it would have been to break the backstabber’s arm.

Shaking his head he moved quickly, his mind dismissing all distractions. All distractions, save for the one that truly mattered now. The one that related to him and his dream of revenge, though revenge was too strong of a word. No, he wanted to prove to himself and the world that he was better than Lykan. The boy who came to his home and turned his entire life upside down. As soon as Lykan came to his life his life took one step after another downhill. First, he had lost his position as second in command of the hunting party. Then he slowly lost face with the others of the hunting group. What was worse was the fact that she had chosen him. Not only had shechosen him, but to make matters worse he was more needed. He could speak the old tongue fluently, was praised by the high priestess herself for translating the sacred texts.

So much praise was being heaped onto a child, a talented child, but a child none-the-less. No, this was Ghane’s chance to prove once and for all that he was better than Lykan. That the praise that had been heaped upon Lykan since his birth was unfounded. That he was not as stars blessed as others claimed him to be.

The spot in the market where the Ghost of the North was supposed to be readily apparent by the number of spectators that had gathered. Ghane made his way forward and easily pushed his way through the crowd.

Then as soon as he saw the man standing in front of his officers, Ghane’s blood began to boil. He saw the faint trails of corrupted energy that were on Lykan. This was the same energy of the deeps; the ones Aren had taken to excavating for Ajimal.

Ghane could even see how a portion of the vial energy was in an officer who was even now having a hard time controlling his power. Seeing everything, Ghane drew his spear and leveled it at Lykan.

“LYKAN!” Ghane bellowed.

Instantly the crowd of onlookers drew silent as they realized that Ghane and his royal guard had arrived.

“Sir I…” The female officer began, but Ghane cut her off.

“Stand back. I will handle this from here.” Ghane said, still moving forward while having his spear pointed at Lykan.

The man before him had grown and changed some. Though it was still the same youthful face staring back at him. The same youthful face that spoke of a feigned innocence. Looking at the young face Ghane couldn’t help but feel angered. He had aged so much in the time away from the Great Forest. He had seen and faced many countless battles and atrocities, only to come out older and more weathered because of it. In comparison, it looked as though this boy had never seen hardship nor dangers. His body looked perfect, not a blemish or scar to be seen.

This only angered Ghane more, once again it showed that Lykan was a golden child. A child who was given everything. Never having to work for a single scrap of power, never having to face the hardships that the world held. No, he got to go gallivanting around the world to his heart’s content. His eyes flickered to the beautiful dwarf next to him, one who clearly was ready to kill on his behalf. Seeing her, Ghane grew enraged. Not only did he have the looks, but the gods also given skills to make him exceptionally needed. But he was also unfaithful to her. Now not only was he cheating on Octavia, but he was also cheating on Nayali, the sister of the great one himself. He had ditched both, for this new woman, this was too much.

So many emotions went through Ghane at that moment that he could barely think straight. All his emotions ultimately fell back to the intense sensation of rage. Rage that such a man could be allowed to walk around freely and blessed by the gods.

That is when a thought hit him. Just has Ajimal had done for him, he would do the same for Lykan. He would make the man gallivant around the countryside, he would let him keep his freedom, but at a cost. The cost would be the markings of the gods. He would be forever branded as a lecherous monster.

“I challenge you to a rite of Judgment by the Gods.” Ghane declared.

At that the crowd who had been extremely silent let out a gasp.

“A Judgment of the Gods? Do you know what those entails?” Lykan asked quizzically.

Hearing the words coming from the youthful mouth of the insolent boy sparked anger to build within him. Of course, he knew, the last seven years of his life had been his existence in the shadow of his last rite of Judgment by trials of the Gods. He knew full well the severity of a commitment to such a course of action. He unlike Lykan took his obligations seriously.

“Of Course, I do!” Ghane growled.

Hearing the words Lykan backed down. “Very well then, what are your terms?”

Terms? This was a good question, honestly, he had not thought things through to this point. He had half expected Lykan to back down, especially with how he was surrounded by so many of his men. Then looking at his men, he realized there might be a disadvantage. Technically he could make it, so he fought with the entirety of his forces. But he didn’t want that, he wanted this to be a humiliating event for Lykan. One that Lykan would never forget.

“The terms are one on one fight. Me versus you. I win, you bear the mark of a lecher. A mark so hideous that you will have to beg women to not run away from your sight.”

“You speak for the Azani forces?” Lykan asked.

“I do.”

“Very well then. Should I win, Brenna and I will have free reign to enter and leave Azani territories whenever we want, without being impeded, so long as we do not break the sacred oath of sanctuary.” Lykan said.

His conditions were not that bad. All he effectively wanted was to have more freedom to gallivant around the north without any restrictions placed on him or his current companion. Inwardly Ghane cringed at the idea, all he was effectively asking for was more permissions to be a free roaming lecher. The sight of the boy before him sickened Ghane. With a sneer he almost agreed, then thought better of it. He had the advantage here, this was his city after all, his territory to protect.

“A few conditions. You cannot use any weapons, and you cannot fly around.”

Hearing the words Lykan bobbed his head in agreement. “That sounds fair.”

Smiling inwardly Ghane realized he got him. He never said anything about him not using weapons, only that Lykan couldn’t use them. With his spear and the mastery, he had gained over the past seven years in using the spear, he would easily beat the boy to a pulp.

“Very well then, let us summon the arbiter.”

With that the process of summoning an eye of the gods to watch over the match was performed by Ghane. He remembered well the ritual used by Ajimal. He at first thought Lykan would be impressed with such a feat of Power, as not everyone could do so. But Lykan for his part seemed unimpressed. In fact, Lykan spent most of the time handing items over to his traveling companion. He handed over his traveling pack, his weapons: the bo-staff and bow with quiver, then his moccasins, and finally his shirt. This last item drew several gasps from the women of the crowd.

Hearing the adoration in the coos of the women, made Ghane feel sick. He is despicable. He would never love you, nor treat you right. He has only been living off his looks for his entire life. Ghane thought, but then realized soon the world would see him for the lecher he truly was. With that thought in mind Ghane smiled, as he focused on the moment.

The two once again exchanged details of the fight. Lykan went first saying how he would fight without weapons and that he and his companion Brenna would be offered safe passage in all lands owned or occupied by Azani forces. That he would never to stopped or harassed, less he or his companion break the rules of sanctuary.

To be honest Ghane wasn’t entirely certain about the exact rules of Sanctuary, other than it implied that both forces would remain friendly and hospitable while sharing the same plot of land. That both would agree to do no harm to the other, then leave amicably. Honestly the whole thing seemed like a waste, especially as Ghane was going to win. He had the skill with the spear, the reach, and he was well beyond the standard human maximums. He already had a few of his Attributes in the third echelon level. Unfortunately, it was the skills that held him back from breaking through to the third echelon completely. But he was working on that.

Finally, it was Ghane’s time to give his conditions. This time he gave the same remark that should he win Lykan would forever be branded as a lecher and monster. Then to drive in just how much he out maneuvered Lykan, he explicitly stated that he would fight with his spear. He had Lykan, and as he waited for Lykan to shout out, to protest. Lykan just nodded.

Just nodded, like it was no big deal. Like even with a weapon, he did not fear Ghane.

Bastard! Ghane shouted in his mind. But his thoughts were instantly dismissed as a long-forgotten voice rang out not only in his mind, but in the mid of everyone covered under this compact, which was the entire Azani army, Lykan, and Brenna.

“We have heard the terms for Peace and Accept this Duel to facilitate Peace among the lands.”

Then before Ghane could think of anything else, the voice spoke once more.



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