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Chapter 34

The Parable

“Now class. You were all expected to read the unedited true Piran children’s story about the Wolf and the Shepherd. Now who can explain why this story is key to understanding Piran society?” Professor Folowitz asked as he looked at the new group of students who he would be training in the different cultures that surround Sidhertha.

“This story was weird. The Farmer finds a wolf in their flock of sheep, then takes them in and treats them like their own. Only to be killed by that same wolf once he finds a mate.” Jema, the fiery red head with enough talent to now place in the officer portion of the school said.

“Yes, but there is a point. First, we must understand who the wolf is, in this story.” Folowitz said trying to get more of the class of students to participate. With a pointed finger he chose a student at random. “You, who is the wolf?”

Javison stared at the finger and stammered for a second, “the wolf is the wolf?” He asked.

“Wrong. This is important to understanding what it is to be Piran. What are Piran’s known for?” Folowitz asked pointing to Hanna, another one of the homestead seven that seemed to all group together whenever they could.

“Dragons?” Hanna asked more than answered.

“Yes. So, who is the wolf?”

“Dragons?” Hanna asked again, still feeling awkward at the attention.

“No. Well yes and no. Anyone, does anyone know who the wolf is?” Professor Folowitz asked, a tone of exasperation filling his voice.

“Children.” A word cut through the air, as everyone turned to Lykan Vita the only bronze suit wearer in the classroom. He was only to be here due to his translation abilities for Telka who was coming along quite well in her language immersion into Sidherthan society. But he was allowed to attend as it was clear that management also wanted him to commit to becoming an officer for the kingdom.

“Children, please explain?” Folowitz asked.

“It is a reminder to parents. They see their kids daily tending the fields, being one with the sheep. It is all too easy to forget that their children are not the sheep. Even though they live under your roof and learn how to live your life, they all have a chance at greatness. That chance at greatness is to bond with a dragon. When that happens, beware their return, for they are just as likely to kill you or your flock of sheep, as they are to be thankful for the lessons you taught them. Children are the wolf; their bonded dragon is the mate they eventually find and run off with.”

A chill filled the room as everyone listened to Lykan. Lykan for his part had become somewhat of a celebrity on campus. He was already a trusted figure for the homestead seven, all of whom seemed to worship the ground he walked upon. But now other students, officers and cadets alike all stared at him.

As he spoke many felt a shutter run down their spines as they saw the exact lessons the story they read was trying to warn them about with Lykan sitting right there. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, at least as far as the academy went. He was a man who managed to take down a dragon rider, before slaying a dragon in a one-on-one duel. Looking at him and the way he sat collectedly, made everyone realize the importance of the fable. Now whether it was their actual minds, or their subconsciouses that made the connection was irrelevant. Their minds on some level registered the true threat that was Lykan Vita.

“Exactly Correct. This is why the story has been altered slightly in other lands. No doubt we have heard the retelling where just inviting a wolf inside your house is enough to invite death. But Mr. Vita is correct, this is a Piran warning to parents. It is meant as a reminder that once your child surpasses you, do not expect them to be content with tending sheep.”

There was a pause. Then the chorus of bells began to ring out across the campus.

“Well, that looks like all we have time for today. Now if you will all follow me for the next assembly.”

Hearing this everyone got from their seats and began talking to each other. Almost on instinct the homestead seven congregated around Lykan, their savior and main reason everyone was able to attend the school.

“So does it ever get old? Having all these award ceremonies in your honor?” Javison asked Lykan.

Hearing this the other students who were around all turned to look at Lykan and the group of seven actual students who were gathering around him.

Lykan for his part just gave a disapproving head shake as a response. Truthfully, he hated the attention, that was part of why he was content with being just a regular bronze ranker, someone who was the same status as the staff and servants who worked in the background to make sure the magical academy ran smoothly.

The Academy was a key component for why Sidhertha was so successful. While many knew of the blimps and mechanical components that were forged and crafted in Sidhertha, most were only made possible thanks to magic. The academy always tried to push that more perfect union between technology and magic, seeing how each could be used to amplify the effects of the other.

The homestead seven, and Lykan were the last to leave the classroom. Lykan somehow being thrust to lead the homestead seven, who followed him like a flock of lost sheep. Looking at the different silver and gold uniforms following a man in a bronze uniform Professor Folowitz couldn’t help but feel his lesson for today was spot on. A chill ran down his spine as he analyzed the boy with his scanning skill.

Name Lykan Vita   Race Human   ClassWanderer   Age 16

Attribute Base Plus Modifier Total   Strength (6+8) 14   Awareness (7+8) 15   Mobility (9+8) 17   Intelligence (7+14) 21   Power (7+14) 21

Skill Rating   Universal linguist (Maximum)   Spear Mastery (Maximum)   Sword Mastery (Maximum)   Aerial Combat Novice   Bow Mastery Novice   Quick Step Sage         Universal Literacy (Maximum)   Regeneration (Maximum)   Meditation Sage         Focus (Maximum)   Aerial Movement Novice   Master Crafting Novice

Magical Abilities Rating   Energy Absorption (Maximum)   Energy Sensing (Maximum)   Energy Control Sage         Energy Alter Sage

A chill ran down the professor’s back as he took in just how phenomenal the boy truly was. He had many attributes that were pushed well past the human limits. Even elves who were known for their vastly superior intellects and power attributes would pale in comparison to his attributes. Worse looking at the attribute increases it was clear that he had performed some truly heroic feats in order to be recognized by the gods in such an outstanding way. There was also the fact that he never deviated from a path once he started. This was important to note, for a subbranch could only grow as high as the main branch went. So, while Aerial Combat and Bow Mastery were sub to his sword mastery, those two could only go as far as his sword mastery could go. The Sword mastery was in turn sub to Spear Mastery and Universal Linguist. To have so many evolved skills all at the maximum meant he had pushed himself daily in his pursuits of perfection.

“Truly remarkable.” Professor Folowitz muttered to himself.

Almost as if feeling the deeply penetrating gaze of the scan, Lykan turned to lock eyes with the professor. A chill ran down his spine from the sudden attention. Fortunately, the tension soon passed as Lykan upon recognizing the professor turned his head forward and continued walking. A few of the homestead seven also turned to notice that Professor Folowitz was there watching. Then they too turned their attention forward at the recognition.

Thinking about the ceremony that was about to take place, Professor Folowitz realized. This is what is best for our country.


The ceremony was both extremely long, with a long flowery speech by King Philipon of Sidhertha. Seeing the king caused everyone to grow tense. He was after all the one who ultimately ruled the military, and the Academy was adjacent to the Castle proper, but no one had ever seen the king. At least no one from the homestead seven. Javison thought he remembered seeing the king give a speech as a child, but he was much further away at the time. Looking out over the crowd of people who were assembled, he looked out and saw a number of villagers from all over the kingdom had come for this occasion. These occasions were often met with free food and a festival, so parents would come with their kids.

Looking out Javison saw quite a few kids resting on the necks of their fathers so they could see King Philipon even from a great distance. Seeing the kids made Javison realized just how far he had gone in a relatively short period of time. It had been less than a year since his house had been raided by bandits and he had been taken prisoner along with his father and mother to be sold off as slaves. Every night his mother would talk to him through the bars of the cell that held all the women. Every night his mother would tell him, “Don’t lose hope. We are not dead, and we still have each other.”

Fasting on hope, that was all he had to keep him going those days. Yet, just when he thought he would starve to death his prayers had been answered in the form of death. Lykan Vita came like an avenging forest spirit and slaughtered the Azani who took refuge in the woods that everyone else swore was haunted. They should have heeded the warnings, bad for them, good for us. Javison thought to himself as he realized how he had gotten here to this point.

He had come in with a four in Power, enough to be a high-end cadet. Then recently he passed the threshold to become an officer with a five in Power. He was so happy that he wrote home immediately telling his parents about his advancement and new promotion to officer. Now he wore the black and gold uniform of an officer candidate for the Magic Corps. This was all thanks to one man. Smiling he looked at the man who stood on the eves of the stage, waiting for his moment to be called out.

“…Now here is the man we all have heard so much about. The man who not only stopped an Azani death squad, but also managed to defeat a Royal Dragon guard in single combat, before slaying his dragon mount. I present to you Lykan Vita.”


Deafening applause could be heard as officers, cadets, and cadre alike all stomped their feet. The ground shook with violent tremors as everyone began to cheer for the person who was quickly making a name for himself here in Sidhertha.

Lykan began making his way across the stage in fluid movements that seemed almost too graceful to be natural. Seeing the boy, King Philipon beamed with a smile as he shook his hand vigorously so that everyone, even those in the back could see the grand gesture.

“Thank you, for bestowing honor and glory to this school and to this country. Now I know you came in as a mere bronze class. The first and barest step for our military.” The King began.

As he spoke Javison’s attention was captivated by a beauty who stood behind the king. Of course the queen was there, and while she was beautiful she was older. But the woman behind the king was Javison’s age, maybe a year older at most. Still looking at her, Javison couldn’t help but have his heart begin to beat faster. She was the very definition of beautiful, long flowing blond hair, blue eyes that sparkled under the sunlight and creamy pale skin. She was what Javison imagined an angel to look like, and she was on stage for all to see.

This was a rare occasion as few were granted the privilege of seeing the princess of Sidhertha. Of course, many had seen the three princes, the oldest being in the military as a general. The second being an arch magus for the Magi Corps. The third son was supposedly enrolled at the academy as a second or third year, but Javison had never seen him. As a first year this made sense as their classes would likely never intersect. Yet here the three princes were also standing behind the king and queen. So enraptured by identifying the people on stage was Javison, that he missed most of what happened next. Though he did hear the part about asking for a reward.

“Do you have any request? Just but name it, and it will be yours.” King Philipon said, and even gave a wave of his hand towards his eldest daughter with a wink. There were two other girls on the stage, both of whom were under ten years of age. They stood behind their older brothers looking out every once in a while, to see the hero who had been called up on stage.

“Well…” Lykan began, though he stopped himself a bit too embarrassed.

“Spit it out lad. Say it, ask for my daughter, a ducal title. The sky is the limit for one so promising as yourself.” The King said jovially.

Lykan looked like he was about to say something, but the king continued to add a sense of joviality to the meeting.

“Though I will warn you, that if you choose my daughter that you better take good care of her.” The king said, with that everyone burst out laughing.

Lykan paused and looked towards the princess who looked suddenly flustered at all the attention on her.

Seeing this Lykan smoothly covered, adding his own charisma and charm to the mix in order to avoid an awkward situation.

“You honor me too greatly. For me a bronze candidate to even be considered for such praise is beyond me. No instead I ask for something more befitting my station. All I ask for is a bow.” Lykan said.

“A bow? Like one for your pretty hair?” The king asked.


Lykan too laughed at the ease with which he seemed to be able to speak to the king. “No, a war bow. One that would even rival the Orc bows from the wild lands.” Lykan said.

Everyone knew of the type of bows that Lykan was talking about. The bows used by the Orcs were dense and powerful, easily able to fire arrows accurately two to three times farther than the most common of human bows. They were even able to fire farther and more accurately than the rifles being employed by the Sidherthan military. The only problem with the orc bows was their pull tension, it was far higher than a human could manage. Well, it was higher than the standard human could manage. Lykan with his astonishing fourteen in strength felt he should be able to perform the task. Especially because most orcs were believed to have a maximum strength of around twelve.

“You hear this. This man offered anything for slaying a dragon and preventing an international incident. As a reward he asks for a war bow.” The king paused as he turned to the audience, taking a step away from Lykan. It was clear this next part was for the audience. “Who here would follow such a humble man into combat?”

“I would!” Javison shouted, before he even realized he had spoken. With that multiple people also called out much to the same.

“You,” The king said, pointing to Javison and then to the others who all shouted out. “You are all officers, and yet you would follow this man? A man who single handedly took down a poison dragon?”

“Hell yeah!” An officer shouted from the far side. With that whoops and cheers.

“Language. There are children present.” King Philipon admonished good naturedly.


The king had an easy way to him. A way that made him both relatable and easy to trust.

“So you officers would follow such a man into combat. What about you, citizens in the back. Would you follow such a man into combat?” The king said, this time speaking to the common man who had all gathered and were separated by a sea of soldiers.

“Yes!” One man then more shouted.

“There you have it. The people have spoken, they would follow a bronze ranker into combat. You know what that means?”

“Make him an officer!” A man shouted from the back.

The king looked flustered for a second, then retorted back with shock on his face. “That man took my line.”


“But he is correct. There is only one thing possible. I know for a fact that the gods look highly upon those who conduct such feats like killing a legendary beast like a dragon. I also know that such acts are more than enough to increase one’s base attributes quite considerably. So even if someone had a base Power of 1, after such a legendary feat they should easily be able to meet a five. With that knowledge I am hereby waiving the need to retest Lykan Vita and am hereby field promoting him to be an Officer within the Magi Corps!” King Philipon said.

As he spoke Lykan’s face fell slightly.

Seeing this the king moved in, “you will not have to sign a new contract. But I can’t allow someone with more authority than an officer to enter into a command unit, it would be bad for morale. As such you will be promoted to an officer, something you should have been this entire time if I understand the facts correctly.” The King said, masking his voice to only be loud enough to be heard by Lykan under the thunderous applause.

Hearing that Lykan visibly relaxed.

“Thank you.”

“No thank you. Though seriously, give my daughter some thought. Being tied to this kingdom wouldn’t be the worst thing, would it?” The King asked. Glancing over to his daughter.

Lykan too felt his eyes drawn to the princess, and while he felt his heart flutter slightly, he managed to remain calm. “I have five years of loyal service ahead of me. I am not going anywhere.”

“For the moment.”

“For the moment.” Lykan confirmed.

Hearing this the king only gave an odd huff. “Well five years is a long time. Perhaps you will find love and wish to settle down.” The king offered.

“That is possible.” Lykan responded.

Hearing that, King Philipon just smiled and shook his head. It was clear he was not ready to let this topic drop, but felt he had done all he could do at this moment. The king turned back to the audience.

“With that, the official part is over. Everyone please welcome Lykan Vita as our newest Magi Officer candidate. We expect great things from him.”

The crowd burst into a ruckus applause.

After a few moments the king gave a gesture for everyone to calm down a bit. “Now the fun part that all of you came for can begin.”

“HOORAY!” Everyone shouted, as the king then gestured for a band to begin playing music.

King Philipon gestured for his family to come and greet the newest Magi officer candidate. Upon seeing the queen Lykan dipped to one knee and kissed the queen’s hand, much as one of the original magi knights of Sidhertha would have done in the past. Then raising up he greeted the three sons. Then once again dropped to a knee for the princess. The first princess looked flattered by the act. Though some of her emotion fled when she saw that he also did the same for her two younger sisters. Dropping to a knee and kissing each girl’s hand. This of course was noticed by the audience who gave out cries of awe at the sight of the former protectorate offering such a gesture to the two child princesses.

Finally after that, Lykan gave the royal family a chance to leave the stage. The king was of course the last to leave, gesturing for his excitedly bouncing daughters to get off the stage.

“He kissed me. A real knight kissed me.” Larela, the youngest princess said excitedly, waving her hand like it was covered in shiny gems, as she all but bounced off the sage. King Philipon for his part just gave a smile. Then he gave one final wave to the audience, and a gesture to Lykan that said he would expect to see him later, the king left, and the festival officially began.


Silver Beard

you are kinda weak on transitions between viewpoints. Make bigger markers. Lykan kissed a lot... but I assume it was a wrist from OUR RL history... but if you had something different.. kiss on the lips or some such you need to spelll that out. Either/or doesn't explain the youngest.


As always, thank you for the insights. I have made changes, let me know what you think and please keep the suggestions coming.