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Chapter 30


Frank had mentally prepared himself for a myriad of options that he would perform, depending on the actions taken by those that now held him captive.


The longer he took to get acclimated to his current state of being, the more he found himself drawing in energy from the disrupting source of energy that lay directly behind him. As he drew in the foreign source of energy, Frank felt a darker connection forming in him. Now that he knew what to look for, for the slight differences in dark energy types, Frank knew that this new source of energy was from the dark male in the corrupted woods. The figure with the glowing red eyes that seemed to hint at facial features that never quite seemed to manifest from below the cover of the hood.


With such a source of energy nearby Frank found himself drawing in the energy and using it to fill his body with power. Power that would be set in motion throughout his body. Power that needed to be constantly moving, lest it begin to break down and degrade his body.


That was the key to dark energy, movement. At least, if he wanted to continue to live, he would need to forever manage to continually push the dark energy through his body, lest it be given a chance to corrupt and degrade his body at the root.


So immersed in this process of taking in the different form of dark energy so much that it was all he could do to just stay still. Too much movement would give away just how much energy he could exert on his restraints. Restraints that even without taking the time to erode or degrade the materials by letting lose dark energy on the restraints, he was more than capable of escaping from.


The only problem of course was that he was not alone. While he was fairly certain he could destroy a way out of here. He was also certain that should he attempt to leave he would be hunted down by many high powered cultivators.


Knowing that while he was under close scrutiny he would not be able to escape, he was content to just continue to absorb the alternate form of dark energy that was being provided to him. With this energy he would have more than enough energy to break free, if needed.


Then just as he was content to sit around and wait, those that were monitoring him threw a monkey wrench into his plans.


For just as he was content to leave here on his own if needed, that’s when they brought her back in.


Badump, badump.


The dark energy that had fused with his blood cried out at the sympathetic energy that was now present. Energy that called out to him and filled him with a deep connection that even now he could feel reaching out from his body to the noted individual.




Then the moment she too became aware of Frank’s energy she stopped.




Only the silent squeaking of wheels rolling and moving hundreds of pounds of pressure on the ground could be heard.


Even the technicians, all powerful cultivators in their own rights, remained completely quiet as they took in the look of absolute openness that filled Constance’s face.


Despite his best efforts, Frank felt compelled to look up as well, to lock gazes with her.


Their eyes met, and then he could swear there was a look of longing, relief, and then need that seemed to fill her eyes as she looked at Frank.


Frank for his part just stared back, going from the completely vacant look he had been exhibiting to this point and instead letting his face bely his own concern.


You’re okay?” The deep sensual tones of a female filled his mind as he noticed that the energy that had reached out and connected himself to the patient, to his Constance, was now being repurposed. Now rather than just being linked through a form of energetic attractions, he felt that same linking energy being used to form a mental connection from Constance to his mind.


“You,” was all Frank managed to say out loud before he heard her speak again, once again directly to his mind.


Not out loud, never out loud.” This last thought came as more of an order than a wish.


Hearing it, Frank felt the slight push of energy, before he felt the energy crash into his mind, only to be broken apart by the constantly cycling energy from within his own body. Energy that desperately seemed to be at odds with the alternate energy source that up until earlier today, he never even knew existed.


Though to be fair, he was relatively new to the world of cultivating as a whole.


Hearing the command for what it was, Frank felt a surge of rage grow in him, as he found himself speaking out loud.


“No!” Frank didn’t yell, he didn’t need to. Instead, the fact that he spoke out against the commands of the clearly higher level vampire spoke volumes.




The technicians that were still in attendance balked at the sight.




Even normally stoic Constance seemed to be surprised by the sudden declaration of defiance from Frank.


“You need to stop, lest you draw her attention.” The mental voice of Constance came through his mind.


It was clear from the tone of her mental suggestions that she was worried about Frank. Yet, Frank didn’t care.


“No, I don’t care if I do draw her attention.” Frank answered out loud, his eyes locking defiantly with Constance’s.


Their eyes stared at each other for a moment, then finally after a second Constance was the one to break contact first by looking down and away.


“Now what was all of this about?” General Graves said, his commanding voice echoing into the chamber from hidden speakers in the walls. Though Frank was fairly certain that the General was behind a fake wall. Trying to remember the layout of the floor on the way in, and finding what he felt to be the largest energy signature, Frank turned his head to look directly at the General. Or at least directly at the spot where he thought the general was standing.


“The subject created a mental link, where they tried to exert a form of mental control over me to only respond via the link.” Frank answered.


Then after pausing for a second Frank continued, “though I assume this is what you wanted to see, if I would succumb to the mental suggestions posed by her?” Frank asked, flicking his eyes towards Constance.


Don’t, they’ll take you away from me. From us.” With that, I could feel Constance trying to press her commands deep within my mind. However, I felt the commands sink in, only to be eroded away a second later as the diametrically opposed energies clashed within my body.


“You’re still trying to control me?” Frank asked, a note of annoyance in his voice as he turned to Constance.


Constance for her part looked almost apologetic, before ultimately lowering her head in supplication.


“So you don’t feel the need to be quiet? To submit to the will?” The General’s commanding voice echoed in the laboratory room.


“I do feel it, it is there a slight nagging force. But can I avoid it? Yes.” Frank stated.


With that the tension in the room rose, as everyone waited.


The technicians were left waiting for orders, orders that apparently wouldn’t come. As for Frank, he felt the residual energy of the stone that he had been tied against slowly being drained away.


Mentally Frank calculated that the amount of energy needed to advance now would be at least two to three times greater through each level of the Blood Cultivation realm as was required to get through the far easier to control Body Cultivation realms.


Frank for his part just sat there, knowing that if he didn’t have the dark cultivator’s energy pulsing through him, or if he had been a little more hesitant with cultivating the secondary form of dark energy that he himself would likely be subject to the whims of Constance.


Feeling her dark caress on his mind, Frank couldn’t help but feel slightly disgusted at the idea. Looking at Constance, Frank couldn’t help but feel repulsed by the whole ordeal.


Here he was, trying to do the right thing, trying to cure the monster, a creature that everyone but Dr. Evans thought of as a monster, and he actually tried. He stuck his neck out, and tried to heal her of her afflictions, only for her to then try to control him. To dominate his mind into submission.


It wasn’t like that. You must believe me.” The foreign thoughts of Constance came to his mind. This time he could feel the faint forms of energy being used. To make matters worse, her response showed that she had read his mind, a complete violation of his privacy.


I’m sorry, I can’t help it. What you did linked us together. We are bound.” She responded.


Though the more she spoke to his mind, the more he saw the way the alternate forms of energy still existed. The way they linked him to Constance. Focusing on that connection, on that bonded form of energy Frank found the connection and then made sure to cycle the alternative form of dark energy right near that foreign connection.




There was the sound of something snapping in his mind. Yet, before he could get too far into allowing his mind to relax, he heard a cry.




The muffled scream of the monster, Constance, cried out, her cries of pain muffled by the giant gag that filled her mouth.


With that a tension that he didn’t even know he had suddenly began to fade as Frank was left just staring at the convulsing girl, a faint glare of anger filling his mind as he realized that he had been played. That the monster before him had looked to take advantage of his kindness, of his want to help, and had twisted it.


This time Frank couldn’t help the look of anger that crossed his face as he stared at Constance.


Constance for her part looked bad, dark thick blood poured down her nose as both cried out in pain, and seemed to actually look on with fear and longing at Frank.


Seeing the tactic for what it was, Frank felt his heart grow cold at the attempt. Rather than wishing to help the monster, he could only see her for what she truly was. A monster waiting for you to drop your guard so she could slink in behind and try to plant the basis for mind control within his psyche.


Only now, after seeing everything that happened. After seeing that he had in fact been taken advantage of by a monster, a pretty monster, one powered by unearthly beauty and charms, but a monster nonetheless. It was only now that Frank could understand the restraints.


Now he understood the reason for caution when dealing with him and his awakening. Apparently, at some point when he had been passed out, trying to break through between realms, that was when the monster sunk her teeth in, and bit down hard.


“What is happening?” One of the technicians asked, fear clearly etched on their face as they stared at the now bleeding vampire elder who was equal parts in pain, while also pleading seductively with her eyes.


“That is our newest operative breaking the mental link that bound him to an elder vampire.” General Graves’ calming voice replied back over the speakers. “That is, unless I have completely lost my understanding for what is happening in that room.”


With that the three technicians first looked towards the still flailing and now going so far as to cry bloody tears Constance, to the completely calm Frank.


Well, calm wasn’t the exact word. As this was the slow burn calm that came before a storm. The calm that spoke of thinly veiled violence that was set to erupt at a moment’s notice.


The fact that Frank was outclassed by the monster manipulator was extremely evident for him to realize right now. In fact, Frank was fairly certain that even at his utmost the monster would be able to survive. Though he was certain of at least one point that had been established since he got here, namely that he could if given enough time and practice cause damage to the monster.


Not that this was something he hoped for, but this did go and show just how much more Frank had to go. Yes, he had broken through to the realm of Blood cultivation, as had everyone else here, if not far higher.


He was nothing, in fact he was little more than a boy attempting to play savior.


“I think we are done with the experiment.” General Graves stated.


For a moment the technicians looked confused, switching glances from Frank to Constance and back.


“What would you like us to do?” One of the lead technicians asked, a male that seemed to have both affinities for Healing and Fire cultivation.


“Return the monster to her cell.” The general replied, his voice still echoing in from speakers all around the room.


With that two of the technicians began moving the gurney holding Constance back. This time Frank saw in slow motion how the dark energy from Constance once again reached out and tried to make contact with his mind and body.


Seeing the attempt for what it was, Frank was prepared, even going so far as to violently swipe away the attempt with a concentrated form of alternate dark energy.




This time just like the last, Constance cried out in pain from the strike as Frank could see the remains of the tendril of energy that reached out towards him get burned away down to a crisp nub.


With the second attempt, Frank once again let anger burn in his eyes as he could only stare violence towards the retreating monster’s back.


Now Frank was once again left in the room with just one Technician. While this one was arguably the weakest of the three cultivators, it was clear that his power ranking should be more than adequate to deal with Frank.


“And for the boy?” The third technician asked.


“Let him down,” the General stated.


“You sure?” The remaining technician asked, a note of incredulity to his voice.


“You know what, never mind. Cadet Fotos, I order you to break away from that gurney.” The General commanded.


Hearing the words, Frank realized that this was another test, could only feel the need to acquiesce. Hiding his true potential now would only come back to haunt him later. Not that revealing the fact that he could have broken away at any time would be seen with anything but fear.


Snap, rip, pop.


Not giving himself too much time to think about the order, Frank went and did as commanded. He easily broke through, tearing away at the cords that bound him and had been holding him vertically in place.




Frank landed, his feet slightly weak for a moment, before his mind and balance took over, letting him stand back up to his full height in a matter of seconds. This was his first step as a Blood Realm Cultivator and the differences were, well concerning. Though Frank felt that most of these changes were due to his having been restrained in a vertical resting position for too long, without any real way to allow his mind and body to fully adapt to the changes.


The technician looked confused for a moment, then proceeded to flee as if Frank was a carrier of the plague. Though given that he now boasted not one, but two different dark affinities, such an observation was not unfounded.


However, before the Technician could leave the room and run for terror, a voice of reason called out and instructed the technician to perform a simple test.


“Dr. Miller,  please get a reading of the power output of the dark stone.” General Graves commanded.


With that the Technician, Dr. Miller apparently, looked at Frank like he was a wild monster that would lash out at any moment.


Seeing his concern, Frank just took a few steps away, allowing the Technician to feel momentarily safe at the increased distance between the two of them. Then and only then did Dr. Miller pull out a specialty macrometer, a tool designed to gauge the power output of any source of energy. This was the standard variant that could be placed against a solid non-organic object to measure radioactive flow and decay rates.


Slight static.


Just pulling out the object caused the machine to whistle to life as it took in ambient readings of energy within the room. No doubt reading some of the lingering threads of dark energy that Frank had burned away, threads that had at one point bound him to Constance.


Reading the residual pressure of the room, the technician spoke.


“Fairly standard, if low residual readings from a vampire elder having been in the room.” Dr. Miller noted, then pulling the wand around he spun towards the exact source where Frank had been strapped. There against the spot next to his head, next to the strange secondary source of energy that even now Frank could feel pulsing in his body, Dr. Miller placed the instrument, then paused.




Taking the needle back, he shook it out, then held it loosely in the air, where he managed to once again get a residual reading of energy in the air. Then nodding to himself, he once again slowly reached forward to gauge the residual energy of the alternate dark source.




The machine that had been beeping slightly due to signs of residual energy, suddenly went still.


“There, there must be some mistake. It is reading that there is no energy. I think the instrument must be broken.” The Technician began, fear creeping into his voice.


“No, I believe you have proven that the macrometer is fully functional. No, these is one very clear reason for the reading you are now getting.” General Graves began.


“Which is?”


“The very recruit that you are currently with.” General Graves pressed.


Hearing this Frank couldn’t help but feel like he was the source of mockery. The Technician was clearly frightened of him, while the General seemed to have figured out some of his secrets. He figured out that Frank could not only break free from the restraints that bound him at any time, but he also noticed that Frank had somehow managed to absorb all of the alternate dark energy from the repulsion stone. A stone that had apparently been assumed to be completely safe up to this point.


Suddenly the Technician seemed to come to this realization on his own as well, as he too seemed to pause as fear gripped him and forced him to take another step back in fear.




There was a moment of silence as Frank wondered what the cornered cultivator would do, realizing that he would only be able to mildly defend himself if the Technician decided to react to his fear violently. For this Frank waited, then finally a voice of reason called out.


“So what do we do now?”