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Chapter 47

The Battle of Dunthir

To say that the perceived battle was different than what occurred would be an understatement. Thousands of Sidherthan troops moved into position, encircling the border city with a precision never seen before. Under cover of darkness, ships breached the Azani border from north and south of the city encircling any possible chance of retreat.

Simultaneously the majority of Sidherthan forces pulled forward. Aided by the recent treaties from Piran and Belkin, a vast majority of forces had been diverted to give this one decisive strike back.

Though there were a few warning signs that everyone approaching noticed.

People who had grown up in the region were among the front-line forces as they were the ones most familiar with the terrain. They had a bit of a want to see their homelands free, this was after all the place where their childhood friends and family all lived.

Yet as everyone began their final approach the city was quiet, too quiet. Even if occupied one would expect guards or sentries to be about causing some form of noise. But nothing, not even the faint embers of city lights could be seen. The city was silent as the grave.

Only a faint whistling wind blew through the city square. On that crisp morning air, many swore they heard the screams of the dead. Of the innocent lives who had been slaughtered when the city was first taken.

As night slowly gave way today, only one enemy force could be seen. A dark speck among the morning stars.

While there was little to show that there was in fact someone in the air, the Azani were known for their fierce shaman warriors. Warriors who could easily defy the laws of nature and fly in the air while raining down destruction, that was the only reason why the singular dot as noticed.

Everyone knew that at least one spy would be watching the approach from the sky. The fact that their entire advance had gone unnoticed, or at least without having the one sentry alert the rest of the city was a blessing. At least everyone thought it was a blessing. To say that one flying sentry couldn’t see their advance would have been a lie. Even while trying to move silently, lights were still present from the crew who needed lights to see their instruments. These lights caused a faint glow from the different cockpits that looked like candles on the wind. Candles that shown brighter than any star in the heavens that night.

“Maybe the sentry is asleep?” Some of the forward observers mused of the one sentry.

Still the more they moved into position, the more a feeling of dread rolled out.

The feeling of dread seemed to be carried on the wind. The wind that howled with ferocity, one that seemed all but warn of death.

Still the forces of Sidhertha either couldn’t hear the calls of the dead, or they were too outraged by the events that unfolded.

The sacking of Dunthir had been ruthlessly efficient and a blatant act of war from the Azani.

Yet, when the sun arose over the desolate streets of Dunthir, the light showed that the streets were empty of life. Not even a token force of guards had been left to defend the city.

There was just one floating form in the air.

Finally, once the sun shone brightly, and the events of the night were impossible to deny. That is when the forces of Sidhertha began to move forward.

Each step sent shivers down the spines of those who marched in on the ground.

The blimps all seemed to need to put their slow advance in second gear to compensate for rougher than normal headwinds.

As they drew closer, still only one sentry was seen.

The Juggernaught, the largest warship in the fleet, was the first to act. From the southeast it had the clearest view of the target and a direct line of sight that would not cause crossfire over fellow troops.


The first shot of the battle to retake Dunthir was fired.

The burst of fire was as bright as it was devastating. A secondary sun streaked across the sky and then ignited in a dense nova of energy.

Everyone watched, their breaths held as they waited.

Some looked to the city to see if anyone who was in hiding would now come out. While others watched the fireworks display wondering if anything would remain of the one sentry.

There were some shamans who had learned to protect against the scorching fires caused by explosions. But few were able to take on the concussive force of kinetics in addition to the blasts of explosions.

Before the last war ended and the Azani were forced to take refuge in their southern border, burning shaman out of the air had been a victory song sung by the gunners. The song had since been banned when singing the song had led to multiple skirmishes, but all true residents of Dunthir knew the song and would sing it behind closed doors.

Flying Shaman Fly So Bright

Will you burn away tonight?

With a Cannon or a gun,

Taking you out is always fun.

Many native to Dunthir and the surrounding region mentally quoted the old song while watching the sudden strike against the lone sentry like it was a prayer. A prayer meant to send the evil shaman to the grave.

Yet rather than seeing a falling burning corpse, once the smoke cleared all that was left was one lone figure floating defiantly above the city.

Seeing the figure, a wave of fear began to form in the guts of most who were close enough to witness the event. By now the advanced forces had entered the city and were beginning to clear the houses. As they entered the city waves of revulsion began to fill everyone. As the people who had been in the city were dead. The houses they entered were lined with blood as men, women, and children were all killed where they were.

Seeing the sights a few men ran out of the houses and vomited. Others began searching frantically for other houses. A few broke off to check their own homes, the homes that their families had lived in for years.

Corporal Keller was one such person. A native Dunthir and cavalry scout, his job was to infiltrate the city. Take out enemy combatants and free the civilian population. However, he was too late. His childhood home was a scene of horrors.

He found the remains of his family. Somehow, they had been burnt to ash within their homes. It was Azani sorcery at its absolute worst.

“MONSTER!” Keller shouted. “Come out. Come out and fight me!” Keller screamed. Tears filling his eyes as he wanted someone, anyone to take out his rage upon.

Only the slow howling of wind whipping between the buildings could be heard.

“Hahahaha!” A low cackling sound came from overhead.

Hearing this Keller turned to look up to see the one sentry still flying in the same exact spot.

Then he heard her speak. The angel of death that sat above his hometown. The angel of death that no doubt was complicit in killing his family. Keller didn’t know what she said, he didn’t speak the Azani language. Nor did he particularly care.

Here was a monster, plain and simple and monsters needed to be put down so everyone could sleep soundly.

Raising his rifle straight up, he aimed at the target and fired his repeating rifle until the cartridge emptied.

He was reloading when the sentry finally moved. When she took her turn.


Keller didn’t so much see, but rather felt the wave of heat that sucked in all life before descending over top of him.

He looked up, just in time to be covered in a sphere of golden flames. Fortunately, the pain he felt at becoming an ash angel was non-existent. His mind was destroyed so quickly that it couldn’t fully register the events that were happening before he died.

Corporal Keller died there on the streets, burnt to ash on the street in front of his childhood home. He died in the same way his family all had inside their home.

If he had to choose a way and place to die his friends would tell you he died the best way possible. Instantly and near his family and friends. Yet, what one thinks to be a good way to go and what is a good way to go are often very different.

The wave of force didn’t stop at corporal Keller. The wave of force went out in a spherical pattern from the floating Azani Shaman. A shaman who was astronomically powerful, one who had more than eclipsed the power hinted about being wielded by the great immortal shamans of the Azani capitol.

With the mere raising of her hand, she managed to produce a golden sphere of energy that spread out from her in a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree attack arc, from all angles that expanded out killing all ground forces who were unfortunate enough to enter the city of Dunthir.

Even when the bursts of energy met the first ring of ships many of the crew died on the spot while the first few blimps caught fire instantly, their energy dissipation runes being instantly overloaded. The next few rows of ships were more fortunate in that only the crew died or the ship they were in caught fire. Then the row after that just lost power, the dissipation runes enough to stop the full force of the blast enough to only temporarily disable the crafts that all began floating back to the ground.

In the end only one ship remained. This was odd as it was one of the closest ships in the initial wave of attacks.

The crew of the ship let out a collective breath, as the wave of energy pass over and around their ship. The passing feeling like the wave of the gods, finding out who was worthy of forgiveness and who would be judged instantly for their sins.

The crew of the RDT-X82 were the sole survivors of the initial strike. Though many of the runes created by their captain glowed with white hot intensity.

“Status!” Captain Vita shouted to his crew.

Hearing the words, the crew who had been in a daze all shook themselves and began reading their instrument panels.

“We are overheating.” Executive Officer Bitler called out.

“Core systems are oscillating.” Helmsman Jurig called out.

“Can she fly?” Captain Vita called out, as he made his way to the side hatch that was nearest the sentry.

“She can, but barely.”

“Good get her home, Bitler you are in command.” Captain Vita shouted out loud enough for the crew of the small vessel to hear.

“Sir, where are you going?” Bitler asked.

“I’m going to get you the time needed to get out of here.” Captain Vita said. Then with a herculean show of strength, he ripped the protective bars off an effort that would normally take two full grown men to do in tandem. Yet he managed to do so easily. Then with a solid flat strike of his heel, the door flopped open.

Instantly a cool breeze wafted through the previously overheating room.

Everyone took in a slight restful breath, then turned to see the Captain was gone.

Legg was the first to run to the door.

She first looked down, but then shook her head and looked out to see the Captain flying straight out.

“What is he doing?” Bitler demanded, a twinge of panic in his voice.

“He looks to be doing as he said, engaging the sentry to give us time to retreat.” Legg answered.


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