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Chapter 8


Of course, I am where I am supposed to be hours before I am in fact supposed to be here. Being fifteen minutes early is one thing, being fifteen hours early is another thing entirely.


Sadly, I think I am closer to the former versus the latter in this case, as it is clearly night out and I only now realize that I am dressed in all black, with a complementary black mask and I just randomly for all intents and purposes appeared outside a medieval style castle wall. A wall guarded by mages and magicians who no doubt noticed the fluctuations of mana in the air and are going to come out and investigate.


Realizing that this was likely one of those moments where if I ran, I would look guilty, and if I stayed I might look like a burglar scoping out the property, I realized that this was going to be one of those days. So ultimately, I just decided to stand still and see who, if anyone I recognized, would come out to observe me.


Standing here, I realize I likely could have avoided this whole situation, had I just waited until a more descent hour. However, I couldn’t account for time dilation, if there was such a thing as time zones in this world, and so on.


Also, I was getting really claustrophobic within the confines of that old Ancient facility, meaning that if I could get out and interact with people. Particularly people who could wield magic, I was all for it. That was of course until I got here, only to realize that anyone that was using magic was likely casting spells at a much higher ranking than I was.


Pausing, with excitement I realized that I was now close to unlocking either the Magic Eye, and no not the one that could see hidden objects when you blurred your eyesight just right. Rather, I was at a C rank for my Perception attribute now, which meant that once I chose a specialization, I could choose a path that helped me to see through the Illusions of others.


That was my first idea, until I remembered that I had a perfectly good Intermediate level spell that would do the same and so much more.


Reflexively I cast the Arcane Repair specialization spell that I had mastered to this point.


Perfect Cast: Intermediate Disruption Field


By just casting the spell, I feel a field of what could best be described as static electricity spring up around me. Of course, that is assuming that a static field was capable of disrupting the mana and stamina regeneration capabilities of individuals who entered said field. Along with being able to actively identify anyone attempting to sneak into the field without my notice.




For a moment I thought about stopping myself. About just finding a spot nearby in the woods and taking a quick nap. Particularly while it was still midnight out and this was likely the best time that I could get some sleep that I would likely need desperately in the coming day.


Unfortunately, I was even now, still too anxious to sleep. Even if I was in my self-cleaning bed in my personally assigned room at the Ancient’s lair, I knew sleep would be elusive. That or worse, it would be elusive long enough until it was finally time to actually be awake and aware of the ceremonies going on, at which point I could see myself sleeping through them.


As such I am here now,  feeling the faintest breeze of the night brushing past me, telling me just how alone I am.




Of course, I only thought I was alone, until I felt the mental tingle of someone entering my Intermediate Grade and highly specialized Disruption Field spell. One that put me as a premier debuffer on the battlefield, well it would place me as one, once I get recognized for my abilities.


Turning to the source of the intrusion, I see a figure that sends shivers down my spine. It is the spymaster herself, Lady Von’Graysing, an expert of assassinations and information gathering.


Seeing her suddenly revealed by my Disruption Field, I can’t help but feel both flattered and the need to quickly deescalate this situation.


Turning towards her, I bow completely, knowing that so long as my DF is up, she will not be able to hide or otherwise mask her presence or escape.


Realizing that this type of mitigation will completely hamper most assassins, I take the moment to formerly bow to the spymaster herself.


 “Lady Von’Graysing, I must say it is a pleasure to formerly greet you.” I say, bowing deeply at the spymaster.


With that, the spymaster looks momentarily flustered at the sudden change of events. No doubt she would have tried to sneak up behind me to speak from a position of power, likely with a blade to my throat and at the base of my spine. The fact that I managed to create a distortion field around me that both negated her stealth, and was now draining on her stamina would likely be causing her to reevaluate me.


That and the fact that I suddenly appeared out of nowhere in completely black clothing and a black mask that is illuminated by my glowing eyes, that are still undergoing my change in status as an Ancient, and it is little wonder why the spymaster would suddenly look flustered. But that look of being flustered lasted for only a moment, before she quickly recovered, her hands putting away the two daggers that she had been wielding a moment ago.


Then it was just her and me.


Well the two of us here, I had no doubt that others were watching this interaction from far away. Particularly as I saw the signs of Spatial Magic being cast nearby, just a sensory traversal spell. One that transferred multiple senses to a distant location. Crude, but effective. Clearly this caster had not painstakingly gone through thousands of forum threads and posts, found the appropriate power combinations of letters and then spent parts of the last six months perfecting the casting of said spell.


Apparently my eyes gave me away, as I had slightly turned to face the new Spatial Magic Spell, and taken my eyes off of the assassin before me.


“For someone who knows of my name and reputation, you seem to be highly distracted.” Lady Von’Graysing begins.


“Sorry, it is not meant in any way to show that I fear you or your abilities any less, but rather I am always curious about the intention of others who send their senses out to listen in on the conversations conducted by a spymaster like yourself.” I state, then give a slight gesture to the spell that is slowly being ripped apart by my Disruption Field.


Seeing the spell clearly, Lady Von’Graysing just seems to nod. “You seem to have me at a disadvantage. I must admit normally I am not accustomed to taking on prospective candidates for my order. Especially, when they act as brazenly as you, but I must admit that you have more than piqued my curiosity. If you would like, we could continue this interview within my chambers.”


Hearing that, I can’t help but chuckle slightly.


Knowing the spymaster and her lair, I would quickly be taken in as a prisoner and either tortured for information or be left to rot while inquiries were made about me and my true identity. Neither of which I wished to happen at this time.


“Ah, Lady Von’Graysing, you honor me with even being considered for such a position. Alas, I must decline, as it is my intention to try to audition for one of the magical scholarships that will be provided later today.” I stated wholly, knowing that any slight deviation from the truth can and will be picked up on by the spymaster.


With that Lady the spymaster just stares at me for a moment, then even she lets her eyes flicker towards the disintegrating sensory spell. Seeing the fact that the spymaster has taken the time to seemingly ask for guidance from the spell caster, if only via a simple eye flicker, I mentally narrow down the sources.


Logically the caster has to be one who specializes in Spatial Magic, one of the rarer forms of magic. Not that it is the rarest, just rarer. Also the fact that most of the truly talented Spatial mages work in the major cities providing mass transportation for goods and resources around the continent and we are left with only a handful of mages left at the university capable of such a feat. Then narrowing that down even further to fellow practitioners that the spymaster would likely defer to, and we are left with just two choices. Though the first one would have likely started attacking already.


The fact that this Spatial mage is just sitting back and watching denotes a level of slow confidence that is only obtained after years of being a public figurehead.


“I take it, that is the President of the University, Magister Carthwright himself?” I ask, though my tone and inflection come across more as a statement.




The sound of clapping can be heard from the other end of the listening spell. “Bravo, bravo indeed.”


With that I nod, as if this was all to be expected.


“You still have me at a disadvantage, for clearly you know of both myself and our illustrious headmaster, but we do not know about yourself.” Lady Von’Graysing states, her voice sounding calm, but I know this is the voice she uses when she is about to strike out decisively.


Realizing the perilous nature that I am currently facing, I quickly bow then speak.


“Please forgive my impertinence. My name is Lady Laurain.” I begin.


“Lady Laurain?” The Spymaster asks for clarification. This is good as it shows that she notes that this is in fact my system accepted last name. The prefix Lord or Lady before a name, always insinuates that the following name is a last name. In the case of names that begin with the Von prefix, it implies that the owner of the name is an owner of land and should be respected as nobility for a particular region. The fact that my last name does not have the Von prefix and that I am only noted as Lady implies that my family is either small, has fallen on hard times, or I have been disowned by said family.


While all of those situations are bad, and place me at barely more than a commoner, the act of having a last name at all is a huge benefit as I or as is more often the case, some great distant relative managed to do something that was worthy of recognition from the system.


In my case it was just a matter of me proving my affinity for Arcane Repair magic, and knowing all five known Arcane Repair magic spells, and most of their perfect beginner and intermediate forms. I also know the perfect form for the Advanced iteration of Bolt, but that is a different subject entirely. Especially as I am a long way away from being able to cast the Advanced iterations of spells, as that requires an Intelligence and Magic attribute rating of A+ or higher and an A+ rating in the chosen affinity. That said, I can feel the forms coming to me and know that they are close. Just a few more years of practice, as I know the speed and rate of success that I have managed to achieve to this point are unsustainable, particularly if I don’t want to go crazy in the meantime.


There is a moment of silence as everyone seems to take in my comments.


I for one know that the Laurain family is not recorded and does not exist within the standard structure of this world. So either the characters will adapt and be able to read the code on the backend, or they will reluctantly accept knowing that it can be verified by a quick scan. The same intrusive scanning that would be performed if I was to become a student, or they could turn me away at this very moment.


Though I hope I have proven myself to be interesting enough to want to keep around.


“This spell that you have active,” The voice of the Headmaster begins, “from what school of magic does it hail from?”


With that I smile slightly, though I know that no one other than I can see this gesture for what it is, with my facemask in place. Still I can’t help but answer with my own form of trickery.


“You wish for me to divulge secrets? Secrets that even the vaunted Headmaster and Spymaster of the premier magical university don’t know? And all for what, for free? Surely such information would normally cost you some resources, at the very least.” I state, directing my reply not to the Headmaster’s disassociated voice, but rather back to the Spymaster.


Hearing me, the spymaster lets out a faint smile, little more than the slight wisps that one might expect from the Mona Lisa, but they are there nonetheless, if you know what to look for. This is good, as it is the true smile of the spymaster, and not one of the myriad of fake overly social smiles she often exhibits to instill trust in people.


Seeing her, I hold my breath as I wait for what will happen next.


“I agree, such knowledge would normally come with a price. Tell me, what is your price for such knowledge?” She asks.


With that, I answer truthfully, then wait.


“I want a full magic scholarship, paid in full for all four years. Room, board, text, tuitions, and advancements.” Hearing me give out my list of demands, I see the moment that I apparently cross the line as her face hardens slightly as she is clearly no longer interested.


“I will also tell you that this field around me, is also part of the same school of magic that can produce this...” I state, my voice trailing off as I hold out my hand for show, and release a Perfect, but Beginner’s Arcane Repair Bolt.




The spell fires off, wisps of glowing purple light glowing brightly in the nighttime as the bolt whisks past the sensory portal and onto its intended destination a tree that is more than three hundred meters away.




There the spell lands with an intense supernova of light that explodes out for a moment, before the tree that I had aimed at is visibly broken and carved apart by the blast.




Everyone is quiet for a moment as the visuals of what just happened are witnessed.


“Was that Illusion ma…”then just as the headmaster was about to speak, gravity caught up to the now off balanced tree as it began to first tilt, before it toppled and crashed to the ground.


Thump, crackle, BOOM!


Once again there is a silence as everyone just stares at the now fallen large tree. A tree that I know for a fact falls over as part of a troll invasion here shortly, so I didn’t permanently alter the storyline. But rather I just made this visual portion occur a few months before it was originally slated to occur.


Finally, the spymaster was the first to recover.


“Okay, I think we can work something out…” she began, but I held up one finger.


“I wasn’t done, there is still one more demand I will need to have before this transaction can be completed.”


 At that I see the spymaster standing still waiting for me to give my final demand, a demand that might make or break these negotiations permanently.


Drawing in a breath to calm myself and my racing heart, I pause and center myself. Then I give out my final demand.


“I will also need…”




Thx for the chapter - nice negotiation strategy 😎 and good cover up for the impatient arrival 👍👍 Now, what more do she want … diplomatic immunity, shielding from the crown, protection from the male npcs?


LOL, those are all good options, but no what she wants is a lot smaller but something that is ultimately more impactful. Also, thank you for reading.