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Chapter 35


Lykan floated in the air, his feet unsteady as his balance continually dropped and raised.

“He looks like a newborn fawn, not a killing machine.” Sword Saint Altier Montague said of his star pupil’s attempts to take flight.

“You would look far worse, should you try such a feat.” Shai’jan said, from up high. Shai’jan had long ago mastered the movements of aerial movement and flight. They were part of his shamanic heritage from his youth as an Azani War Shaman. While he never spoke of his past, it was clear that he had good cause to seek asylum in the lands of Sidhertha. It was also clear from talking to him that he fully embraced his new role of teacher for Sidhertha, even if it meant betraying the secrets of his birthplace.

Now that he finally had a pupil who could learn more than just the arts of the sword, but the flying movements that went into the Flying Sword Style that the Azani were known for Shai’jan had seemingly found a new purpose in life. Every day he awoke with a new sense of drive and purpose. Every day he pushed Lykan morning, noon, and night, training him in the sacred ways of the Flying Sword Style.

Altier on the other hand seemed morose, not only had his star pupil surpassed him in physical prowess. But ever since the advancements offered by the gods for his feat of heroism, the slaying of a dragon; Altier was next to useless for the star of the Sidherthan military.

Now, everyone gathered around and watched the two practice their movements. While it was distracting at first to Lykan, he soon learned to tune out everyone other than Shai’jan. Even the royal twins, Princess Laural and Prince Lawrence would often come to watch the movements.

Lykan floated, then with shaky legs kicked out and slid forward his legs buckling from unseen force.

“Focus. You must Meditate your energy into where you intend to move. Focus will help you keep the flow of weightless energy moving in the direction you need. But movements are important. It is odd that you got both Aerial Movement and Aerial Combat at the same time. But since that is the case, we will have to practice both. Now prepare yourself.” Shai’jan said as he lunged forward.

Lykan was a sitting duck, or worse; he was a waiting lamb ready to be pounced upon by a hungry tiger.

Still while his movement skills for the air were lacking his swordsmanship was beyond reproach.


The first pass came and went sending Lykan spiraling for a few paces before he managed to gain his aerial footing once more. The second he was up and ready, Shai’jan was making another pass from behind. With speed of movement Lykan reached the blade behind his back holding it in the perfect position to block the unseen strike.


The two swords again struck and this time Lykan was sent flying forward. His feet seeming to slide against the air before he came to a stop two feet short of where he began.

“Again.” Shai’jan shouted, this time striking from the right side. Lykan again was able to turn and block, but barely. His body was able to turn and move faster than his feet were, as such each strike sent him sprawling away. Still Lykan rose to meet each strike, his own pride preventing him from failing. He stood no chance in a real duel. Even now all he could do was barely move enough to mount a possible defense against the strikes.

Still Lykan practiced, this had been his goal since entering the Academy and seeing the great Shai’jan wielding his famous style. Their meeting happened seemingly by happenstance, yet even in that first encounter Shai’jan saw a spark of something great within the boy. The boy who subsequently beat him in an impromptu duel. If one were to ask, Shai’jan would swear that the boy had cheated by taking away his magic and ability to fly. Even now, that thought was ripe on the mind of the sword master. For while he was able to beat up and trounce the boy in the ways of the Flying Sword Style, he only did so because the boy let him.

Shai’jan struck Lykan and immediately began circling around the sliding apprentice. This time he charged in from the boy’s left side. It was a pattern, but patterns were the easiest way to learn at the very beginning. Shai’jan once again waited until Lykan had regained his footing, then struck. At least he tried to, he barreled forward. He had long since gone past the need to move his legs to fly. When flying there was no friction with the ground as such being able to move and change direction without movings one’s legs was a sign of a true master of Aerial Movements. Lykan still getting used to the new sensations that he had only had for the better part of two months still had to kick his feet out to find balance. The kicking of the feet is also what made him appear to be little more than a fawn taking its first steps in the air.

Though the amount of skill needed to walk on the land, versus the amount of skill needed to walk in the air were vastly different, the analogy of Lykan being a newborn fawn was accurate. This time Shai’jan moved forward for another pass. Only this time the unthinkable happened.


Lykan had moved. Not only that, but he had jumped backwards, if jumping was the correct term for someone who didn’t exactly use their legs to move. Shai’jan marveled at the way the boy had easily and gracefully managed to move backwards by two feet. Not an extreme amount, but enough to easily avoid the incoming blow.

So fixated on the movement of his pupil that he missed the fact that his pupil was a legendary sword master, one who could now defeat even his longtime friend the sword saint at every opportunity the two sparred.


There was a quick sharp pain in the back of Shai’jan’s head. Then darkness.

Lykan for his part realized the opening and took the strike. Rather than causing serious damage to his master, he turned his blade to the flat end at the last second and smacked it against the back of his master’s head.


Shai’jan landed in an unconscious heap on the ground. Sweat poured from Lykan as he panted heavily from all the constant training. So focused was he on his actions that he half expected his master to shoot up and try to strike from down below. That was one thing his master had avoided so far, attacking from different heights. Though looking down at the people who were now rushing to tend to his master Lykan realized he might have to worry about more intense training from here on out.

Lykan let out a few calming breaths, before focusing enough to slow down the rotation of energy coursing through his body so he could idly drift down to the ground. He landed, then awkwardly took a step forward, his legs no longer used to hold up his weight. It was an odd experience going from being completely weightless to being once again bound by the forces of gravity.

With his body able to hold itself up once more, he relaxed. Sheathed his weapon, then went over to help direct Telka’s healing energies deeper into his master’s prone form.

“He just had the wind knocked out of him.” Telka said in passable Sidherthan.

As Lykan helped guide the healing energies that Telka was creating, the spells took place in the brain and other areas that were suddenly swelling with blood. Once the pressure on his brain was reduced Shai’jan quickly regained consciousness.

Only after seeing the damage did Lykan realize just how hard, he actually hit his master.

“Master I am so sorry.” Lykan said, and he truly meant it. He was strong, far stronger than the human maximums should allow thanks to his blessings from the gods. He should know this; in fact, it was only that he was so gifted physically that he was able to keep up with the constant strikes from Shai’jan at all. Still when he had his chance to strike, he took it without hesitation. The only problem was, even though he had tried to blunt the blow, he didn’t pull back as much of his strength as he should have.

“No, you did good. Exceptional even.” Shai’jan said, getting up to a sitting position thanks to the aid of Telka and Lykan. “Though had I known I would be tended to by the great Telka, I might let this brute hit me more often.” Shai’jan said, smiling brightly at the dark-skinned high wood elven beauty.

Telka for her part just blushed.

“Perhaps we should call it for the day?” Lykan said, realizing that Shai’jan was still a bit wobbly.

“I should call it a day. You my boy, despite your breakthrough still need the practice.” Shai’jan said as he got up to his feet. “Though I must admit I would feel better being in the presence of a talented healer. Should I suddenly feel faint again.” Shai’jan said, once again turning his charms to Telka.

“Okay.” Telka said, not quite sure on the social standards.

While Telka had been hiding most of her fluency with Sidherthan so she could remain close to Lykan, that had been throw out the window with Lykan’s promotion to being an Officer candidate. Now that he was an officer candidate and officially able to enter the classes she was in, she spoke Sidherthan near fluently in front of everyone.

“I will go too. I wouldn’t want my fellow colleague to get in trouble for any thought of fraternization between himself and a fellow student.” Sword Saint Altier Montague said of his friend as he began leading both Telka and Shai’jan to the Professor’s wing of the school.

With that, most of the people who had gathered left.

Realizing that Shai’jan was right about his still needing to practice, he looked at his recent gains that came from constant practice.

Aerial Combat: Novice (Platinum) -> Beginner

Aerial Movement: Novice (Platinum) -> Beginner

He was still surprised to see that his time here at the Academy was still considered to be part of the same Platinum level task he had taken when he first got here. Normally, the color rating went down the longer he stayed, though he was happy to see that he was still on the past for the most improvement. While going from Novice to Beginner was the easiest to achieve, it was still an accomplishment worth noting. The shift for both Aerial Combat and Aerial Movement during the battle allowed him to move enough to make a counter. While Shai’jan should have easily been able to counter the slight movement, the fact that Lykan had waited until he knew his master was distracted made the move so much more effective. It was a good reminder to both Lykan and his master about the importance of not being too complacent.

With that thought of not growing complacent, he once again began to cycle his mana quickly throughout his body. Then slowly felt his body rising. The act of flight was an amazing experience, it almost felt like floating in water. The only difference being that rather than kicking one’s feet to provide lift, he used the mana flowing within his body to do the same.

Circulating mana until it is lighter than air. The thought of what he had to do to get to this point was astounding. Hours he had to meditate and torture his body so that he could increase the size of his conduits throughout his body. The enlarged conduits were the only way the energy in his body would have enough space to expand and maintain an excited state. Then he had to focus his excited energy in the direction he wished to move.

This part, rising to the air was the easiest and most liberating. The steps after this were the ones that caused so much struggle, at least for now. Still struggle was what Lykan was good at, it was how he defined his life. Struggle, find a way to succeed, then move on to the next set of goals.

Flying, and being able to fight while flying had been a dream. A dream all kids have who read of the Azani, and their flying death shaman. If it hadn’t been for dragons, and technology it was clear the Azani would have been the undisputed leaders of the world. Still, there was a balance to the world that Lykan truly cherished.

Step, move, slice.

Lykan began going through the movements that Shai’jan had given him. In his mind he still fell for stepping as an indication to his mind that he needed to move. It was a bad habit that he knew would give away his movements in the future. Though he also knew that if he practiced it enough, he could use it to get people to believe he was moving one way, even though his body was moving in another direction. Still, these were ideas for the future. As for now he was barely in the walking stage, while he was thinking about steps that could be done while running and sprinting.

Step move, slice.

He moved right, then he turned and danced the same steps left. Right, then left.

Laurel found herself entranced by the boy. The boy who her father had forced her to go to regular classes for. The person that made it so her easy life in obscurity was over. At first, she resented the boy, thinking that everything that had been said about him was fabricated. That was until she saw the recording of the official event. Any time a duel is carried out in Sidhertha, especially at a formal event one professor has to record the action for posterity. Such was the case with the duel between Lykan and the Piran royal bodyguard.

She saw how Lykan using the blunt end of a spear utterly humiliated the royal bodyguard before slaying a poison dragon with nothing more than standard weapons. Well standard and that sword should never be spoken about in the same sentence. As she watched Lykan move, she saw a glowing spirit blade. A relic of legends long past.

As a youth she had been raised on the harrowing stories of how high wood elves would travel the world, establishing law and order in their wake. Often, they had little more than their bonded spirit blades to keep them company.

When Princess Lauren first saw Lykan, she thought he was a high wood elf. He practically glowed with the magical power of the high wood elves. Even his shoes and swords were clearly high wood elven. The language he spoke to the dark-skinned high wood elf was an enchanting melody that reminded Lauren of exotic birds singing love songs to each other. When she saw the way the two interacted, and the way the boy had clearly hidden his immeasurable Power from the school for her, Lauren was jealous. It was only natural after seeing the two, they seemed perfect for each other. That was until Lauren noticed the looks of longing Telka often had when she thought Lykan wasn’t looking. The way she too would watch him train, only to look on as though she too was a hundred miles away.

Only after seeing that look the same one that mirrored how she too felt, did she feel some sympathy for the perfect couple. For they weren’t a couple at all, just someone who was extremely generous, and someone who felt eternally beholden.

Still, Lauren found herself coming out to the same practice square every night to practice her spell forms. This was a shallow pretext of course, while her forms did need work, she could have done so anywhere in the castle proper. But she had been drawn to the boy who all but looked at her like she would be little more than a burden. An obligation to tether him to the land. That had been her father’s intention, he had even braced her for the possibility, yet he still dismissed the claim. Not even an acknowledgment of wanting it to be so. Just a hard and fast refusal and an ask for a bow. A friggin’ war bow.

No need for titles, of further acclaims, just a bow. She was truly stunned by the man. Then when he grabbed her hand, she immediately sent a jolt of energy into him, to test. The jolt was dissipated in a second. They shared a glance and it was clear that she had meant him harm with such a strike. A jolt of magical energy that powerful from point blank range should have been enough to stun anyone. She had intended to take the moment he was stunned to remove her hand and walk away. All he did was smile, drop to one knee and kiss her hand like nothing had happened.

That refusal to show her up, that was the most infuriating part of it all. She had used a spell that would have stunned even the most prominent of warriors. Yet he was able to shrug it off, and act so indifferent about the whole thing that she couldn’t help but be intrigued. Added to that was the fact that he didn’t say so much as a word to her. Even now it was as if he was never aware of her presence. When she purposefully chose a field directly next to his field, blocking out the plot of land for the whole week just as Lykan had for his plot of land.

Still the constant pretending to practice was exhausting for Lauren. She tried to push herself half as hard as the boy and found that her reserves of energy were considerably lacking in comparison.

“He’s still at it?” Lawrence said, coming into her practice square and staring up at the same man she was.

“Do you mind. I am practicing here.” Lauren said, trying to hide the fact that she had only been staring at the sweat soaked boy move in the air like a graceful bird.

“Clearly.” Lawrence quipped as he gave her a knowing quirk of the eyes. “I dare say, you had best go for him before I do.”

“You will do no such thing.” Lauren said, normally she would let her brother go for any man he fancied. But the thought of Lawrence trying for this man, only to push him away as he did with all the others he had pursued, that was too much.

“Oh, so your protests to father were a charade?” Lawrence smiled, as he was able to easily read his twin sister. They had that bond that all twins did, one that helped them share emotions at almost an instinctive level. This was why Lawrence decided now was as good a time as ever to push her in the right direction.

“He doesn’t even know I exist.” Lauren finally admitted dejectedly.

“Ah dear sister, giving up so easily. I know for a fact he doesn’t care much for his ward.” Lawrence declared.

“I know.”

“Then why don’t you make your move already. Father admitted that he would accept such a union, especially now that he is officially recognized as a Magi Officer. From his entrance exams he even excelled at mana manipulation. The professors call him a peerless genius.” Lawrence said.

“I know.”

“Then why don’t you make your move.”

“Because he doesn’t even acknowledge my existence.” Lauren said.

“Well, you did try to petrify him on stage in front of everyone.”

Hearing the rebuke Lauren just dropped her head in shame. “I know. I figured it would scare him off like it did all other potential suitors.”

“It did more than that, it made it so he doesn’t even glance your direction. I’ve seen him do an abrupt 180 perfect turn to talk to Telka in the hallways in order to avoid you.”

Hearing that Lauren’s heart paused, she had thought it odd that he always had his back to her whenever they were in the hallway. She would pass him only to turn back and see that he had moved on. His broad back and shoulders clear to see from the mass of students in the hallway.

“He does?”

“Yes, his ability to detect magic is uncanny. I even asked his professors about it. They conducted tests and apparently, he is able to identify people based on their mana signatures from rooms away. Such an asset would be invaluable. Could you imagine the espionage and counter-espionage actions we could perform with him around?” Lawrence said, his mind already going to politicking.

Lauren could only look on in horror at the claims. “So, I really have bungled this.”

“Quite exceptionally. I’d say I was jealous, in that you managed to run off a man before I could. But that would be a lie. I would have loved a run at such a specimen.” Lawrence said watching the warrior fight well into the evening.

“So, what do I do?”

“Do what you always do. Reach out, try to mend fences as they say.”

“But how do I talk to him when he avoids me at all costs and is able to avoid me easily?”

“See, now this is the hunt I wish I could take part in.” Lawrence said, a smile forming his lips as he mentally ran through many similar situations, he had trying to catch private moments with Lauren’s and his own elite guards.

“You really are disgusting.” Lauren said looking at the look of avarice and lust on his face.

“I know, which is why you love me so. I am all the things you could never allow yourself to be.”

Hearing that Lauren once again looked at the ground. He was right, being the first daughter, she had been the object of her father’s affection for years. Even now with the two younger sisters, her place as the favorite had long been cemented. The king had encouraged Lawrence’s appetites, especially when it was used as a weapon to remove unwanted advances towards Lauren. For years Lauren had to deal with the fact that men would go after her for what she was, not who she was. She was the beautiful first princess of the kingdom of Sidhertha. This was why her first few spells that she had learned and constantly practiced were stunning spells meant to render full grown men immobile for minutes at a time.

These same spells are what she had used as an initial greeting mechanism for Lykan. The hero of the country, a man she thought was just as hedonistic as all others. Yet, after following him around she found he cared nothing for creature comforts. When offered to be moved to one of the free officer quarters he opted to stay in his little servant’s hovel.

She had also read the full documents of his birth, how he was kicked out of Tython for being born Magic Immune. That was what caught her attention and made sense of why he was impervious to her attack. While he was no longer immune, he had grown to the point where he was able to absorb mana freely. He had even done so during the fight against the royal bodyguard.

“Oh, did I tell you that we have a few new transfer students coming in?” Lawrence asked during a moment when Lauren’s mind raced to get away from her.

“Why should I care?”

“Well, there are two sets. The first is a delegation from the Belkins. The second prince and his wife were so taken by the school that they both have declared to attend, in an effort to strengthen ties to Sidhertha. This comes as part of a peace treaty, and alliance with the Belkins empire to last for a minimum of five years.”

Hearing this Lauren’s mind began to spin. Those people sounded familiar somehow.

“The second prince’s wife, the Oracle also apparently has ties with our hero over there.” Lawrence said, gesturing to the swordsman who even now relentlessly practiced moving with the sword in the air.

“They do?”

“Yes, apparently she and the homestead seven were all captured in the same slaver’s camp. Lykan of course saved them. Then upon their trek to the homestead where they were all recruited Lykan managed to turn back the attack of a psychic dragon matriarch back upon itself. The attack left it stunned long enough for all the homesteaders to grab a weapon they had looted from the bandit camp and add a blow to the downed dragon.”

“That’s how they are all so powerful?” Lauren asked, suddenly realizing the connection for why so many skilled magician candidates were found at one place.

“Yes. Oh, and before I forget. The real person you should be careful of.”


“The Princess and a few of the top retainers of Piran have also sought to enroll at the academy. They too have signed a five-year armistice and alliance pact.” Lawrence said, explaining so many secrets and facts as if they were nothing.

While five years was not an unheard-of number for an armistice the fact that two nations would decide for such a length of time was odd.

“Aren’t you curious about why they both chose five years?” Lawrence asked with a knowing smile that annoyed Lauren to no end when they were kids. It was the smile he had when he had a secret that he wished to lord over her head.

“Yes, now tell me.”


“You always are too easy to excite. The reason they both chose five years is that is when they both believe that man will be done with his contract to Sidhertha.” Lawrence said, once again gesturing towards the still practicing Lykan.

“So, they want him too?” Lauren asked.

“Well, let’s put it this way. When two countries known for their oracular abilities, both declare for an alliance and wish to attend the same school as one individual. Then offer peace treaties that so happen to last as long as the person in question is to be bound to the country, it does raise red flags. Still the alliances come at a time that is too beneficial to be avoided. The fact that they are both alliances mean that should the Azani rise up, military aid will be offered by and to both countries. This means that we have five years of peace. It also means that we have five years to do the task.”

“What task?”

Lawrence just sighed as he looked at his sister, for while they were twins they were clearly able to excel at different areas. “We have five years to lock up his services to our country for good.”

With that they both turned to look at the man in question. The man who supposedly had oracles vying for his favor.

Lykan for his part looked like he could not hear their hushed conversation. Though this was not the case. The open crisp air of the training area and his beyond human senses allowed him to hear and process every voice and inflection spoken. He heard it all and recorded it with his brilliant mind that was able to partition off his mind to perform different tasks. While part of his mind was intently listening in on the conversation, most of his mind was focused on moving smoothly through the air while incorporating his own sword style into the movements.


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