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Chapter 48


The morning air was crisp and biting. Warm winds carried traces of sand and powder not normally seen in the region. The dirt and debris gave the blowing winds a physical presence that would otherwise be easily avoidable. The winds were so biting that the sand and dirt carried on the wind added an actual bite to Lykan’s skin as he flew forward.

He had grown a lot in his time while being an officer candidate. He went from never being able to fly and having the idea of flight being a mere dream to it now being a reality. Here he was, a no one, at least as far as the Azani were concerned and he flew.

Wind whipped and blew about his face as he moved to get closer. The motion caused the wind to whip and howl in his ears, but he was used to this sound. The sound of the wind was calming for him, it helped him get into his mindset that he always had while practicing. That frame of mind where only action and results mattered.

Lykan drew close enough that he felt he could easily hit a standing target with his bow. But he also knew that he likely would only have one shot at an attack. The only problem was his enemy saw him approach meaning that a shot into the howling winds would be tough and expecting the opponent to stand still for the entire flight of the arrow would be foolish.

He drew closer. The first thing he noticed about his opponent was the overwhelming amount of energy coming from them. The second thing he noticed was that his opponent was female, and not just any female but an ethereal beauty. Her long jet-black hair flew wildly in the wind, almost like it was a mischievous tail showing the anticipation of battle that was not present on the bearer’s face. She had the tanned skin of most from the southeast, one that spoke of constant exposure to sun giving her skin a bronze complexion. Then her face, was heart shaped and accented by two glowing golden eyes a sign that she was Azani royalty. Or at least could draw her lineage from the great first ruler of the Azani. The glowing golden eyes were a sure way to mark the direct ancestors of the great warrior. Then there was her uniform she wore, a direct copy of the Great One’s uniform complete with matching family crest.

Seeing all this Lykan’s heart paused, or maybe it was just his body from seeing such a beautiful warrior to fight. For her part she looked calm and serene, as if she was just waiting for a particular moment, this moment.

Seeing Lykan fly forward, she turned her head to better observe his approach. This was important as it was the first actual movement, she made that didn’t send waves of destruction in its wake.

“You have finally come.” The woman said in Azani.

Hearing the words, Lykan realized this was the language of the Azani high court. There were nuances and stressed syllables that would allow one to note the differences. For most people to speak to one of the Azani high courts was stressful, particularly for an outsider. The reason being that insults could be given easily if certain words were not stressed accordingly. The fact that he was speaking to a royal female was doubly tough, as any note of impropriety would be a death sentence, normally. Even so much as using the masculine instead of the feminine would be enough to court disaster as it would mean that she had a face that was indistinguishable from a man. For one such as the warrior maiden in front of him now, such insults would be seen as an unfathomable insult to her and her family. No doubt she had many suitors.

“Apologies, I seemed to have missed the original invitation. Had I known it would be to meet one such as yourself I would have come running instantly.” Lykan replied in perfect High Azani.

“Hahaha.” Her laugh was that of a treasured songbird singing. Light and mellow on the wind.

“The invitation was sent over two weeks ago. Surely it should have found you in the capitol before now?”

Hearing the words, a chill ran down Lykan’s spine, as he realized the invitation, she was likely speaking of was when her and her forces originally entered the town of Dunthir. There was another troubling part to her statement, that she not only knew who he was, but that he had just come from the capitol. While coming from the capitol was an obvious comment as most of the martial forces for the empire were staged there at the center, her words seemed to have a deeper meaning to them.

“You seem to have me at a disadvantage, for you seem to know me. But I have unfortunately never had the fortune of hearing about one such as yourself.” Lykan said, giving a slight bow to his opponent.

The bow was perfect, at least as far as Azani would consider.

“Hahaha. Powerful and charming. I will not mind this arrangement at all.” The woman mused.


“Yes, we have heard about you and your exploits Captain Lykan Vita, Dragon Slayer, Death Squad eliminator, and wielder of the old-world laws.” She spoke. The way she spoke of his exploits were nothing too extraordinary. He had after all received public appraise and adulations for his actions. Lykan also figured that the dragon slayer title likely referred to the one at the Sidherthan capitol. The fact that she knew about the old-world laws was also not much of a stretch as that had been done at the same time, he slew the dragon. Yet there was one word that truly caught Lykan’s attention.


“Yes, I am to be yours. My name is Nayali. I will be your war trophy to keep you from fighting my brother, Ajimal the Great. He has offered me, his favorite sister to you. Should you accept me as your wife, you are to join my brother’s side in his conquest of the continent.”

Hearing the words, so many things ran through his mind. First was that there was something off about this woman before him. Her power was high, too high for a mere mortal. The more he stayed, the more it had the same wrong feeling that he had felt from the corrupted dragon. What was it that the gods had called it? Oh, a Calamity level monster. That is what this woman before him felt like, a Calamity level monster. Even the wave of destruction she hurled out earlier had to have been enhanced in some way. Her range and power level were far beyond that which Lykan could perform and he had been blessed by the Gods many times over.

Hearing the words Lykan took a deep sigh.

“I regret to inform you that your proposal comes a few years too late. My heart is already owned by another.”

“Where is this harlot now!” Nayali all but screamed looking around at the downed ships to see if she was nearby.

Shaking his head Lykan replied. “She is not here, but she is on this continent. That is why I cannot let your brother succeed.”

“Fool, you will not even be able to take on me. At least not in your un-evolved state.”

“Evolving? Is that what you call the changes you have undertaken?” Lykan asked.

“Yes. My brother found a great pillar and took his generals and me to stand before its majesty. He then said, ‘he who is able to bond with the magic will stand by my side for all eternity.’ With that we all tried to merge with the great pillar. Most turned to pillars of salt right on the spot, the fools. I waited, biding my time, until I alone was left. Then steeling myself I moved forward and let the power of the great pillar flow into me.” Nayali said.

Hearing this Lykan now had some understanding of what had likely happened to the dragon he fought. How that one dragon was so much bigger and stronger than all others. The woman before him was massive, not in size though she was far taller than the average Azani female. Judging by her size she was easily a head taller than him. Still there was an undeniable spring of power that sat at her very core.

Seeing the woman before him, Lykan saw her glowing in many different shades of power. She went from Platinum to something far beyond Platinum. The paths she offered shone like glowing gemstones. The gemstone path before him was a dark-purple gemstone, one that spoke of ultimate power. Looking at the gemstone it was also clear that it was a hollow power, the type of power one gets and then stops all advancements. Looking at the paths before him it would be so easy to stop, to take the easy path. Nayali was beautiful, though his heart belonged to another. He didn’t realize it at the time, he had been too young, too immature to notice the signs. Now that he was away from her, his mind reeled from the fact that only one person filled his thoughts at night, Octavia. What was worse, he didn’t even know if she remembered him. He had been gone for nearly a year and a half at this point, a time that was both an eternity and the blink of an eye.

Shaking his head, Lykan knew the path he must walk. The path of his heart.

Perhaps sensing his mood Nayali changed the subject.

“Is that the legendary spirit blade, can I see it?”

Lykan looked down to the sword at his side. Shaking his head dejectedly Lykan placed his war-bow over his shoulder and drew his sword.

“I regret to say the spirit sword broke.” Lykan said, as he pulled forth a blade that glowed silver with electrical energy. One look showed that the blade was made by an expert craftsman with mithril.

“A mithril blade?” Nayali asked.

Lykan nodded his head in shame. While the blade felt natural in his hand, he still didn’t feel the deep connection to the blade as he had with his spirit blade. He hoped that in time a connection would form, but nothing truly called to him. To him the blade was just a sword, a weapon for destruction. It was a well-made sword, but not one that felt like it truly completed his existence.

“Well then let’s have a duel.” Nayali said.

“A duel?”

“Yes. The terms of which are simple. When I win, you marry me and join my brother’s conquest.”

Lykan bowed, “I regret to say that I am still bound by contract to the kingdom of Sidhertha.”

Waving a dismissive wave of her hand Nayali continued. “That will not be a problem. We will sue for peace, and you will be our official military liaison until your contract to Sidhertha will be complete. At which time you will then serve my brother.”

Lykan had to say he was impressed by the way they seemed to have had all this planned out.

“Can I ask something?”

“Anything future husband.”

Hearing those words, a slight tremor went down Lykan’s spine.

“Why me?”

“You might not know this, but our Oracles are at a loss for you. You are the one spot they cannot account for in their viewings. As such, my brother rather than using force, has offered a different approach. He is wise and sees the value of having someone on his side that even the Gods can’t predict the future of.” Nayali said.

Lykan nodded, he had heard something similar from Dathney, that he was just a golden dome and anything he did was always eventful, but never known until afterward.

“And what if I win?” Lykan asked.

“You still get me as a wife or concubine, whichever you prefer. My brother will still sue for peace for two years’ time.”

“So, to be clear. Whether I win or lose we will get peace for two years’ time. You will be betrothed to me. The only real difference being that if I lose, I will be in servitude to your brother. Whereas if I win, I will be free to do my own bidding?”

“Servitude is too much. You will be family at that point.”

“And you will not take umbrage with the fact that my heart belongs to another?”

“Hahaha. I understand you think you might be in love. You are what seventeen? Barely old enough to have had your class for any true length of time. What do you truly know of love? The answer is no I will not mind, as that will make the reward of turning your heart towards mine all the sweeter.” Nayali answered.

Hearing the words Lykan could only nod.

“And you are able to speak for your brother, that so long as I engage in this duel your brother will sue for peace?”

“Yes, I am now his second in command. I have been given the authority to speak and act on his behalf. He has sent me here with the one mission to convert you to our side. Though, I guess to make this official we would have to enact the old-world laws for dueling?”

Lykan smiled. This was a test to see if he was as powerful as the rumors claimed.

“So be it.” Lykan said with a bow.

Then raising his hand, he began to call forth the powers of the old law. As he spoke a great golden light began to shine over him and Nayali.

“I am enacting the rights of Judgment of the Gods.” Lykan said, as he spoke golden power shot up overhead and seemed to first form a second golden sun. Yet the more he spoke, the more the sun’s form began to twist and change until it looked like a golden eye.

“This is a judgment of the heavens. Two combatants from two different armies have been called forth to settle a war that would otherwise cost thousands of lives in the process. We call upon the binding laws of the old world to oversee our trial. To see that both contestants fight with honor and true intent. That their vows of wager be heard by the gods and held as sacrosanct. I, Captain Lykan Vita, of the Sidherthan Magi Corps challenge Nayali of the Azani tribe in full combat. That we will be the two combatants to solve this war for a period of at least two years. That regardless of the outcome the war between our two nations will be ended. The only change being that should I lose, I will be destined to marry Nayali and join her brother’s cause once my service to Sidhertha ends.” Lykan said, as he spoke everyone around could hear the words.

While he was not yelling, Lykans words were carried on the crisp morning air for all to hear.

“What is he doing?” Members of his crew said to themselves, fortunately their words were not carried back for him to hear.

“And I Nayali Northstar, second in command to Ajimal the Great vow to also adhere to the outcome of this battle. That regardless of whether we win or lose a peace shall be formed between our two nations for a period of two years’ time. That should I lose, I will be made to live with Lykan Vita as a war trophy that he can do with as he wants, so long as I am forever by his side.” Nayali said.

With that the golden eye turned its attention to Nayali who then glowed with a golden hue. From her lines of golden string could be seen going out from her to locations far off in the distance. Simultaneously similar lines began to form around Lykan and shoot out to the hundreds of ships all around and a main line led off in the direction of the capitol.

“We have heard the terms for Peace and Accept this Duel to facilitate Peace among the lands.”A Booming voice called out loud enough for all to hear. The lines of fate that bound the two combatants solidified, and then disappeared. While they still had a physical weight to them that Lykan and Nayali could still feel if they focused, the sensation mostly disappeared. This was a blessing from the Gods to remind the combatants that they fought for more than just themselves, but their whole country as well.

Truthfully the gods always wanted combatants to duel in such ways. This was it, one combatant versus another, rather than an entire nation of worshipers battling against another nation of worshipers. War was a costly endeavor to the gods in the amount of faith they would lose over time. Granted there was always an initial surge, even now while both sides prayed for the two contestants to do well there was a surge in faith being accumulated. And this was where the Gods would want such endeavors to stay. Two people fighting, generating faith from an entire kingdom that wanted one goal or outcome. The best part for the gods, regardless of the outcome the faith was still generated and pledged, all they could do was use that faith to make sure that the terms and conditions of the duel were followed. This was a small price to pay for faith being generated from this one event. Should either side go against the treaty and enact a war now, they would do so without the blessing of the gods and incur the wrath of the gods as well.

Not wanting to draw this out any further, the god’s eye that was called forth to observe the duel said one word that would change the very course of the war between the Sidherthan Empire and the Azani Empire.



Silver Beard

Got to be the 3rd law the dragon spoke of; so the final is sure to be revealed? Concubine has my vote. Heart belongs to the wife.


The third law is coming, though not for a bit.